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Everything posted by PsyGoatDelic

  1. "good quality melodic full-on" that will be on the science fiction section
  2. I got an offer for this album... the guy holds couple of copies... cuz it's rare, limited edition and "never played" condition he want's around 50$(US) for it... god I hate greedy people! (didn't expected it from this guy)
  3. great guy! i think it's my second deal (or third?) with pedro... i'm having a strange feeling of deja vu... i think there are two topics for feedbacking pedrop i swear i feedbacked him somewhere...
  4. Damn!!! where did you get that? I've went all the way to ray looking for it...
  5. Ubar Tmar - Eigou Kaiki (Panorama Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/327236 Ju-Ju Space Jazz - Shloop (Matsuri Productions) http://www.discogs.com/release/35823 thank you Mr. Pedrop
  6. sounds like you are looking for.... psy-cemetery
  7. so you are the brother?
  8. as a jew I find the name and the icons being used on their picture quite offensive. graveyard photo... so ridicules! and surely not suitable to the trance scene the foolish symbol combination & REALLY BAD name picking is very ignorant and childish but really... but give it a rest, OD made a really good point here. just ignore them and their music and that’s it, stop provoking them! I don't think it will change anything, certainly wont add us good credit points
  9. thanks, thats Tulip the sexy dog when he was in the army

  10. i think you should look at the amount of people who own the cd comparing to the number of people who want the cd... for example: http://www.discogs.com/release/3719 64 own <=> 60 want
  11. Second (? ) trade with pat went just great! cds arrived well packed in superb condition thanks a lot!
  12. this well oiled german machine working "tip-top" what more can I say than "PERFECT"
  13. Technossomy - Synthetic Flesh (Flying Rhino Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/165392 Shakta - Of The Essence / Zevel Boy images (Dragonfly Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/96454 Rip'n'eiji - Tengu Moon (Creative Space Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/492253 O.O.O.D. - A Live (Completely Cabbaged) http://www.discogs.com/release/142092 Prana - Geomantik (Matsuri Productions) http://www.discogs.com/release/84218 Sri Hari - Rising Sign (Bhaktivedanta Book Trust) http://www.discogs.com/release/238797 Various - Squeech (Faerie Dragon Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/689303 Various - Party Outlaw Trance Vol.1 (Black Flame) http://www.discogs.com/release/192173 Nervasystem - 13 Amp Fusion (Process Productions) http://www.discogs.com/release/69247 BALAGAN in the post office!!!
  14. http://www.discogs.com/release/121865 Various - Psychovader (Apoxina Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/230538 Scozbor - Scozbor (Devic Craft Cordings) http://www.discogs.com/release/769637 Odd Harmonic - S.S Porta-Ambience (Dada Stream Publishing) http://www.discogs.com/release/23491 Various - Beats And Beyond (Surreal Audio) http://www.discogs.com/release/223664 Various - Angelic Science (Surreal Audio) http://www.discogs.com/release/752578 Salakavala - Fractal Fishing (Faerie Dragon Records)
  15. anyone?
  16. Hi, I'm looking for this album for ages... Rip Van Hippy - When Bernie Was A Tree (Psy-Harmonics) http://www.discogs.com/release/473315 anyone (perhaps the Oozies?) know where to get it? will buy or trade... thanks. Moti
  17. Silk - GM Telephone / Blue Chip http://www.discogs.com/release/137096 Swan & Spacey - Moonlight http://www.discogs.com/release/130751
  18. tell me dear friend can you get Tromesa's second album? http://www.discogs.com/release/581956
  19. BUMP!!! back from india and back to buisness
  20. it's about time that someone will bring back the lost respect of the Isratrance (along with the new Sun-Trip comp with Afgin's track) well done Bhaya!
  21. i left them out on purpose... didn't liked them. and maybe this will save my ass from the mindbogglingly huge law suit New TIP World would make against me for breaking their copyrights
  22. i feel like a pirate hope i wont get sued for copyrights
  23. means that everything is possible...
  24. Thanks a lot mate!! now,about stock... have you ever hear of "sub kutch milega"? I'm in nepal though but this also works here
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