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Everything posted by stupidfatugly

  1. Rapidshare would do the job
  2. In his nike kicks no less.
  3. Psylent Buddhi - In the Stream
  4. Haha, great, thanks! Thought the image was lost forever
  5. Younger Brother - Weird on a Monday Night
  6. Freestyle Fellowship - Blood/Bullies of the Block
  7. Phreaky - Over the Moon Fantastic track
  8. Magic & Witchcraft - Stareye
  9. Ghreg on Earth - WithInfinite
  10. You mean this one? http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=53715
  11. Haha Toï doï - Nuage d'encens Don't think you'll be able to do the same this time
  12. Haha. Thanks for the laugh.
  13. The Future Sound of London - Yage
  14. I reckon so. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/baq/baq1cd014.html
  15. Benza - The Wolf (Eurovisionary Mix)
  16. Also, how could I forget. Pretty much all the songs on Cybernetika - Nanoshperic
  17. All the ones I would have said have already been mentioned. So i'll just add, Psykovsky - Wishful Sinful
  18. Battle of the Future Buddhas - The Other Way Around
  19. Wow, that's a mind blowing cast
  20. Eat Static - Interceptor (Parts 1 & 2)
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