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Everything posted by stupidfatugly

  1. stupidfatugly


    More like 100 on a scale of 10. It really is an incredible marriage of visuals and sound. May be my favorite film of all time. Certainly in the top.
  2. The Infinity Project - The Answer
  3. The Poisonous Square is a Derango track. NP Luomuhappo - Midihikipaja (extended)
  4. X-Ecutioners - A Journey Into Sound
  5. Pleiadians - IFO for 166$ and Xenomorph - Cassandras Nightmare for 100$
  6. Here you go
  7. Lol at the amazon reviews. "Real underground music!" You want some real underground music, try the schlabbaduerst comps.
  8. Magic & Witchcraft - Spiral
  9. Haha. Ok, heres an easy one. What album has track titles that are mostly made up of symbols?
  10. Shirley and Spinoza - These Guys
  11. Haha! Great, now I have to think of one...
  12. Xylamanda?
  13. Filteria - The Snail Keeps Crawling...
  14. Hujaboy - Too Much Too Soon
  15. Cool, thanks for the suggestions.
  16. General Fuzz- Mellow Drama
  17. Any particular releases you would recommend?
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