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Everything posted by stupidfatugly

  1. Im still catching up on getting all the music from the heyday. So yeah, I feel the same way. Even more so.
  2. Jikkenteki - Running Start
  3. Jikkenteki - The Long Walk Home Never gets old Also Steve Roach and Vir Unis - Blood Machine
  4. Clint Mansell - Together we will Live Forever Why am I listening to this, it only depresses me
  5. Clint Mansell - Death is the Road to awe
  6. Darcy Odrai - Price Gouging
  7. +1 Nice lolcat placement. Even though I could detect the sarcasm.
  8. You're welcome!
  9. Canibus - Poet Laureate II
  10. Nice! Djinnestan - Rain 1
  11. Electrypnose - Subliminal Melancholies
  12. Shpongle - When Shall I be Free?
  13. A few more net labels Amduscias Records, Treetrunk Records, Enough Records, Dark Winter Records, Earth Mantra Records... So much free music!
  14. I wanted to keep it all to myself! But now thanks to abasio, the secrets out!
  15. It's funny how music can trigger memories. Personally the saddest songs for me are Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard - Now we are Free, and Clint Mansell - Together we Live Forever. Those are sad for me because of the memories that's associated with them. Right before my girlfriend broke up with me, I made a slideshow of pictures of a trip we went on together, and I used those two songs in it. But she broke up with me before I showed it to her. So whenever I hear those songs, I'm reminded of her, and all the good times we shared, and am saddened because we are no longer sharing those good times...
  16. Indeed, its a great label!
  17. No problem abasio Yeah, I discovered this label quite awhile ago. Lots of good ambient. You should download The Nature of Light - A Lullaby for Madisen too. It's very relaxing. I also recommend Saluki Regicide - Dematerialized, Saluki Regicide - Actress, and Saluki Regicide - Mirage Emigrants. Also the rain series is nice for long form ambient. And I like pretty much everything that C.P. McDill is involved in. Another good net label is TZP Drone Company Most of the stuff on there is long form droning ambient.
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