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Everything posted by stupidfatugly

  1. Splogman - Metempsychosis
  2. Not Daniel Johnston - What the Devil
  3. Tree Helicopter - Prairie Fire
  4. California Sunshine - Born Again
  5. Battle of the Future Buddhas - Reversed Vertigo Complex
  6. Battle of the Future Buddhas Ka-Sol Electrypnose Ghreg on Earth Toi Doi
  7. Lilith - P.L.U.R. 2008 Remix
  8. Nello - Unreleased album
  9. Purosurpo - Weirdo Wondering Wood Worlds
  10. Materia Confusa - Nautilus
  11. Prometheus - Arcadia Magik
  12. Total Eclipse - Space Clinic
  13. I think you two need to get a room haha
  14. Sandman - Ghostrider (Time Tunnel Remix)
  15. Interesting indeed! Thanks for the link!
  16. http://www.saikosounds.com
  17. Well, since theres no "this weeks hilarious covers" i put it in here Its stupidly hilarious!
  18. Diamanda Galas - Ewenoyme
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