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Everything posted by stupidfatugly

  1. Ott - Jack's Cheese and Bread Snack
  2. Holy Crap @ Kai-Q's list! Only 2 cds for me Venetian Snares - Rossz Csillag Alatt Született L.S.G. - Into Deep
  3. Steve Roach & Vir Unis - Neural Connection
  4. Principles of Flight - Shivering at the Sound
  5. Eat Static - Science of the Gods
  6. Ginormous - To Reveal Interior
  7. Dejan vs Jellyheadz (aka Many Face) - Freakin' six-pack!
  8. Ghreg on Earth - Unrealized Reality
  9. Ka-Sol - Energy+1 Intense... The last part of this track is just...
  10. California Sunshine - Tokyo Underground
  11. +1 Everything old is new again! Shaolin Wooden Men - A Binary Input To Flesh Antenna Man, this track takes me on one freaky trip!
  12. The Zen Potato - Hi, My Name is Leshna
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