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Everything posted by stupidfatugly

  1. Para Halu - The Invisible Hunter (In the Jungle)
  2. Jikkenteki - Temporary Distractions
  3. Shaolin Wooden Men - The Icons Made Flesh
  4. You won't be disappointed. It's a very eerie and unsettling album... np Zoolog - Menace to Society
  5. Xenomorph - Harbingers of Extinction
  6. Shaolin Wooden Men - They Creep Like Dot Coms
  7. I like Ka-Sol too He just may be my favorite artist... Not sure though. Ghost Stories is indeed good.... I like how they misspelled Ghost on the front cover
  8. Sanatonic Audio Holocryptic Audio Schlabbaduerst 3-7 (Boldy Audio and Schlab 1 & 2 probably belong on there, but I dont have them so i cant say)
  9. Khetzal - Corolle http://www.discogs.com/release/551261 Ka-Sol - Ghost Story http://www.discogs.com/release/1297770
  10. Thanks to Anoebis for letting me get my hands on this early, and thanks to Ka-Sol for making great music!
  11. Eat Static - Science of the Gods
  12. Awsomeness...
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