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Everything posted by stupidfatugly

  1. Wow, I thought I knew all the ka-sol tracks, but I've never heard of that one! One day, my Ka-sol collection will be complete
  2. Whoopsy... Really? That sucks! Well, thanks for letting me know
  3. Mantrix - Spontaneous Existence Part 2
  4. Todays track of the day must be Ka-Sol - Bergatrooper
  5. Hmmm, now theres a thought... Could it be?
  6. Toï doï - Up Days Nice track
  7. Utterly Boring...
  8. Xenomorph - Harbingers of Extinction
  9. Mystified - Constant Great droning ambient!
  10. I gotta add my thanks to Jikkenteki here as well. I must say, it's very nice dealing directly with the artist responsible for the music. It makes the music that much better. Anyway, thanks for this great release!
  11. Slackbaba - And the Beat Goes Om
  12. The Wonderboy - Holy Rave (Tribute To Asher Haviv)
  13. California Sunshine - Tokyo Underground
  14. Hallucinogen - Snakey Shaker
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