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Everything posted by stupidfatugly

  1. Texas Faggott Serious Porn Collector Neural Rectifier Syndrome Hallucinogenic Horses Quasar Megalopsy Dead Dog Barking Deviant Species Duck Off
  2. battle of the future buddhas - master of deception
  3. Deviant Species Vs Scorb - Jack the Kipper
  4. Ka-Sol - Fairytale Ghreg on Earth - Sigilweaver Para Halu - The World of Peace Any of the schlab or sanaton releases
  5. Planet B.E.N. - Trippy Future Garden Never gets old...
  6. Riddarna Av Döda Hundens Kyrka - Jetta Power (original Spirit of Starkbärs-remix Re-edit by Folkölsrånarna)
  7. Para Halu - Made on Planet Earth (The Last Cosmonaut)
  8. Hokus Pokus + The Vicious Spiral - Rusten Svensker
  9. Ka-Sol - Just Another Riot
  10. Just got UX - Ultimate Experience in the mail today! :clapping:
  11. Battle of the Future Buddhas - Primetimeslime
  12. Phutureprimitive - Hyper-Sence
  13. Xenomorph - Apocalyptic Ritual
  14. Squaremeat - Mexico Hatsico :posford:
  15. Atrium Carceri - Librarian
  16. Eat Static - Forgotten Rights
  17. Hallucinogen - Orphic Thrench
  18. Leftfield - 21st Century Poem
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