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Everything posted by stupidfatugly

  1. Kemic-Al - Boyars of Tirgoviste
  2. Squaremeat - Thunder Thumb
  3. Steve Roach & Vir Unis - Sense
  4. Jelly Headz - Escalibur's Night
  5. Megalopsy - Monkey Supernova Xenomorph - Tzelmavet Traskel - Unknown Speakers Hallucinogenic Horses - The Blur Witch Project Terminator - Phenix Psykovsky - Beloochi remix Squaremeat - Platypus U.D.D - Night Outside
  6. Zoolog - Menace to Society
  7. Lee Combs - Shiver (Plump DJs mix)
  8. Slackbaba - Long Sunny Daze
  9. Limonadiac - A Dyslexic Dumb Dead Voice
  10. Lightaman Jr - Pipo Hukassa
  11. Just got these today Various - A Walk Through Neptune's Garden Various - Mainspring Motion
  12. Got mine in the mail today! :clapping: Many thanks to the Par-2 crew for this great deal, and excellent music!
  13. Cybernetika - First Contact
  14. Any particular album you'd suggest? Whew, thats quite a list! That'll keep me busy for a while!
  15. Thanks for the suggestions guys! I'll be sure to check them out
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