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Everything posted by stupidfatugly

  1. Texas Faggott - Hector Selector (Generals Favourite)
  2. Stephen Philips - Constant 2
  3. Excelsior - Earth From Space
  4. Derango - All Channels Open
  5. X-Dream - Out of Your Control
  6. Atrium Carceri - A Place to Call Home
  7. This is indeed a timeless classic. Personally, I love Everyone in the World Is Doing Something Without Me
  8. Great review, and great album!
  9. Cybernetika - Nebula Decay
  10. The Zen Potato - Torque and Librium
  11. Eat Static - Kinetic Flow
  12. Scorb - Kakah Tooki Battle of the Future Buddhas - Tigerhill made me giggle because it was so awsome
  13. Sequipa vs Baphomet Engine - Multiple Personalities
  14. Whoops, double post
  15. Electrypnose - Where do we go
  16. Dead Dog Barking - Hybris 1939-1945... Yikes! My Eardrums!!
  17. Another thing is the length of tracks. People these days have short attention spans.
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