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Everything posted by stupidfatugly

  1. Squaremeat - Right Choice
  2. Haha! wtf? Whats that have to do with liking converting vegetarians?
  3. Indeed, it is awesome! It was one of my first cd purchases... Battle of the Future Buddhas - Primetimeslime
  4. This is the only one I've got so far 3xCD Eye Q Promo
  5. Battle of the Future Buddhas - Tranceportamental
  6. Superb track! Currently listening to... Zoon - Unleash the Feast
  7. Phutureprimitive - Subconscious Androcell, Slackbaba, theres also some nice dub tracks on schlabbaduerst 006
  8. My 14 year old cousin likes Infected Mushroom - Converting Vegetarians... of course she only likes it because of the vocals
  9. Electrypnose vs Melodix - Cartoon Laboratory Love this track!
  10. Electrypnose vs Melodix - Into the Spiral
  11. Eat Static - Dissection I've been abducted by aliens and am in a dark, mysterious alien spaceship. The aliens are examining me.
  12. Zooboreal - Moon Kitten String
  13. Ha! Thats exactly how I feel when I get new music in the mail! It's the best feeling... I'm not happy with my cd collection, and I never will be. There will always be music out there that I want.
  14. Just ordered from Saikosounds... Mfg - New Kind Of World Mfg - Project Genesis Toi Doi - Technologic
  15. The Future Sound of London - Dead Cities The Future Sound of London - Lifeforms Kronos Quartet - Black Angels Krzysztof Penderecki - St Luke Passion, Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima, Polymorphy, String Quartet No. 1, Psalms of David, Dimensions of Time and Silence
  16. Ticon - Obi not the one Kenobi
  17. Battle of the Future Buddhas - Hubba Bubba Rub-a-dub
  18. Jikkenteki - An Angel Takes Flight. This song is just... moving, epic, beautiful... I love it!
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