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Everything posted by stupidfatugly

  1. Penta - Eater of Worlds
  2. Juno Reactor - Luciana conjures up this image sometimes
  3. Yeah, its a sweet cover. Have you listened to Megalopsy - The Abstract Machine? You may like that one too.
  4. Jelly Headz - Escalibur's Night
  5. Hallucinogenic Horses - The Stable of Hooves
  6. Battle Of The Future Buddhas - Marsmellow (Miditation Mix)
  7. Wow, that was pretty creative! Good find
  8. 8m2stereo - mes. (webbed tape edit)
  9. Here's an old classic un chien andalou
  10. One of the first cds i bought Np Younger Brother - Crumblenaut
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