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Everything posted by stupidfatugly

  1. Venetian Snares - Öngyilkos Vasárnap
  2. Purosurpo - Weirdo Wondering Wood Worlds
  3. Hey abasio, did you ever get Steve Roach & Vir Unis - Blood Machine?
  4. Tribal Drift - Beautiful Flow
  5. Haha. Good question. I don't know, I knew the record label, so that's how I was able to find it.
  6. U.X. - Master of the Universe
  7. Hmm, I think the oldest one I have is Eat Static - Abduction 1993 and this promo cd Various - Untitled 1994
  8. I hate love stories too. But I was able to tolerate it in this one. There's only one movie that I actually really like the love part of the story, and that's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
  9. Agree 100% with you. This is one of my favorite movies, I love it. And the soundtrack is simply awesome.
  10. Triptych - Cranky Stevie (Tribal Remix)
  11. Xenomorph - Necroid Millenium
  12. Dominic Woosey - The Oceans of Infinity
  13. Witchcraft - Withcraft Magic
  14. Phreaky - Over The Moon for today
  15. Para Halu - The Invisible Hunter (In The Jungle)
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