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Everything posted by thorn726

  1. i do like to sometimes wear this shirt Something funny i have noticed about trancer clothes- they are all cut for skinny ass no muscle vegan fucks. i am not some huge Schwartzenagger, i'm just in decent shape, but i have been given too many trancer type shirts and it's always the same problem, they are cut stick thin, and choke me off at the chest eat a hamburger and do a push up dammit!!
  2. i was 20 when i started getting into electronic but in 93 finding goa music wasn't easy, but i could tell there was something to this crazy stuff with the beats i think it was more like 94/5 before i heard any real trance music, which i would barely call psytrance now, although we did call it that then.
  3. this is giving me a strong urge to seek out software what do i need to steal today..
  4. I like to see the wild psy clothes, and the more basic black with flouro lines are interesting, just not me- so i enjoy being the plain clothes person that makes the more colorful people stick out. i didn't like being told i was some kind of reject and other harassments i have gotten for not wanting to wear the trance uniform, but im pretty sure that was one retard's screwy attitude. the point of a wacko trance party is to do what you want (at least i used to believe that), so it is great to see people go nuts with the really wild outfits, and then the black/flouro-seam people add another cool effect to the crowd - but it is the best that there is such a wide range of styles. much more interesting to look at than a crowd of Nascar fans who all have one of 3 types of shirt on, and at the same time it's not a costume party (usually), the total lack of any sort of dress code is one of the great appeals to the whole scene for me.. ...of course it is good to check out the shoes of whoever you are about to hit on, or are being hit on by...
  5. nice info found a link to one of those cheaper amps penguin amp yeah, i could see how with good headphones and heavy bass, a little extra power would help.
  6. cosmochaos- landmass(3d vision/jet lag) // dj mael-exploder(3dvision/story) via .wav thru traktor
  7. i think you guys should extend this until Oct 20 so i can get mine
  8. So- any idea how long until we can upload avatars, and the rest of the server stuff will be migrated?
  9. wow Spook and Paradigm are gooing all the way out thee? cool! Spook is known as a bit of a wacko here, but he's a great friend of mine, awesome guy, and i'm pretty sure you all will like what he spins.
  10. ok can you explain that? do you mean a dedicated amp just for the headphones? after the mixer? seems like the quality of mixer will matter there also. i've never heard of an amp just for the headphones, but it sounds like something that might be useful
  11. ha i was just listening to alien pets. for me i think its absolum
  12. Mubali, Fractal Cowboys, Ocelot, and Penta the thing i like best about those guys is they still go to the parties. they don't just show up play and leave. they hang out, they're there for the party not just to be rockstars. you can just walk up and meet them if you wanted to.
  13. really interesting, and something of a relief to hear. i have really been looked down on, yelled at , the list goes on of crap i have taken for not being a gil worshipper, and i always had a feeling these people were full of it, that this "gil" thing was not as big a deal everywhere else, that the rest of the world wasn't in the church of gil
  14. hey don't forget to most of the world, it's all calculator music. anyway, yes, sounds about right. "the man who Synergized East and West" with Gil appearing godlike full with halo and everything. that was the flyer a couple years ago i think this image from a recent album kinda sums up how we are expected to view this guy, seems a bit much.
  15. HA HA! ok first off yes, the wrost were the spinners- they actually thought god spoke through jerry's guitar/ for me he was no holy man- come on he was a dope fiend. he was to me just this incredible sound you couldn't get anywhere else, worth a lot of effort to see, and it made seeing any other live act seem like they were - well, you always wanted more jerry. No, Jerry wasn't a holy man to me, but he was irreplaceable, that is the relation to Gil. a bunch of deadheads talk down to people who've never seen jerry, and all deadheads are kinda permanently sad and screwed by jerry being dead. i imagine elvis of lennon people could feel the same way, and the Gil thing is shaping up for a similar end. having gone thru it once, i avoid it in the trance scene. like i said earlier, to me the greatest thing about electronica is no one person can bring it to a halt, and that's what bothered me most about the Gil scene, it's made out that at least here in Cal, we'd never have another "greater than great" party if Gil died? BAH! it doesn't take a spoiled hippy who lived with his parents into his 40 s to make a good party yes! the music has become secondary for Gil parties it seems, or more to the point, 1) why get defensive about opinions of this music or that genre. POINTLESS 2) if you do get upset at comments about the man rather than the music, i am asking why/ how is Gil a guru, and really i would like you know what does HE consider himself? i get mixed impressions on that personally i like 90% of the music, hate the train wreck mixing, think the guru stuff is weak as hell, mainly because i have been put in the position of "think Gil is a guru-god or you are not cool enough to be around us"
  16. ha! so the scene works the same everywhere. this is a great idea anyway. so the sample is even older... ugh. can you give a year if no one gets it soon.... i am enjoying listening to lots of stuff looking for the damn sample (ha)
  17. i think i like you folks a lot more than the psy people i've met here in SF. what made the party cancelling arrogant was supposedly Gil wanted to do a party, said "hey i'll play this date if you give me a space" so promoters got it together, would have had a few djs play besides him , forget if it was before him or after, but only for like a few hours, giving him 24+ to spin. he said him only or no party. ehh, i guess people do sorta know that going into things with him, but it still seemed lame. the people telling me about it were a bit disappointed for sure, or i wouldn't know it happened, and these were people who are supposed to be friends with him
  18. hey shouldn;'t Ormion be posting one? that's how these games usually work, winner posts next question. also- geez, from really easy to super hard! AH! checking my prana stuff, i am now going to throw a guess that that sample is from Talamasca ugh, which track oh well, not on any of my tracks unless im missing it, guess i am wrong on talamasca.
  19. Let's admit it man. If Goa Gil didn't play Dark Psy this discussion would be a lot different. Ormion, i wouldn't waste energy on differing opinions, your points were well taken but it kinda looks like you are letting it offend you personally that others don't like Gil. i think you are illustrating what i experience, that you are NOT ALLOWED not to like this guy, that you must respect him as a performer above all else. i like his music, i just don't like him that much, his attitude of "only me" the random trashing , ehh ,whatever , it's not what i'm asking about. part of the Gil experience is apparently the darkness, so you can't separate it. anyway i am more interested in what people in other places who like Gil think, don't really need to sit here and bash the poor guy, in the early days he was just about the only good act we had here.
  20. funny so of you actually don't like his music either? i guess he can be pretty dark and heavy. don't thin ki have caught him for a couple years so no idea what he's like now. i never had much prob with the music, although, yeah, pretty heavy, i still liked many many tracks played. the slam wreck mixes really bothered me though.
  21. HA i was being careful with my post as like i said here in SF area , saying anything bad about Gil is asking for an hour of lecture from these nerds but i am trying to get accuyrate replies, without putting anyone down. to be completely honest i think Gil plays one awesome track after another but the non mix kills me, i get really into dancing to a track and the best thing about electronica is the smooth mix into an even bettter track. Gil likes to just slam you to the ground- "this track is OVER" i also am not too fond of the "only i will play or no party", seems counterproductive to the community idea BUT if he is a total gods to some people, maybe they really need it to be that way. i know one party out here was cancelled because some of the party organizers wanted to spin, Gil said him only or no show. at least i wish he would slove the mix problem already, transfer his dats to wavs (a computer can easily play the fregging 48000 sampled tracks, as if really anyone can hear 44 vs 48) ghet a huge hard drive and mix with a proggy. a few years ago not wanting to go mp3 was a good excuse to jkeep up the dat nonsense, now it is jsut he's too lazy to switch the tracks over to computer. i'd still see him locally , and maybe even travel a little ways, because he always has the great music (the dj vs artist thread has points on that) but he never struck me as a holy man. there's no modesty, no humility, and you have to pay him big bucks to see him. that's like about as holy as the pope is.
  22. the asnwer is it's a weird money scam. really good djs get handed new music in the hopes they will encourage sales. but then dj reserves best stuff for special events and won't tell anyone what he was playing , or better will laugh at you and say oh i played this and that but you cant get it anywhere... better still are the label djs like ollie who at least used to get all these new tracks and then tour around dj'ing them 6 months before releasing them, a good marketing test but not the best. by the time stuff is released, it is almost played out. the last part that i somewhat agree with is theat a dj by playing many artists does give a more rounded set than two hours of one group only put it all together and the dj matters more to the parties. which is really fine by me as long as dj has ultimate respect for the artists, which is usually the case. i don't think too many djs think they are more important than the artists, the music would be here without the dj, but the dj would not exist without the music.
  23. ok so this is the big gil birthday weekend, obviously i'm not there, ehh, too far, too many other things to do. so i wonder is Goa Gil this life changing force that he appears to be here? seems like a good part of the US and especially here in SF area, 9 out of 10 trancers will say Gil was what got them into it, at the very least. i was more or less already into it, but at the time Gil was pretty much THE dj here, most people had more like hard trance stuff, he was the one with the goa. (not entirely , but for the most part) no doubt, years later i have been to a few parties and he definitely throws out one awesome track after another, he's got the goods always. for me well to make this sound as stupid as possible, after jerry garcia died one of the big draws to electronic music for me was that there was no one person that could die and bring it all to a grinding halt. hard to explain exactly, but as an idiot deadhead i let the GD be like the only ones i wanted to see play, and first off being into dancing and liking trance, electronic music seemed great because you didn't have that "this guy is the guy" when i went to this gil party here in a Berkeley co-op, yes for sure, that was somewhat life changing. first real party i went to, yeah. but before long, plenty of other djs had tons of killer music also. So i guess i don't quite understand this fascination people have with this guy. isn't he just a man? is he actually some sort of holy person to some of you? seems like people have very short conversations with him and feel like everything is better in their life, there must be something to that.. i'm not "spiritual", and i am like i said jaded by giving rockstars power so i didn't see all this mystical stuff others were getting. So i'm wondering these days is Goa Gil still many folks first real party or party that finally showed them what this music is supposed to sound like? with all these other awesome talents out there is a Gil party much different to you from any other? or is there some sort of ritual experience that you can still only get from Gil? does he even mean half of this to people in the rest of the world>? do other people have similar status these days? ollie wisdom seemed like he was almost that popular for awhile there... how would you compare Hallucinogen to Gil? if you understand what i mean by the Goa Gil experience many seem to get, do you get it , where are you, and is there any other act having a similar effect?? worse, what happens when he retires or dies? or is he not going to die? if you haven't seen him do you feel like your life will be incomplete if you don't ? i'd put him in my top 5 that i would not miss in SF, i've seen him play 24 hours, worth it. but that's about as far as it goes for me. so yeah, i'm wondering, outside the SFarea, what is the Gil status? God/ prophet- excellent dj- what?
  24. i want my two minutes back. i hope some of these others are worth watching , this is a great thread
  25. looks great- nice pyramid, that thing is excellent
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