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  1. AlienSpace Project 07.07.2007 Samstag 06.00 Uhr – Sonntag 18.00 Uhr Live acts: Alien vs the Cat (H2O) Israel (First Time Live in Switzerland!!! Are presenting their new Album “Hear the Noise”) Space Cat (H2O) Israel Alien Project (H2O) Israel (Is presenting his new Album “Activation Portal”) Digital Sun (DMT) Switzerland DJs: Rastarix (FantasyIsland) Jin Jin & Cave (FantasyIsland) Hank (FantasyIsland) Psycharox (Woodrom) Gj` i` sawa (Rhytm of Spirit / Psychoom) Ikarus (Psychoom) Zaknafein (Psychoom) Paolo (Psychoom) DJ Flashback (Psychoom) Trubadoux (Psychoom) Wegbeschrieb: Autobahn: A2 Luzern-Gotthard-Ausfahrt Stans Süd- Richtung Engelberg in Dallenwil follow the signs. Parkplatz & Shuttle in Dallenwil Zug: Luzern Richtung Engelberg Haltestelle Obermatt Fahrplan: Special Deko by Cyberom & Rhytm of Spirit (80km UV-Fäden & 130 UV-Röhren & viele Psytücher!!!) Deko by Psylti (Flashing Mushrooms) & FantasyIsland Crew and Friends Powerfull Soundsystem 40 KW Multicolor Lasershow Videoanimations Fireshow by Fuego Flashing Lights Big Shopping Area Big Chillout Area (im Wald) Big Camping Area Chaotika Food Bong in Motion Area Bei Regen gedeckt Camping ab Freitag morgen offen Infos: www.fantasyisland.ch Email: Bongman@fantasyisland.ch http://www.psychoom.org/?pn=news CD-Shop by www.goastore.ch Save The Nature No Kids
  2. PSYEXPERIENCE 02.02.2007 20:00 Live: Naked Tourist (Parvati rec.) Deutschland Hydraglyph (Sanskara rec.) South Africa DJ: Anacsa & Ambassa (STP,Woodrom) CH Astronom (Der kleine Kreis) Deutschland Iguana (Noisepoison rec.) Deutschland Tsunamix (Mythos) CH Jin Jin & Cave (Fantasy Island) CH Fidimohnius (Kokopelli) CH Pinky & Brain (Vibrative Sounds) CH Chilloutroom witht sound Deco by DAVE (Deutschland) Location: Ziegelei Einsiedeln (SZ) Switzerland Car: A3 Ausfahrt Richterswil Richtung Schindellegi Biberbrugg - Einsiedeln bei Ampel rechts (Industrie) Opel Garage Train: 5min ab BHF. Einsiedeln Entry fee SFr. 25.-/ Euro 17.- Organizer: Fantasy Island & Mythos Infos: Afterhour Saturday start 12:00 - Sunday 12:00
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