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Everything posted by Rishi

  1. Hello , we've updated our web , and also placed a download section currently we have around 5 new tracks to download Please check them out and leave a comment here or in the web http://www.virus-tekk.com/download.htm
  2. Hello , almost finished a nice and groovey and a bit dark track .. please take a listen and drop an opinion . Enjoy . http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...25C1F9F00B3AE01
  3. Thank u for the nice words , and yes ofcourse u may promote it . Take care
  4. http://www.virus-tekk.dk/music/Easy.mp3 Hi please leave some impressions
  5. I mainly Use My Novation Remote 25 with my Virus B and Nord rack 2 . I have a ok soundcard , and some studio speakers( Near05 ) And i rec some samples on my condenser mic that runs thru a mini preamp and thru my mixer . Thats what i use for hardware Software . I love the waves Renassaince series , and Vanguard and Z3ta + is also to be found in my vsti setup , For my full on bass i use the v station .. Its great for this Imo . Next step xeon ,adam speakers a rme fireface soundcard .
  6. Thanks for all the comments Unluckily we didnt have time for a supermixage and the track was more or less left as it was created . I have been told that Vipasana is finishing up a remix , and besides i have the original files maybe i will work on the improvements and see if i can make a stronger bass and kick feel .. Once again thanks for the comments Btw .. atm im working on this track which u can get a Beta Preview of here http://www.virus-tekk.dk/music/Rishi.mp3
  7. Hi , In the week before christmas I had a friend (Vipasana) visiting from Israel , for 6 days we worked on a track , This became the result . http://www.virus-tekk.dk/music/VipaVsRishi-NFWTJ.mp3 Hope You will enjoy it , and leave some comments
  8. Thanx Alot for this nice feedback , Nuclearhund and Stuff , Dont know what to say Thank U
  9. Hi all , i moved the bassline a tick .. and gave it a final mix , and my attempt to master it .. So please take a listen now should be kicking http://www.virus-tekk.dk/music/Position Of the sun (Final Mix).mp3
  10. thnx Nemo And maybe u could also tell me if the bassline is untight , 2 persons told me this .. while 5 others did mention it .. Thanx in advance
  11. Hi all , ive just finished a track ,.... well it still needs a mastering , and some small volume touches .., but if u could overbear these bugs i would be glad if u would take a listen .. and throw me some feedback http://www.virus-tekk.dk/music/POTS.mp3
  12. Hi and thanx for the great Reply Synogen and nemo this helps me alot . Not at all u hurt my feelings Well u are dead on when u say , i move in many styles , Well coming from Classic piano to drums to producin hip hop i have taken a few stages of development .. And yes .. one of my great problems is to keep the style clean throughout a track . Well for a bit of defence i can say that the last two tracks are around 1½ year old , and the first tracks were my first tryout of mastering ( mostly kick and bass,beat ) ..so there was not so much thought put in the tracks . Having Burned down my motherboard i lost ALL of my projects , so i have started from clean ... and i must say i believe i am able to keep one style .. well ill make a post when i upload some new stuff , and maybe u would take a listen again .
  13. yeah .. I have the Beyer dynamic dt 990 and I can strongly suggest to look deeper in to this
  14. Thanks for the help I think i will pursue a total Software setup ( with some small phsyical mixer to take care of my small needs ) .. Pheeew still have some decsions to make .. but i guess i could be making worse decisions than these
  15. Thanks for the answer BrainImpulse Damn , just wrote a bunch , and my sister came in and had to burn a cd .. and Pooooof Ok ... tc powercore , cool .. thinking the same Motu .. also thinking the same speakers .. i heard dynaudio and adams should be good (spending around 2500-3000 on speaks) ..tell me about mackie And for mixer .. can a software solution cover the same things as hardware .. if i get a controller .. cuz .. i realy want to keep all things "internal" (except for synths).. ? For synths .. i was thinking Virus Ti .. and maybe used Nord lead 3 .. has a diff engine than 2 i heard..so Id also like that gonna end now before my sis comes back
  16. Hi , within the next couple of months I will partialy have my dream fullfilled , having a good deal of cash to spend on a studio . I am very confused on how I should approach this. Already I have planned to go to the music store and enquire about some products and get some advise . And then I plan to go on the internet and order a great deal of the equipment to save money . But from here im completely lost ... Ok .. the thing is I will have around 12000 Euro to spend on a small but functional studio ( and planned release .. should be enough to cover both From the beginning . I was planning to change into some Macintosh g5 and logic 7 ( currently using pc and cubase for more than 3 years.. is it possible to match the power of the g5 and logic 7 .. with normal Pentium power ? ) Secondly I need some equipment , at the moment I have waveterminal 192 l soundcard Egosys Near05 studio monitors Novation Remote 25 midi Key and controll and I have a nord rack 2 and a virus b I figured better Soundcard better Speakers maybe a New synth ( but for this I have alot of inspiration and some fx's section and maybe mixer And with these two things I am in doubt .. should I go for software or hardware .. Personally I would choose software if I could get the same or more as out of hardware .. but I dont know this . Should I choose a soundcard with Dsp So if u guys have any knowledge that could help me to zoom in on what a good studio setup could like , I would be VERY happy
  17. So did u take a listen
  18. Vesterbro is Nice Live 10 minuts there from also .. ( and go to school there too ) ... I have a question .. everybody is speaking about this 64 bit thingy ... I thought that the Os systems today only allow 32 bit .. ( and sequencers for that ,matter ) so what is the use ?
  19. glad to hear and ofcourse i hope ur glad to hear also
  20. More specific Link http://virus-tekk.dk/index.php/112236 can anyone please take a little listen ?
  21. MMMMMMMmmmmmm Looks nice Nemo .. Wish my looked like that With the C instead of the B One question , ur monitors .. arent they placed to close to wall ?
  22. If u are totally green to music production , in building arrangments and so on .. i think its a good way to start of with .. copying some of ur favorits tracks. Just as long as u are willing to progress beyond these boundries when u once will be able to . Djnemo , just heard those stabs , Imo sounds like some kind of Organ ( shortened , sust ,releas??? )with reverb and maybe even some kind of Bitcrush or distortion added? I think i did one of those once maybe i can try to do it again , will report back if i succeed
  23. I Lately got myself a virus b and a nord rack 2, and from my experience , Virus is Kick ass for strings, pads , Craaaazy fx's , Nord rack has more of sharp , harsh , sounds , and also possibility of very nice bass . Choose them Both Well .. some additional ideas . When i Bought Virus b , it came Loaded with Sounds ... 1024 of them , and also there were loads of new sounds on the access website , and replacing them with sounddiver was just as easy as schratching my head . When i got Nord rack .. i experienced that it was from beginning "limited" to a bank of 99 and a bank "b" also around 100 sounds . And only the 40 steps in one bank could be replaced without bying a pcmcia card, with this card u get to store alot more sounds and have some more space , But this i didnt know before bying ( to impulsive maybe ... Also the amount of sounds to be downloaded are not as many as for the Virus , But ofcourse this forces one to start tweaking those knobs to create ur own Imho i would go for Virus , and then later jump to Nord rack , unless u can get a pcmcia card and a nord rack within the same price range of a virus .. then its a tough decision
  24. Hello all , im new to this forum , it looks great and id like to spend some more time in here Im from Denmark and have been producin for some years now under the name of Rishi. Would be glad if u would take a listen to the 2 tracks on this site , and maybe throw in some pointers or other comments http://www.virus-tekk.dk/
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