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Everything posted by Cinos

  1. Cinos (just paste that after users)
  2. Just wondering. It's not worth that much since the music is mostly very mediocre, but how rare is, really? I've never seen it online.
  3. By the way. I had the chance of buying Cryptic Crunch for 15£, but didn't, because it sucks.
  4. I'd like to imagine these are also rare: Juno Reactor - Laughing Gas (with the awesome Lullaby!) Planet BEN - Trippy Future Garden and especially SFX - Rainbirds. How many copies did they print? 50 or something? I've never even seen it online.
  5. Maybe he's just an idiot.
  6. Hm. He is not QUITE worth purchasing... almost. But not really.
  7. Updat'd.
  8. We could just make an exclusive hub. Or FTP. And not give a shit about their law drn drn drnnnn!
  9. Goa doesn't really give me much feelings, beside ecstatic ones.
  10. I'd suggest Trancecritic or Tranceaddict for the melodic stuff. Here we're all about psychedelic.
  11. Raver Gravy. I just had the greatest idea for a kinky porn site. At least a name for it.
  12. I'd bet it's somewhere in the middle. 20 euros or so. But don't trust me, I'm usually not right on these issues.
  13. The Prophecy is rare, if it's the Symbiosis edition. Other rarities are Pleiadians - IFO, Juno Reactor - Luciana and Mystery Of The Yeti 1. There is a lot of those.
  14. I also told you I call it ambient because people don't understand otherwise, and "chillout" is not a genre.
  15. Cinos


    Pretty nice how they didn't leave a notice of their trip on the homepage.
  16. They don't even make ambient. The make chilly psy. Very little of what we listen to is ambient, I just call it that to make people understand what I mean. Just like techno. Everybody calls trance techno, but it isn't.
  17. Always Psyshop or Saiko. For rare stuff, Amazon.co.uk, second-hand stuff. Found Mystery Of The Yeti there, appears every few months.
  18. People pay more if the sellers sell a lot? Eh?
  19. Cinos


    Oh my. Fucking. God. You're misunderstanding it on purpose! You must be!
  20. Cinos


    wtf... do I need to write the word "wrong doing" for you get it? It's clearly what I mean. I complain about samples usage, and thus I complain about all the artists I mention, no matter if I specifically said so or not. Sigh.
  21. Cinos


    Except Ott, Tiesto and Younger Brother you mean? I mentioned them as using samples, as I did you, which was the point. They use samples.
  22. Cinos


    And Splitting An Atom by Ott, and Magic Monkey Juice by Younger Brother, plus saying that there were an additional four tracks that use those samples. I also mentioned Tiesto later on.
  23. Cinos


    You may have noticed that your track is only 25% of the ones I mentioned, and only 1/8 of the ones I complained about. An example, not the point.
  24. Cinos


    Samples don't make your tracks better, they just cheapen them. Anyway Elysium, 1) It wasn't just about your track, I mentioned others as well. And I didn't say YOU were the single wrongdoer, but that both you and Posford were. 2) Yeah, I've made a few tracks, effectively making me a musician if you feel that non-musical people shouldn't judge shit. Then I lost all inspiration. And sadly the tracks are very amateurish... but I HAVE made music. Cinos' Music
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