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Everything posted by Cinos

  1. Yeah, the negative image of the Top 2005 topic. Anyway, in my opinion these were the shittiest (and often the most overrated): Derango - Tumult Ghreg On Earth - Sigilweaver Yahel - Around The World Infected Mushroom - I'm The Supervisor GMS - EBS Oh, and the Entheogenic remix comp.
  2. How about I send you two samples, of which one is extreme-quality LAME Mp3 and the second is a WAV? I can almost promise you won't hear the difference. Just don't run a spectrum analyzer. (supposing you can stay away from checking the file extensions... nah, it'd have to be a foolproof test) Just know that PROFESSIONALS can hardly hear the difference.
  3. I don't like it. Boring chill, Doof never did this style well.
  4. Another crappy year. Fullon and prog bonanza.
  5. How is the Neuromotor cover not horribly awful?
  6. I'm just not paying for what I can get for free. If artists only released tracks for download, I wouldn't buy anything. I want a physical disc and cover if I am to pay.
  7. I buy CDs and would buy more if they were cheaper. No paid downloads, ever. At that point I prefer illegal methods.
  8. Can you say, pirated copy?
  9. Rare, in what meaning? Out of print or actually rare?
  10. It's actually pretty nice.
  11. Overall, I think Karrastan is the worst... but the Turtles cover and Raja are really fucking bad too. But I vote for Hypersonic just because of the raw gay appeal.
  12. WHAT? I like that one, at least in low resolution like this.
  13. On what? You retracting your present to us?
  14. TranceCritic
  15. Aren't tight leather pants and that net-shirt rather homosexual to you?
  16. No, it's "vortices" or "vortexes". Both are valid.
  17. I'm kind of happy I didn't make a deal with him as I was going to some time ago
  18. Actually "Vortexes" works as well. Thanks for the info.
  19. Yeah. Sure. The context can add, yes, but not to a style of music, only certain tracks.
  20. I've been to a party with pop. Didn't make my view of pop different. Music == music.
  21. Updated. Be sure to read the text about only trading and equally rare/big offers. (and don't come saying anything about IFO... this time it's definite.)
  22. It's not completely un-fractal-like, wouldn't you agree? Even if it isn't technically a fractal, it looks at least a little bit like one. btw. Just out of curiosity, did you create this one and the previous one from photos? Because I think I see oak leaves and water in the first.
  23. And Infected toppled Classical right with the next album.
  24. Stop all this bullshit. You're not enlightened, not elite, not fucking more fit to "get" the music than any other person just because you have been to a lot of parties / eaten psychedelics / have a huge-ass record collection.
  25. Parties don't mean shit.
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