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Everything posted by Cinos

  1. Xenomorph is really, err... gay. But his music still sounds like I'd think dark psy does. Also UX - Ultimate Experience is... darkish.
  2. Cinos


    I bet you sold 239 copies. And lost about the same in euros.
  3. Hurry up, Roaches site is having a clearout sale of at least that item. Meaning it's soon not avaible.
  4. Dark psy exists... but it's very rare. The most common form is dark fullon. Xenomorph... that, I think I'd call dark psy.
  5. Yes. And if you don't hear the clear similarities between Derango and generic fullon, you're in denial. Seriously.
  6. It says they live in Japan. Then it says the party was thrown, but exactly where, no info.
  7. I was planning on answering. Then I decided against it because a) I don't like the music and B ) It doesn't state anywhere where the first PAR-2 party was.
  8. If you like fullon, you'll probably like this. That's really the only criteria.
  9. They're also unknown to 99.99% of the world's population and probably 90% of the members here too.
  10. Which means what? The artists are still unknown.
  11. How much, you think? Surely not more than 25 euros, or?
  12. I've grown bored of it myself. Meh, what to do? Very nice at first, yes, but didn't have much lasting appeal.
  13. Probably, but all the unknown artists make me think it isn't worth much.
  14. Cinos

    S.F.X. – Rainbirds

    Actually Eye Of The Dreamer is pretty nice track. That's basically it.
  15. I downloaded your other released track just because of that.
  16. Can't he hire somebody who doesn't make generic fractal/caleidoscope ones? (no offense ukiro but there are way better fractals out there) But then again the previous one was ugly as hell and misaligned, at least this is an improvement.
  17. There was no single inventor of ambient.
  18. Then you should make one that reads "Fullon Forest Music" and place Derango in that one.
  19. It takes 5 minutes to make a better cover concept than the ones in this thread, and another 5 mintues to complete it. The ones posted here obvious weren't thought through at all. Examples on bland ideas that still pwn everything in this thread: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/Cinos/cdcover.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/Cinos/Fractal2.jpg The point of the thread is that covers that clearly took less than 30 seconds to make deserve to be laughed at.
  20. The bassline is very fullon. As is the structure. Enough for me.
  21. You put Derango in the wrong section, it's fullon.
  22. How about SFX - Rainbirds or Pleiadians - IFO... some other rarity thrown in for good measure... come on, SOME person here must have it!
  23. Yes, I found SFX - Rainbirds for 1 euro once.
  24. Mi-Loony-Um Divine Moments Of Truth
  25. Yes exactly. But I can bet I could make something better than the Turtles cover.
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