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Everything posted by Cinos

  1. Also, The Promised Land pops up too often to be 60. Perhaps 30, 40 at most.
  2. Little do you know what kind of crazy deal you missed. Don't always take the first offer you bastard.
  3. Not really. Probably the best psy/goa track is Eat Static - Bony Incus (MWNN Remix)
  4. Is there no trader in Europe with any version of this CD, or somewhere else with the Krembo version?
  5. Yeah, right. :/
  6. Hah, mine is completely mint.
  7. Sure, there's some fullon but it's all pretty good. J00f live at Coloursfest 01. Dickster - Dizzy Drops 02. Li Kwan - Point Zero (The Digital Blonde remix) 03. 1200 Mics - Renaissence Superman 04. Astrix - Life System 05. 1200 Mics - The Cosmologist 06. Astrix vs. Dj Highguy - Chaos 07. Astral Projection - Back From Hell 08. Faithless - God is a DJ (Astral Projection remix) 09. Sasha & Junkie XL - Beauty Never Fades
  8. Some of the tracks aren't awful... but some are. VERY.
  9. BTW. What about SFX - Rainbirds? It's not very sought-after but it's rare, rare RARE to the max.
  10. Do you know of any that fulfill all of them? Acc-Occ does the middle 2, possibly the last one, but not the first. IFO seems to do all except possibly the last.
  11. Should I cry or something? I'm so sorry for those of you who actually want that one. How about Luciana btw? It's on Amazon.co.uk for 45 pounds and I know it'll be sold, seen it for higher prices too.
  12. I just want it because it has ATTM on it. But anyway, I got both IFO and Mystic Cigarettes in trade for it, so...
  13. Congratulations, not only did you lose an all-time classic but also at least 45 pounds.
  14. The Nommos = mediocre.
  15. It was released in 2004, Psyshop just didn't stock it before 2005.
  16. Conclusion: People who like Transdimensional are idiots with no real sense of business. Besides, 76 is not 90.
  17. Nah, the amount of people who have has nothing to do with it how much money it goes for. The ones on the wantlist want it just as badly no matter how many have it. Keep in mind not many of them who have it will sell it.
  18. Meh, not even the more sought-after CDs sell for that kind of money... How many copies was this printed in anyway? 10? EDIT: Not even the original MOTY and IFO sell for what, 90£. I think you're grossly overrestimating the price of this one. Not even Lu.ci-ana sells for that!
  19. Yeah, it seems my theory is valid.
  20. I'm actually serious, those who like Derango should like this.
  21. Best is probably Khetzal's one.
  22. Ho Mo Sexual. And "Super Set"? How is it "super"? Does it give me super tinnitus? Make me run away super fast? Or is it just a double reference to the super bad title? ...I can think of so much photoshopping right now. But I have to get some sleep... perhaps tomorrow.
  23. Cinos

    Khetzal - Corolle

    Expect a review from me within a week, the CD has grown on me a bit.
  24. Not for the price most demand for it.
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