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Everything posted by Cinos

  1. 1 and 5 are the only ones I'd consider for a compliation like that.
  2. You fail as usual.
  3. Reger nailed the way every big forum works there.
  4. Starbase 11 also starts fucking fantastically. Such breezy melodies. It's boring for a while but the melodies later on are quite goa.
  5. Err The first track is excellent. What are you guys on about? It's not that fullony either, more clubtrance/epic with goa touches. It's... it gets better with every goddamn minute. This could be an awesome album for god's sake. D:
  6. Then ban Radi. He supports pedophilia.
  7. You're just grasping for straws now.
  8. I was warned for... argumenting. For argumening. I'm not sure what exactly you want me to do? Stay quiet? If ARGUMENTING is a moddable offense, well... kill yourselves. ^^ I can't say it any less offensively. That said, I will finish my CD trades and then poof. No need to warn me for this. :3
  9. Great that you can see inside my psyche like that. Nevermind you choose to disregard the facts that I used to make like 50 posts per day.
  10. Nope. All happy. This has killed my Psynews addiction completely. ^^
  11. The Winning Formula: 1) Troll, because you can do it without getting modded. Troll like fuck, provoke as much as you can and warn those who are affected. 2) Delete all interesting topics or topics where your points are disproved. In fact, delete everything except what gives you good masturbation material. 3) Pick some users to whine about and hang out as the cause of shittiness. When these leave, pick others to blame. Plenty of them around, anyway, eh? 4) When every user is gone, and the site is thus completely worthless (because forums live and die by the community) you can finally give into the temptation and buy the fucking viagra the spambots advertise so you can finally get an erection. ib4dalock
  12. I don't like Hallucinogen's version at all. It's just dull. So which I like better goes without saying.
  13. Finnsh folk of course. And that's not tango. The REAL finnish folk. Swedish too, they're just about the same. Forest music. <.<
  14. Hey, I can listen to and get absorbed in the most monotonous ambient (read: The Magnificent Void), it's not an issue of maturing tastes anymore. >.>
  15. LUElinks You can't access it though, don't bother trying. Exclusive community.
  16. "Forest" psy. I still resent people calling it forest. Forests are ambient and folky. Progressive. DULL! DULL! DULL!
  17. Alright, you asked for it. Compare... here is a fairly correct version of it. I count more than 12 mistakes. Nothing personal.
  18. Easily the first. The last sound syntethic and uninspired. It doesn't have anything of what I loved about the first. None of the tribal mysticism, nothing.
  19. Yep, you did. I never disliked them. They aren't that awesome, the reply was more just to ridicule how some rape grammar, but they are good.
  20. i think theyse tracks are realy awesome they are like idneed veru melpdic and i also agree they are unerderaatted usully !!
  21. Jealous about my realization? Shush newblet.
  22. First album: still awesome. Second album: ok. Third album: shit. No more anythings here. People do ambient better, they do folk better and they do psytrance better.
  23. Hahaha... :3 The forum I frequent most has just that: no moderation. Basically only things you're not allowed to do is to post blatant spam (like viagra ads) and child porn. It... works well. Thousands of posts each day.
  24. Won't be good enough/enough to my taste. I know from his previous productions. :3 But I still want to hear what people praise, go figure. So I take my five-finger discount for one listen. (yes, I admit, I'm just provoking you now)
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