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Everything posted by Cinos

  1. Cinos


    Psynina fails in both categories.
  2. Track in case: Astral Projection - Utopia So I walk my daily trek through college territory as usual. Music idly playing, headphones tightly on ears to avoid hearing the nerve-grating babble of all the people there, gaze on road to avoid seeing them either, which I also experience as nerve-grating. So, I'm not really paying any attention to the music at all. The previous track was The Feelings of the same disk, but while very decent it didn't have any effect. I didn't even notice when the track changed in my grey workday-haze. But then suddenly the track rises to a peak. You know, that acid-ish climax there. (yay now some retard bald arse is sitting besides me talking loud as fuck, but I'm going to carry on describing) Yeah. So the climax. All of a sudden, my eyes go wide. All the fucking lines blend together, revealing a bigger image. Think those 3d-eye images. Stereoscopic things. Goa, apparently, is like that. By shifting your focus you hear the whole image. Every part of it makes sense. I get "how" it describes some utopia. I get what the music means. And poof, then the moment is gone. The track is normal again when I focus on it. But for a moment I was really into it.
  3. Sexy producers can put themselves on the cover IMO. <.< The rest, nah. Also, sorry for the lack of remakes of that one, but... too busy.
  4. I'm not risking anything unless a mod or Mars OK's it.
  5. I would do remakes but they'd be offtopic (not music discussion) which I'm not allowed to So I'll just note that it really is horrible.
  6. Commercial CERTAINLY isn't better either. I can settle for "as good".
  7. Yes, exactly those two. The ones I thought of. Intriga especially.
  8. Yeah, but they aren't the kind of free hippie music that goa is supposed to be, either.
  9. At least I personally find it so. No commercial releases have been interesting to me at all. They're just... or rather, they appear as soulless black holes for the meager money I make. No real content. Now, enter the free stuff. Mikseri.net is FULL of awesome goa. Being at school I can't remember any names except the obvious ones like Troll Scientists, but there was that one artists with tracks Scorched, another with Motaatti, plus one third Nick linked me to yesterday. All awesome. The goa spirit can't survive in made-for-money releases, can it?
  10. Celtic Cross - Louden
  11. Problem is just how the old reviews feel so clumsy with the forum system. I mean, they weren't really reviews, more like short opinions, and this one works better with full-length ones.
  12. I like Rites Of Passage by Phutureprimitive. Suits the track perfectly.
  13. Infected Mushroom - I'm The Supervisor. More comments needed?
  14. I'll sell mine if someone wants to pay an arm and a leg for it. It just doesn't strike me as so wonderful.
  15. Nope. Not at all.
  16. You'd just keep an external drive. Unlike hundreds of CD's, you could easily rescue that from the flame.
  17. Do you have 1 x Hypnorhythm EP to trade?
  18. I wouldn't sell just all. I'd keep the absolute classics, and have the rest only in digital form... I wonder.
  19. It's still a bit cumbersome. But... at first the idea of not having the original CDs didn't seem that fantastic. Since then I've been more and more drawn towards mp3s and other files... It's just so much more handy, so much quicker. It's the future, plain and simple. Just like LPs gave way to CDs. Besides, the mp3s form a kind of digital library... I like that idea better than having them physically, to be honest. If one could make a simple application where you browse them like books or such, I'd love it.
  20. I'm thinking of transferring everything to a special hard-drive and sell the cumbersome CDs. I mean, if I can get good quality Mp3s... having them all on disk would be so... HANDY! The idea is intriguing. Imagine... hundreds of CDs of a little drive.
  21. There are better dubby albums, like Sub Conscious by Phutureprimitive, but yeah, it's pretty great.
  22. ANY TWO DAMN CDS FROM MY COLLECTION! (exception: transwave cds and MOTY)
  23. Me haves both originals. Leet.
  24. Yes indeed. It doesn't have much musical quality, but you can make like 975 by selling it.
  25. You can't milk the cows without feeding them, no... which is exactly what many artists and labels try - they release the same shit over and over... verrrry low-quality nourishment. And so they don't get money.
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