Thank you for really sidetracking this topic.
Also thanks for not getting it.
It's not taste. I can still like the other music, but some of it really gets under my skin. Some doesn't.
You know exactly what I mean.
For example, Transwave - Helium gives the "goa" feeling which only goatrance gives me. It goes straight to my nerves.
However, Pleiadians - IFO doesn't. It's just "music".
Similar experiences? Different personal resonance?
Actually... I'm going to start downloading everything and then sending 5-10 euro to the artist via PayPal.
Imagine if everybody did that. The scene would flourish. You leeching labels don't get shit.
Yeah, DJ's.
BTW. If you download this written material (posts) to your computer, you can consider yourself sued - because you have to pay to read it. Note that the internet cache counts.
Nobody with the least spark of intellect will ever get sentenced for filesharing unless it becomes legal to monitor by detail everybody's internet activity.
Which it isn't.
No. Because nobody would buy your stuff without downloading being possible. You have it to thank for basically whatever little sales you make.
And you still don't LOSE anything. You didn't have the money in the first place.
Then prosecute people. Try it. Try if it works.
Oh, right, nobody gives a shit.
The thing is, nobody cares. Nobody LOSES anything from downloading... because nothing is taken away from anybody. Simple as that. It's not a crime other than on paper.