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Everything posted by Cinos

  1. I didn't mean any specific promo... just in general. Some promos are good... like this one from Freakdance, which is the actual retail album.
  2. Phutureprimitive for chill.
  3. I hate promos myself. I mean, unless I got them myself... they're completely worthless to me.
  4. They did, on the Guardian Angel single.
  5. At least those eurodance hits are less cheesy than Derango.
  6. Cinos

    Review Requests

    I am taking suggestions on reviews... in-depth ones. Labels, feel free to send promos.
  7. I'm almost at the almight 10000. Too bad we don't get something good for that... I'm thinking moderator powers.
  8. Whyever do we call them "reviews"? I mean, they're more like short comments... with the exception of very few. The "Comments database".
  9. I never got around to buying anything. Any more, final recomms?
  10. I love this cover.
  11. It's awesome how he gives this stuff for free. Kind of what goa is all about... because he could easily release this.
  12. I've been getting more and more into non-psy artists, and never before has music sounded so juicy. Enigma, Chemical Brothers, Aphex Twin, even some Stone Roses.
  13. I've realized that... old or new, all the psy ever released is very similar to... all the psy ever released. Every track is too alike the other, and innovation is minimal. Every good track ever made in this scene could fit on ~50 CDs.
  14. That you're not giving me enough good recommendations!
  15. I might order just one psy CD, on second thought, and two from Enigma instead. Hm.
  16. How about all teh ambient? I want tasty organic chill.
  17. X-Dream's album might be one of the purchases too... I want something oldschool(ish) or dreamy fullon stuff. Hm... perhaps I'd just better go sample-hunting.
  18. They shouldn't have made the track complete shit, or released it all. They could've just used bits of it in condom commercials.
  19. Spaghettification, I believe, is a visual phenomena on certain drugs. Still sounds stupid though.
  20. SEX! AIDS! USE A CONDOM! I like them too but this is just too shitty.
  21. It has SAMPLES like "AIDS!" and "USE A CONDOM!"
  22. Two words: DJ Condom.
  23. Did you know "Gnocchi" is a type of food? I'm thinkin' dear Miranda confused the word with "Gnosis".
  24. The Capsula album is interesting. Hm.
  25. Recommend me three CDs. One uptempo, one chilly, and some third, good, one. Psyshop.com stock only please. Even some half-fullon will do. I've kind of started liking some of it. Perhaps two Astrix CDs... and some nicey ambient one? Hm. SynSUN?
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