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Everything posted by psyduckisoncrack

  1. can anyone please give me some names of albums and titles to track down that is really wicked morning prog?i want to order some more but i am slightly at a loss of where to start,i have got some full on psy but that is a bit much.... any help would be greatly appreciated. I have one iboga album "ectoplasm",and i love it heaps so along those lines, or "advanced retromodel" by oryx that sort of thing just wanting to expand my horizons...thanx heaps!
  2. just wondering if and how you guys get about overseas, I am from Australia about half way up the east coast, the temperature here does not vary that much so we can doof for most of the year around. Also the doofs here are quite well publicised if you know where to look of course, but how do other cultures (i.e in europe deal with weather in winter etc...) do you guys still brave the really freezing weather or do you just progress inside, please pardon my ignorance i am just trying to get a perspective on what makes people doof, and why we go to such great lengths to do what we do. thanks
  3. thanks for your imput guys, just wanted to know what makes the cockles of your heart warm when your in the middle of the rainforrest or on a beach or what ever.... i love both full on and progressive and i also love a bit of "mullet " trance- i quite get into a bit of timecode, tip records and insect sun. in regards to "stuff" saying that i am narrow minded i was just trying to provoke thought into what people prefer to hear when the are out. it doesnt mean that im narrow minded ok? peace people
  4. which style of psy do you prefer? progressive or full on? what do you think get people stomping harder. just thought id through the idea out there, also if anybody has any albums or tracks they think i should check out let me know...
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