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brain impulse

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Everything posted by brain impulse

  1. anyone like it or doesnt like it? any comments please.....
  2. is not finish yet but im still working..... well tell me what you think at this time.... this is the link http://www.soundclick.com/util/Streamm3u.m3u?ID=2306862&q=Hi hope you enjoy it....
  3. if you could pay i recommend you a motu 828mk II ...... perfect clear sound!!! happy motu owner
  4. glad you apreciate even you dont like the style... thanx
  5. you dont have to sign up. you just have to plick on the speaker right beside the song name. and thats it well thanks anyway...
  6. someone like it? or doesnt like it?
  7. http://www.beatbiz.net/artist.php?USERID=340 please listen and tell us what you think. stand by (brain impulse vs wicked wires) is the first song of a new project without name yet. brain impulse from spain and wicked from mexico.......... thanks for your time. boommmm!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. hey men this sound fucking great , pro sound, i like everything, the lead melodys, rythm , the basslines with the kick, well everything...... you should release on some label. good work !!!!! and keep in trance....
  9. glad to hear that, i really spend time programing my bass..... well i started to make music with a mexican friend (good freaky producer) and we will upload more songs soon........ boom!!!!
  10. related to the speakers i am agree with djnemo you have to try with your favorite cds,but of course genelec is the best, if you can afford but also go to a shop and ask for both genelec and mackie well i have to events tr8 and is nice for me and also agree, take the virus TI (expensive but have to be amazing)
  11. when i was reading your message i was thinking, he has to buy a virus , well you have the B one but i recommend to try the C . audiocard i recommend a MOTU, no doubt , pure power speakers , there is a whole world to explore in that field but if you can afford ( and you can ) i would buy MACKIE. i dont know for the rest of the people but for me a mixer is really important , i can recommend you a mackie too or yamaha 01v96 refer to FX , well i have a TC electronic M300 (too basic) and sounds good but i almost always use plugins for that. i heard that tc powercore or something like that is good (DSP fx not use CPU) and also try TC m-one. well finally i dont know very well how works a MAC i have pc 2.6 with 1gb ram and is very smooth. and i have a friend with a powerbook g4 1.2gb ram and have problems(im sure is his configuration because MAC is like and airplane). also he has problem with vstĀ“s and freeware plugins. thats all i can say but if you buy all this........ you will have my dream....
  12. well im sorry nemo , i never been in a concert with tibetan monks singing so i judge without knowlegde, thats true, but the thing is that i think that the sound from his samples could be make it with that plugin , just that. i will try to be in one of those concerts because have to be amazing to hear .... (please recomend some download or url if know one... thanks)
  13. i think that this is from "delay lama" free plugin, lots of artist use it and you will recognise the sound, maybe you can also put effects after you make a bounce, but im sure is it not a a human voice, i am sure . try this link...... http://www.audionerdz.com/index2.htm its amazing and freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! hope you like...
  14. glad you like digitaldyk... well im using novation v-station vst with some waves plugins to make it fatter and clean try the renaissance bass and the l1 ultramaximizer from waves, play with them and follow your ears....
  15. im using dr008 from fxpansion (nice preset full editable) and of course plugins of waves and EQ
  16. here is my new track , i write it quickly but i think sounds good.... well need critics...... http://www.beatbiz.net/artist.php?USERID=340# remeber to click on the speaker beside to hear because download is only for members. the new is "are you still here?" hope you like it.... keep in trance!!!!
  17. i have a virus c , and a ms200r, a lots of plugins in cubase sx..... thats it but what you mean with funky, sorry my ignorance but i dont get it. i will upload my new one tonight ..... hope you like it.
  18. try here..... http://www.soundclick.com/bands/5/brainimpulsemusic.htm but in the other url, you dont have to sign up , you can hear it without download, just click on the speaker beside the name. anyway, hope you like....
  19. hey everybody, i am new in this forum and i want you to hear my new track and tell what you think. here is it..... http://www.beatbiz.net/artist.php?USERID=340 thank you!!!! bom shankar
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