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Everything posted by electrickery

  1. Hard choice.... i really couldnt choose But maybe i should be happy for all the good music. I love psycraft at the momment though, but there are so many awsome tracks with such a long history that its too hard to pick one artist. Ahhh
  2. Absolutely there with you... the only down part is walking into the silence of work ofterwards, or worse into insipid easy listening crap which gets played there. Gack! Ohhh i need my coffee too though
  3. Yeah i must say those small parties where everyone was just blissing out on the fact that there is a party at all absolutely rocked my world and changed my life. Ahhhhh And where a big party was 100 people.
  4. Personally i like to compile interesting clothes and outfits from various op shops not to be stylish and diferent per se (... although that is fun too! ) but to add to the diversity at parties. If we all wore the same things then we would lose the colourfull and vibrant nature of our diverse community. So while i dont like the flouro, candy raver, super expensive outfits that some do, it is a part of our scene also.... and if it makes them feel good well so be it!
  5. What he said.... Australia. He he he
  6. Yeah got it on right now... Astrix my fave in this area.
  7. Yeah each party has a life of its own but there are some memorable ones for me where so many variables came together that the downside like bad toilets etc dont even rate a blip on the Fun Radar For me the best party was just recently....Earthcore Carnival 2004, Melbourne, Australia. The reasons being; 1. A wicked lineup in order of appearance - Younger Brother, Prometheus, GMS, Hallucinogen, 1200 Mics, Eat Static, Son Kite, Shpongle. All between the hours of 10pm and 3pm the next day. The party actually went for three days, two nights but this was the main night. The other night was awsome also with more local acts/djs playing. 2. Excellent camping with a river for swimming 3. Excellent friends all camped in one huge area, rather than scattered throughout the whole festival 4. Great wheather - warm but not scorching 5. All the usual trappings of a good festival; great food stalls, free water (of course), friendly vibe in general etc But having said all this there have been so many excellent parties, but in this one it all just came together so fantasically.
  8. Me likes him a LOT !!! Thats about all I have to contribute
  9. EeeeeeeK! at a squeeze i would have to say........ Hallucinogen To this day my smoothest journey through a set was a Hallucinogen set. It was so masterfully crafted and executed that i didnt leave the dancefloor for 4 or so hours. Not even to drink.... i dont usually do that ever! It was a few years back now and have never been so transported, so transfixed by music since. It seemed as if time stood still and sped by all at once because of the way Posford constructed both the music and the set itself. And no it wasnt the drugs
  10. On an average weekday probebly 2-4 hours, on days off 4-6 hours... depending on social engagements and if they are doof related... which they usually are. .... clearly this skyrockets if a party or a night out is involved.
  11. LOL You crack me up dude!
  12. I tottaly agree with you. The main thing i was trying to say was that using the term "commercial" as a derogetory statement without qualification is just not quite enough for me. I know there is an understanding of what this entails in terms of a description of music, but as far as i am concerned the more people get into psy the better. For some this will be through more "commercial" sounding tracks, re-mixes of music they know etc as this give a doorway into exploring real psy... whatever that actually is.
  13. Yo OD you still with us! Kooool. Cupboard eh? lol Maybe ur brain more fried than i last thought! lol
  14. I really have been ignoring this topic for a while but finally i have to say its pretty bloody funny... i mean if you are going to chose an anti-christ of psy why chose someone whois at least related in some vague way to the genre? Like the music or not there are definately some psychadelic elements.. commercial or not. So is psytrance and the concept of commercial mutually exclusive? I mean really... the concept of commercial is in a way that it appeals to the masses... anything that appeals to the masses seems to be considered commercial and therefore inferior. How snobbish is that!!! Are we really that superior? True commercial music is often "cheesier" and more "palitable" but does that make it bad? Yes i and many of you/us dont like it but really... that doesnt mean its not music. I am not that familiar with skazi, what i have heard seems pretty average... not brilliant but also not that terrible-please-let-me-hide-away-bad-either. Maybe i have had too much beer
  15. Its about a 1.5 hour drive so not that far. Also there will be buses and a train/bus option also. check out www.rainbowserpent.net for more details especially closer to the date. 21-24/1/05 Am especially looking forward to Atmos and Protoculture, as well as Loopus in Fabula amongst others. Its also possible to volunteer in exchange for tickets... also a good way of getting to know people! again info on the website Is the best party of the year in terms of psytrance community and in my opinion acts... although sadly this year they have been forced to branch out from psy only in order to cover costs See you in the soup!
  16. I tend to feel a keen sense of the present unless there is something in the past that i need to resolve. I also however get a strong sense of connection to a feeling i can only describe as a being ancient or boundless... free from time and yet closely connected to the past and hence the future also. I like the sense of time as being non-linear, and when i am tripping i get to feel this.
  17. My fave at the momment is PSYCRAFT - Track 1 on "New Moves" Excellent stuff! Dont know the name as i am awaiting the original in the mail soon (have a burnt copy in the meantime) Eeek!
  18. Yeah the set raja ram played at earthcore was not at all childish. Watching him mix was mesmerising!
  19. You'll know some by then i have no doubt. You going to Rainbow Serpent? Australia day long weekend... now THAT is going to be awsome!
  20. Yeah me too.
  21. In Australia the term goa seems to be used very little, psytrance being the more common term both for small and large parties where psychadelic sound containing music is played. Not sure how one would define a psychadelic sound exactly though . What do you mean by melody Cinos? Am confused as i would say much psy has melodic elements.
  22. Havn't heard raja ram play a set as yet... childish eh... not sure what exactly you mean by that but will keep it in mind when i'm there. If i remember. One more sleep...
  23. Hate to go with the crowd but Hallucinogen at Rainbow Serpent, Melb, Australia. It was and remains the best dance i have ever had... it felt as if he knew exactly where my head was at and wave after wave of music kept me glued to the floor and in my own amazing reality, no stops for rest, or a drink of water, or even barely a momment of interaction with others... just me and his genius music. I havnt experienced anything like it... not even at earthcore last year where he played again. He he he me too!!! Along with some other favourites mentioned here who I havent seen; Promethius, 1200 mics, Eat Static, GMS... See you on the dancefloor... or maybe not in that ridiculously large crowd.
  24. He he .. funky psy is FUNky psy... heaps of fun to dance too. Gotta agree with the Loopus in Fabula call... the funnest i have heard in a long while. And not break beaty at all. Thanks for the thread. Think I'll check out some of those suggestions myself.
  25. .....wow what a coincidence simon p's Younger Brother tried to Shpongle me just the other night in an igloo in africa!!! no shit!!! It must be genetic.
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