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Everything posted by ukiro

  1. ukiro

    Hux flux !

    From what I hear Dennis is still producing, but very, very slowly... He's got a small child and all, so I doubt he can spend more than the occasional hour in the studio every week.
  2. Are these originals? If so, I'll take them.
  3. ukiro


    It took me years to find; It's quite rare. But it shows up on ebay from time to time, so do a search and click "save search to favourites" or whatever the link is called.
  4. Big record fair here in Stockholm today, but I'm very short on money due to the gargantuan load pictured earlier in this thread, so I didn't buy much: Sol Invictus - In The Rain http://www.discogs.com/release/236302 FINALLY! Watershell - Deep Field View EP http://www.discogs.com/release/232704 HAN - EP http://www.discogs.com/release/57378 Man Of The Last 3rd & Lando - Blow Station / Fat Freddy's Cut http://www.discogs.com/release/213982 Deathspell Omega - Inquisitors Of Satan http://www.discogs.com/release/369783 Drastus - Roars From The Old Serpents Paradise not on discogs yet Organized Chaos - Flashing Lights not on discogs yet Rave Inspiration - Welcome In My Dream not on discogs yet Various - Shamanic Trance (DJ Sampler) http://www.discogs.com/release/193091 Dr. DNA - Animalution http://www.discogs.com/release/246096 Searched for this for several years before I found a copy earlier this year, and now I find a second one... why do I always get a ketchup effect when hunting rare records? =) Will sell this one Psychogenetic Soundforce - 3rd EP - The Trilogy Ends http://www.discogs.com/release/203799 For my girlfriend - this is soooo awesome!!!
  5. ukiro


    ...but on VINYL - I'm not going to share it. Heck I haven't even ripped it for myself. And yes, Incredible News To Access was also by Tim alone.
  6. ukiro


    "Back To Blighty", never released on CD, is Tim Schuldts masterpiece (yes, that one he wrote on his own). It's truly one of the best tracks ever in this genre.
  7. Yeah I missed that =( I should learn not to to these things before breakfast...
  8. Silicon Attic - Arecibo Calling http://www.discogs.com/release/76399 Another Blue Room... sloooowly getting there =) Juan Verdera - Spiritual Healing http://www.discogs.com/release/266343 As I suspected all along, this submission is fucked up. It says Muses Rapt on there, not Juan Verdera, and it's on Dragonfly, not Butterfly. Will update the Discogs entry now, and add label scans.
  9. I'll keep the financial figures to myself =) There's about 600 vinyls in total, I would guess. I haven't counted, there's more important things to do when you get this much at once =)
  10. Well, nearly =) but it's been such a huuuuge hassle getting them here from england that I was more relieved than excited. And since the mix of stuff os so utterly weird, I'm still not sure it was a good idea - this cost me a LOT and I won't know wether it's worth it or not until I've gone through it all... I'm splitting the whole thing with Stormbringer though, so I won't be totally ruined =) But I won't put up much of a fight on ebay this coming month...
  11. It's about 15-20% goa. It's an insane mix - it has pretty much every form of electronic music. I've started going through the first crate now, and since it's so much obscure and bizarre stuff, I will have to listen to maybe 80% of these records before I decide on what to keep, what to sell etc; it's going to take forever! Some of the goa stuff is SUPER nice rarities though, like hand-printed TIP sleeves etc, the first Eat Static records, Electrotête, etc... I will see if I can cook up a list once I'm done checking everything =) In addition to all that, this dropped into my mailbox just a minute ago: Various - A Vision Of Trance - Tapovan http://www.discogs.com/release/361187
  12. I don't think I will be posting a list today:
  13. I'm very much interested in the law ep! It's the only one I'm missing (the two-tracker, that is). I'll see what I can cook up in terms of trade offerings =)
  14. Haven't seen the movie, need to get that sorted. I doubt this will be allowed into discogs, because even though there ARE super-old elechtronic instruments featured, it's mainly "classical" music in the sense that it it uses real instruments (although in very weird ways). I need to give it a proper listen before I decide though.
  15. Reger: Looks like the promo sheet for The Law EP, while the vinyl looks like the 5-track Infonet EP. EDIT: What the hell? It says 5 tracks on the info sheet! Maybe there are two "The Law EP"s? Just like there are 5 From Within EPs by MWNN: http://www.discogs.com/release/407580 http://www.discogs.com/release/324602 http://www.discogs.com/release/555541 http://www.discogs.com/release/228892 http://www.discogs.com/release/277408 Since FABU016T were all blank (or hand-written) on one side and has no text on the other side, the title is very uncertain... "Infonet EP" might very well be completely wong.
  16. Penderecki is awesome, and way more accessible than the nutball Stockhausen =) Still though, Penderecki is avant-garde and pretty much as far from any "popular music" as you can get. Read up on tone clusters for example; it sounds nothing like anything you hear in any non-classical music, pretty much. Although I'm experimenting with tone cluster in my trance tracks =) I was introduced to his music by a 30 (or so) years older friend that played "Utrenja" for me, after I had been raving about György Ligeti's choral works. And I really fell for Utrenja, especially the "Entombment of Christ" bit. Still haven't tracked down a copy though! This one I got today was a VERY expensive and limited (500 copies!) vinyl with the soundtrack to the 1965 movie The Saragossa Manuscript. The music was composed and recorded in 1963 though. The review it got at Aquarius Records sounded so cool I just had to get it...
  17. Some very, very dark music today: Hjarnidaudi - Pain:Noise:March http://www.discogs.com/release/618843 Troum - Ajin http://www.discogs.com/release/594399 Muzyka Krzysztofa Pendereckiego de filmu Wojciecha Jerzego Hasa "Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie" not on discogs
  18. It is true that 4 people were credited on Twin Sharkfins, but if they all contributed equally is another discussion. Anyway, for the last few years, most tracks are made by David alone or by David + Magnus. The other two were also somewhat involved on Demonizer: http://www.discogs.com/release/132488 Otto: The artist who drew the picture in my avatar is the late Zdzislaw Beksinski. I strongly recommend buying The Fantastic Art Of Beksinski.
  19. How is that one anyway? Been curious for some time, but never bothered checking it out.
  20. I made a note of this here: http://www.discogs.com/release/204156
  21. Didn't find one, unfortunately. Plenty of other DG compilations though, as well as some Sun Trip (no the label) etc... Anyway, my catches of the day: Various - Second Flight: Turbulence http://www.discogs.com/release/33084 Various - Forever Psychedelic http://www.discogs.com/release/59063 had the Polish version from before, as well as triple vinyl. Killing Joke - Wardance (The Remixes) http://www.discogs.com/release/75263 I now have all 90's Dragonfly CDs Subjective - Duality EP http://www.discogs.com/release/71968 Boight it for the incredible ambient/noise track (A2).
  22. I'm going record shopping today, I'll keep an eye out for this one (as it's pretty common here in .se) - If I find it dirt cheap I'll pick one up, I'm sure we could arrange some sort of trade.
  23. The artist is called John Bauer.
  24. Good point =) I usually listen to new CDs at work, but I've got vacation now so there's none of that. And when I'm at home I either play vinyl, or my girlfriend plays music (usually). A lot of the unplayed stuff is not to her liking, so I save it for when she's not at home. Hence the big piles of stuff...
  25. Haven't had time to listen yet, I'm still about 2 weeks behind on all my recent vinyl purchases... I'll let you know when I get to this one, my unlistened CD pile is "only" about 20-30 records =) I have had my eyes on it for some time; an Australian second hand shop (not specialiced in psy or electronic music at all) had it and Psy-Harmonics Volume 4, but only recently got around to ordering them. Luckily they were still available =)
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