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TWISTED TOADSTOOL blasts back into Bristol after a summer of festivals and sun! Once again we are partying at Bristol’s favourite underground venue, the Black Swan, Stapleton road, Easton (10 till 5am) with our usual thumping after party at Casablanca! Headlining for us this time are the psy-trance tunesters - Zen Mechanics (Neurobiotic, NL) Live Fromen Ory (Liquid Recs, UK) Live! For those that have seen these guys play over the summer you know what a tune-filled treat we are in for, those that missed them……hang on to your shorts and get ready cos these guys kick!!!!!!!!! Joining them will be our residents- Toad (Toadstool, FreeFall Monkey) Fungi-Psy ' d (Toadstool) Boris (Toadstool) Wicki (FreeFall Monkey, Phar-Psyde) who are all on a mission to twist you into grinning psy-trance monsters! Plus we are well happy to have - Morph (Planet Shroom) Cueto Psyber ‘edge (Tenacity, Psy Equinox) ripping up the dancefloors with full-on psytrance magic – bring it on!!!! For those who need a break from the mayhem of the dancefloors, we have- Transient Dreams Ambient Shane Da Rabbi providing chill-out tunes in the cushioned environment of the upstairs zen-room! PA will be an Opus rig provided and looked after by Frank & Crew from Twisted Clarity which will be pulsing through our uv enhanced Futurity designed psy-scape! Zapping your minds will be awesome lights and lazers run by Striking Lighting and Gregg the lazer man! Plus, look out for the costumed dancers from the Natterjacks and Sirens there with ice pops & fruit when the going gets hot. Outside will be the ever present Black Swan bonfire and Chai stall selling teas, fruits and other tasty morsels!!!!!! Entrance will be from 10pm and costs £10 in adv, £12 on the door with tickets available from 15th October at: Bristol Ticket Shop, The Arcade, Broadmead (0870 4444 400), Replay Records, Bedminster, Bristol (0117 330 6393) DMT, Stokes Croft, Bristol (0117 942 5900) Tangy Gifts Stapleton Road, Bristol (0117 951 2202) Katze, Gloucester Road, Bristol (0117 942 5625) Front Clothing, Cheltenham, St Georges Street (01242 222544) Happy Daze, 4 London Street, Bath, BA1 5BU (01225 789795) Alternatively, you can get E-tickets from www.toadstool.org.uk for £10 and no booking fee! See you all on the dancefloor, Love and light, FFM and Toadstool Crews xXx www.freefallmonkey.co.uk www.toadstool.org.uk
Its party time again. And don't we always have a goodun!!! This month Rana from psystream Radio will be guest, he always has new tunes and will be bringing the best!!! It gets busy now so come early!!!! See you on the dance floor!!!!
New mix online from DJ Boris - Spooks & Gooks - Sept 06 Plus a track listing - http://toadstool.org.uk/toadstool/music.htm He will be giving out the cd at Toadstool on Sept 15th so get there early. This will make you bounce round the room!!!
If you live close enough, why not come along and see what we are about.
Time to boogie once more as Festival time draws to an end and we all move indoors to get together and have a good time. Be assured the tunes will be mega!!!! More info at www.toadstool.org.uk
A benefit in aid of the Yeleni Centre for Cancer & Chronic Illness. "AMPHIBIAN" A psytrance party organised by Grand Daddy Peter from Tribe of Frog The Black Swan, Stapleton Rd, Bristol ~ 9pm - 6am The Yeleni Centre provides free therapies by staff trained at the Bristol Cancer Centre. 3 Rooms, Crystal Clear Sound, Market Place for Fire Performance fire pit & bonfire in the garden, face painting & body art, full UV decor throughout, secure cloakroom, Chai cafe & much much more. Massive chill out in the main room upstairs until 6am. Swamp & Pond till 5am. Head to Head in the Swamp Mije Ben Toad (Toadstool / Freefall Monkey) Boris (Toadstool) Psy-Clone Dr Psy Pumping it up in the Pond Sol Ray (E-Traxx/Upfront) Dynamic Intervention Father Kane Cat Jane (Ripsnorter) Chilling on the Lily Pad Eclectica The Cling Ambient Shane Darabbi Admission: £5.00 before 10.00pm, £10 after Info: peter@healingearth.net www.yeleni-support.org.uk
NEWSFLASH......... Hold onto your shorts as FreeFall Monkey and Toadstool have decided that Twisted Toadstool just cant finish at 5 am, so we have sorted a full on after party at ..... Casablanca, Stokes Croft - “Twisted Sunday” will run from 5 am till noon on Sunday. Map - http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=BS13PR - Casablanca map. There will be top tunes weaved out by some of the tunesters from the Swan as well as a couple of “fresh faces”; uv, lights, Moroccan chill out zone, a fully licensed bar till noon and hubbly bubbly pipes! This will be a ticket only after party, with tickets on sale during the night at the Black Swan only. We have subsidised the after party as a “Thanks” to all those who are supporting us and have dedicated the after party to our close mate, Si. Therefore, tickets will be £1 only and will only be available from FreeFalling Tim, Toad and Corky on the night itself. We are (oddly enough!), very excited about this addition to our night and plan to make this a feature of all future FFM and Toadstool parties – Bring it on!!!!!!! Good news for those of you that have to travel - you can make a real go of it now and have time to chill, gather your thoughts before heading back home. Love and Light, The Freefall and Toadstool Crews xXx
Nice one guys. See you on the dance floor!!! www.toadstool.org.uk
This month we have the second part of the dj swap with Baraka in Oxford. 'Good Mood Food' will be coming up to Gloucester to get us stomping!!!! And will be bringing thier dancers - the Ozmaidens. See www.toadstool.org.uk for more details.
We at Toadstool are soooo excited to be working with such good people as Freefall Monkey!!!!! This party will kick!!!!!! To say we are excited would be an understatement! Lineup is unreal! and the venue is sweet - we even have a bonefire and fire jugglers outside so no probs with the cold night air!!!!!! Inside there will be multi lazors and wicked lighting from Striking Lighting, awesome sound systems, two banging psy-trance rooms, a chill room and stalls all immersed in full on uv madness. Also, look out for the Sirens and Natterjacks as they weave through this tune-filled party. For those of you who have been to our other events - Twisted Magic, or Toadstool nights, you know what to expect so get yer dancing shoes on and we will see you all on the dancefloors with a grin See www.toadstool.org.uk or www.freefallmonkey.co.uk for lots more details
Baraka meets Toadstool Baraka at the Coven in Oxford It’s the last Baraka of 2005 before we go all out for the New Year spectacular, so we’ve recruited some yuletide talent from Toadstool in the form of Dj Toad and Boris…in addition to their scaly skin and extendable tongues, these lads certainly know how to get a dance-floor going! With Agent 24 and our own Bag Man, it's gonna rock like a swingers night with the Flintstones… Saturday 10th December @ The Coven, Oxpens Road, Oxford 10pm- 3am Music manipulators: 10:00pm - 11:00pm Bag Man Dan (Baraka) 11:00pm - 12:30am Agent 24 (Baraka DJ Competition Winner) 12:30am - 01:45am Dj Toad (Toadstool / Twisted Magic) 01:45am - 03:00am Boris (Toadstool) Pixel projectors: ODL Tom Bull Plus: A breathtaking 10k Funktion One Sound System The slinky, sexy, fantabulous Ozmaid dancers Awesome immersive UV decor by Under The Influence Complimentary provision of fruit, biscuits and various munchables along with steaming flagons of sweet chai… Hookah pipe chill-out Projected visual stimulants and... ...2,300mw of retina-eating pure green laser power! Entry = Members: £7 all night Non-members: £7 before 11, £8 after More info can be found at www.barakasphere.com
and not forgetting the Natterjack Dancers, to dance, smile, and bring round candy canes & mince pies!!!! Also prizes for the best Santa Hats!!!!!
With Dr Psy (Twisted Magic) Toad (Toadstool / Twisted Magic) Boris (Toadstool) Fungi-P'syd (Toadstool) All there to lift you off the dance floor with the best tunes and perfect sound system. It will be the debut of the new Natterjack recruit - Shiva. There will be:- Larfin Gas Chai Tea Uv Lighting & Decor Smiles & Laughter and room to be yourselves in a brilliant welcoming atmosphere where fun is the main objective. Bring your dancing shoes!!!!! See you on the dance floor ( or by the larfin Gas) More details at www.toadstool.org.uk or www.festivalweather.com - a friendly forum for festie people!!
With Dr Psy (Twisted Magic) Toad (Toadstool / Twisted Magic) Boris (Toadstool) Fungi-P'syd (Toadstool) All there to lift you off the dance floor with the best tunes and perfect sound system. It will be the debut of the new Natterjack recruit - Shiva. There will be:- Larfin Gas Chai Tea Uv Lighting & Decor Smiles & Laughter and room to be yourselves in a brilliant welcoming atmosphere where fun is the main objective. Bring your dancing shoes!!!!! See you on the dance floor ( or by the larfin gas) More details at www.toadstool.org.uk or www.festivalweather.com - a friendly forum for festie people!!