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  1. Artist: M-Run Title: Some Run Just For Fun Label: Cronomi Records Date: October, 2012 1. Return To Yourself 2. Ethereal Resonator 3. Cognitive Disorder 4. Custodian 5. Galactic Hunt Part II 6. Abduction Phenomena 7. Alien Brain Train 8. Twin Sister Some run just for fun. Whatever. Those people are crazy. Even in my twenties when I was a sprinter it wasn't cause it was fun. It was because I wanted to beat you. Because I wanted you to think you had a shot at beating me only to watch your face fall when I kicked in that extra gear. Or because in my thirties I wanted to make the crowd do a double take because there was no way that I should've been able to reach that long frisbee throw. Dickish I know. I don't have to be the fastest Robin. Just faster than you. But for fun? Nope. Don't get it. You know who gets it? Cronomi. This label while not as prolific as Suntrip has released some absolute crackers in the genre. The Portal by Portamento and the Erta Ale compilation were outstanding. So here they go again with a limited release by M-Run ( Mario Matakovich) who only released two tracks (Goat Man and Kapala) and that was on Erta Ale. Obviously from the less is more school, he understands you give the public a taste so that they will keep coming back for more. Got news for you. You make music like this I will be at your doorstep. Return To Yourself- "These are the victims of psychotic behavior." That kick makes me want to hit the heavy bag. Not you ma'am. Ok, you. It's got some funky disco swagger that is infectious. What I really like is that the melodies are not the usual twisting spirals, but something wholly original. Take the chopped up bit...genius. There are plenty of twists to keep things fresher than cucumbers in my crisper. Even the cuckoo sample brings the tribal funk. How the f*ck did you work that in there? Outstanding. And that was just a taste. Ethereal Resonator- Now you may be asking yourself how do you follow that up and the answer is with more funky rhythms and ripping leads. Attitude heavy goa trance with continued evolution that never seems to break stride. It's like the master of disguise up in here. Funky, melodic, and not afraid to challenge you in the slightest. Cognitive Disorder- Crazy motherf*cker. Has he even broken 140 bpm's yet? More funkadelia rolls over you in waves and I'm sitting here with my mouth wide open. The sample is annoying, but only because it's so long otherwise it worked for me. Do you think he knew because he came out of it swinging like a black chick after you called her a bitch. "Holy sh*t, white people hide! The hulk is loose!" Custodian- It's outer space goa with a bouncy vibe and a wicked lead melody. Face meet huge sh*t eating grin. Edgy sounds with layers that seem too good to be true and I'm only 4 minutes in! Oh...can I get a little soul clap? This is another awesome piece of music that throws multiple punch combinations. Over here being a custodian, while honest hard work, isn't the most glamorous mode d'emploi. But if it were like this... Galactic Hunt Part II- Where was the first part? This is 9 and a half minutes of pure madness. The middle is the calmest portion of this CD and I guess the break, but it still doesn't stop. He lets it run to allow you to get caught up. When he finally gets to the break it's alien and liquid at the same time. Part Syb Unity Nettwerk and part Merr0w. Abduction Phenomena- 1o minutes. 10 minutes of joy. He lays down a rhythm and syncs the bass with rapid fire melodies and eerie effects. It has some old school feel as well as some slight nitzho appeal. There are just so many changes that it's impossible to get bored with this. Alien Brain Train- Love the way he offers numerous melodic "snippets" in layers with this one. There is a lot going on and it's full of motion. Maybe this is what it's like running through space like that guy in the funny underpants on the cover. The undercurrent of...unease is palpable and at the same time it's very twirl friendly. What a journey! Yeah that happened when I hit play... Twin Sister- With an industrial opening and some more heavy percussive bass it doesn't even feel like goa trance until he slides those melodies in you like a suede condom. Alien vocalizations and cauldrons a bubbling make me hug the blanket a little tighter and the little melody at 4 minutes brings it all together. Power, atmosphere...this is music to soothe the savage beast. Wait...soothing is not the right word. Poking with a sharp stick, yeah that's it. "Hey! Hey Frosted Flakes! Quit making fun of the Asians! Hate that tiger." I wanna have sex with this CD. Straight up sweaty monkey love with all the dirty talk. Is that wrong? Do I now have to register as a sex offender. Worth it. (Psssttt...no it's not.) For me this is so mind blowingly different than anything else out there. Huge beats remind you that it's cool to dance and melodies that just don't scramble up and down the scale. It can be rough like Sky Input and it's always in your face. He takes goa to a place it hasn't gone exploring all the dirty areas goa trance producers are won't to travel. I recently reviewed the stellar Mindsphere Patience For Heaven calling it one of the best new school releases ever. I stand by that. Good thing there is always room for great music at the top. This is right up there but for different reasons. Where PFH was lush and beautiful storytelling on a grand scale this is the most psychedelic goa trance experience I have ever had. Highly evolving originality throughout the whole album. The tracks are long and chock full of everything you could want in goa trance. M-Run, Mindsphere, E-Mantra, Artifact303, Portamento, Crossing Mind, Artha, Afgin, Sky Technology, Somnesia, Space Elves...it's good to like goa trance these days. Cronomi Web Shop Mdk
  2. Hello Everyone! I used to have a thread here with DAT Records update but well, I have no idea where it has gone, so I thought I could start a new one anyway. I have been extremely busy in the last months because I was working on a lot of things, some of which were properly announced and on some others that are still secret and waiting to be told . Let me start with announcing that finally I have updated the website of DAT: http://www.datrecords.it/ I have added the News where I will always have the 3 latest pages and then there are proper sections for all that I do with the label: Releases, the Mind Rewind saga, the T-shirts (yay!), and the Vinyl crowdfunding, which really needs your help in this final stage. Every other page has been updated as well so to make it look better and v2.0 so please, have a look. Then speaking of releases I am happy to announce this week, on the 4th of April 2014 the 2 newest singles will come out, and how good they are, really! You'd hear soon enough... Virtuart & Symbiote. Then I can tell you that the first VA on DAT will come out in the near future and will be called Analog Dreams, it's part of a trilogy that hopefully will have a release every year. As soon as I receive the last contract signed I will announce the tracklist on another thread and boy you don't wanna miss this one. Then after that there will be a 2CD Album, something really unexpected (not yet IFO guys) but that will be a blasting surprise, I can promise you that... So anyway, be prepared for a lot of old music remastered and never heard before on DAT! Draeke
  3. Tracklist: 01 - Imbaba & 303 Trancers 02 - Hidden Paradise 03 - Cosmos In Her Eyes 04 - First Encounter 05 - Blacklight Beings 06 - Creature Of Heaven 07 - Digital Non-Sense (featuring Ephedra) 08 - Lydia Delay - After All (Imba Remix) 09 - Rising Sun For all of you who are into Goa trance but still don’t know who Imba is, I suggest to start with his netlabel UAF Records and one of his first Goa trance projects – Space Elves (alongside with Arronax, CoaGoa and SETI Project), you will slowly get the feeling about his work, ideas and style. First Encounter is his debut full-lenght album, to be released on December 9th this year on Suntrip Records. Since Nikola Petrović (yeah, that’s guy behind Imba project) from Niš is owning me a couple of beers (and even more rakijas), I was blessed to get a digital copy of his new album fresh from mastering studio in return (Balkan Goa Mafia – it’s not a joke, it’s a reality), so instead of keeping it for myself, I decided to throw out few words about this release. It comes with 9 new tracks and believe it or not – only one remix and one collaboration track. Yeah, it became some sort of bad joke to call out Imba for making so much remixes or collaboration tracks, but hey, some of the best remixes released on our label were made by him (Cellar Door, Blessings From Irij). Take a minute to think about it. As I said, new album has a lot of solo material to offer and it kicks off with Imbaba track and his 303 trancers (not sure who are thoose folks, but it seems they like acid). At the first listen you can already be assured you’ll get Imba vibe, not Imba wanna be someone else vibe. It has amazing acidic lines, perfect groove and flawless arrangement. It doesn’t try to sound ‘big’ or ‘epic’ it delivers Goa-groove and nice ride. Few melodies come and go, but it’s not your casual melodic Goa, it’s Imbabagoa. First track and I’m already liking this. Judging by the name, Hidden Paradise should be more ‘serious’ track and guess what? It is. Unlike first one, Hidden Paradise brings more melodies, a bit more of oldschool vibe and some really interesting breaks filled with nice vocals. It’s not my favorite track on the album, but if you’re into more emotive and deep Goa music, this one might do the work. However, I would love to hear the same track but with a bit more diverse and recognizable climax. Cosmos In Her Eyes was the track that I had a chance to hear even earlier and I liked the version that has been posted, but this one seems a bit improved and upgraded. Unlike the second track Cosmos In Her Eyes has slightly better climax and more interesting details throughout the track. Perhaps it’s just me, but I find this one to be one of the better Imba’s works released so far. Ahhh here we go. Aliens. Yes, Nikola loves aliens and it doesn’t suprise me why he decided to choose this track as a release title (First Encounter). It makes absolute sense because it’s one of the better tracks on this album. Fast pacing, acid lines, invoking melodies and cool speeches. I’m liking it a lot and I think it will grow on me even more. Blacklight Beings starts with an unexpected intro – I would say it fits more to some psychill or downtempo music, but after the break it picks up to more straight-forward psychedelia. Not sure why, but it’s one of the lesser Goa tracks here. Unusual kickdrums and effects starts to appear, but not in a negative way, it just doesn’t feel right as previous tracks. I’m sure it’s more an experimentation (even it still sounds like Goa music, it doesn’t deliver that much of Goa for my personal taste). With Creature Of Heaven we have totally different story, more details, more melodies, more snares and build-ups. Without any doubt this will become a true dancefloor anthem. Not sure does anyone from Suntrip tested it already on some gig, but I have feeling it’s one of thoose special tracks to be played in front of crowd. I think this sums up pretty much what you can expect from Creature Of Heaven. Ohh, here is Ephedra. And he doesn’t like digital things, just like Imba. Well, unlike the digital non-sense, this collaboration track got a lot of sense. It’s enjoyable Goa ride, spiced up with Ephedra flavour just in perfect moment to make this album even more interesting. I don’t know who Lydia Delay is, but the remix is another nice track on this album. It leans more towards classical trance sound with big and epic melodies, not chessy, but… you know, just trance. What makes the difference here is Imba’s capability to put enough of Goa ingridients to make it sound enjoyable and danceable. Not my favorite track, but it has nice groove. Last track on this album – Rising Sun isn’t a downtempo. Shocker! Yeah, I expected some downtempo or goachill for the ending, but Imba doesn’t agrees, he wants to finish this album in style so you will go through 9 minutes of really mystical, but fast-paced Goa music. Not sure why, but this track reminded me on one old Trancemaster compilation tune – it also has catchy lead melody. Nice track for the ending. So was it good? More than that. There are many reasons why I consider First Encounter more than just good. First reason is because we worked on Impossible Astronaut release for Neogoa earlier this year, and somehow I couldn’t put enough of attention towards this (newer) material. The other reason might be really nice Suntrip release schedule for this year, including a bit more anticipated releases (at least in my case) such as Ra or Morphic Resonance, so Imba wasn’t on the spotlight for me. I guess I was wrong because this album brings exactly what it’s supposed to be – Imba sound. If you’re one of thoose guys who followed him around since his first compilations on Phototropic or UAF Records, you’ll know what you can expect. It doesn’t try to be different or someone else, it’s realistic, it brings groove and it’s more or less straight-forward Goa music. I can say it’s a little bit linear on certain parts, and it wouldn’t hurt it to have a bit more variations, but it won’t bother you if you like this guys work. Regarding the artwork, I’m not the biggest fan of generic Goa artworks, but I know how much Imba likes alien imagery (as many of you), so this one makes sense. Conclusion: Even it's a bit short review under first few listens I can recommend First Encounter because it represents 7-8 years of hard-work by Nikola, not only in music making or music releasing, but also as being an important and vital part of this scene and culture. I didn't have any big expectations and I was positivley suprised by this album. It doesn't try or want to be something else, it's just honest and danceable Goa music from Balkan region - made with a lot of passion and as such, it should get a deserved attention and support. Music & idea - 80% Sound & production - 86% Artwork & visuals - 61% Overall Score - 76% For more informations about this release, please visit official Suntrip Records website. Written by Richpa. Review and poll can be found here: http://www.neogoa.net/first-encounter-review/
  4. VA - Magic Mountain || Return to the Source is out now on Bandcamp! aGh0Ri TanTriK has specially designed this one for the morning stomp, to take you back to the source, where the magic of the mountain is at it's peak! Featuring well-known and new artists from all over the globe including India, Serbia, Germany, USA, and South Africa, Magic Mountain II Return to the Source is an exquisite selection for smashing the psychedelic mindfloor! Power-packed psytrance compilation designed for a trippy awakening where goosebumps and bass-pumps collide! Tracklist: 1. Neological Vibration - The Great Himalayan River 2. KILLer P - Ground Zero 3. Cyberbaba - Tantralogic 09:21 4. Amanita - Hellot 5. McCoy's SUN PROJECT & Timeact - Struggling For Domination 6. JamDay - Project Lyra 7. Neurosine - Parasite 8. aGh0Ri TanTriK - Forgotten Gods 9. Dronoid & Thalestriss - Gone Too Far 10. Plasma Force - Flight Deck 11. Psyfaun - Forest Frolic Stream/Download on Bandcamp: https://sonictantra.bandcamp.com/album/mountain-magic-ii-return-to-the-source
  5. Out now on Flying Woofer Neological Vibration is a more melodic but still quite the experimental psychedelic trance project of aGh0Ri TanTriK. He blends his experience of 25+ years of listening and playing with electronic music in many shapes! We hope you exploring OuTeR SpAcE with these pumping Neo-PsyHouse Beats! You can stream for free / buy the track in WAV / support the artist by ordering Neological Vibration - Interstellar (Neo-Psyhouse) on Bandcamp.
  6. I have moved my music into this thread as I am not on a label and the tracks can currently be freely downloaded from Soundcloud. I like to make Goa and acid techno, preferably with bits of darkness and ambience and usually on the more experimental side. I am a new artist who is constantly learning and evolving.
  7. Various Artists - Acidum Influxum Suntrip Records – SUNCD77 What an exciting gem of a compilation we have here from Suntrip Records! If you love old school acidic Goa trance you may have been frustrated by a dearth of quality tunes from the big names in recent years. If so, I am pleased to tell you Suntrip and the artists have exceled themselves in putting this compilation together. My mind was blown by acid lines the like of which I had never imagined before. 1. Etnica - Golden Era 08:53 2. InnerZone - Heavens Gate 09:46 3. Hypnoxock - Magma 08:13 4. GoaD - Slayed303 06:35 5. Fiery Dawn - Fluoro Acid 07:20 6. Antidot & DICA - Soulbinder 07:50 7. SETI Project - Psychedelic Acid 08:08 8. Battle of the Future Buddhas - Tenderlion (Anthem Remix) 08:01 9. Binary Bliss - Analog Ascent 09:36 1. Etnica - Golden Era A stunningly good and hard track and it delighted me that Etnica are still releasing such classics today! 9/10 2. InnerZone - Heavens Gate We have eastern singing with a lovely wobbly acid line that goes great with the hard kick and bass. Then the acid goes wonderfully crazy, even more so towards the end where we get at least 2 or 3 acid lines simultaneously with lots of delay yet somehow it all fits together perfectly! 9/10 3. Hypnoxock - Magma This is very old school, hard acid with a slightly technoish feel. 8/10 4. GoaD - Slayed303 Another hard, driving track from a Danish newcomer to Suntrip. As the acid lines combine, this has a somewhat rougher, almost cacophonous feel which is nevertheless enjoyable. 6.5/10 5. Fiery Dawn - Fluoro Acid This one, from another newcomer to Suntrip but not to Goa trance , has an intriguing, hypnotic and quite dark beat with some wild, urgent sounding acid. 7/10 6. Antidot & DICA - Soulbinder Suntrip tells us these acid techno artists have recently been making Goa. This one is really trippy as synths wash over your ears in waves and some awesomely mean sounding croaky acid is let loose on your brain! 9/10 7. SETI Project - Psychedelic Acid Suntrip found an unreleased 90s track here. It sounds good now but remember what kind of impression this kind of music made back in the 90s! The acid is back to basics but nice, but that manic beat is fantastic. 7/10 8. Battle of the Future Buddhas - Tenderlion (Anthem Remix) I'm a fan of Battle of the Future Buddhas and really like the extra 303 treatment they gave this remix. 8/10 9. Binary Bliss - Analog Ascent Quite melodic acid here to end with a track which builds and builds and feels uplifting and yes euphoric as Suntrip wrote. 8/10 This is one of the best compilations I have heard in years. Well done, Suntrip. More of this kinda thing please! 9/10 https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/album/acidum-influxum
  8. Artist: Various Title: The World Beyond Label: Neogoa Date: March, 20 2015 01 - Chapter I: The Vision (Passing The Monolith Into The Throat Of Time) (120 BPM) 02 - Chapter II: The Journey (Across The Silver Sea Of Eternal Life) (100 BPM) 03 - Chapter III: The Gate (Facing The Keeper Below The Human-Form Mountain) (136 BPM) 04 - Chapter IV: The Sphere (Ascending Towards Star-Eaters To Become The One) (146 BPM) "Hear ye hear ye! By decree of the order of goa trance purists we decree that the final two tracks on this compilation performed by heretofore unknown artisans are perfect in every aspect that can be measured by our mortal systems of worth. Furthermore it shall be exalted to the highest plane, be it physical, mental, or spiritual and will forever be the standard by which all further attempts at goa awesomeness shall be judged!" Bravo Neogoa. Bravo. You've really done it this time. As a netlabel you've been dedicated to keeping the spirit and vibe of goa trance alive; constantly and consistently pushing the music to shatter boundaries and preconceived notions of what it can be. Accompanied by stunning artwork the music is always freely given and with this release a new standard has been set. Though only 4 tracks the journey is a full albums length, beginning slowly before shattering expectations in a nuclear crescendo of goa trance wizardry. This is a concept release made by eight artists all of whom have previously appeared on releases from the label. Embedded within the artwork one will find hints of connection to previous Neogoa releases, particularly the Dimensional Gateway series and Celestial Transvibrations. We often talk in terms of releases not breaking any new ground, but this one does. Chapter I: The Vision (Passing The Monolith Into The Throat Of Time) I realize that every journey begins somewhere and to get to the World Beyond, this is the first step. But to me this is 17 (yep 17) minutes of stumbling around in an attic like the ghosts in Scooby Doo. Dark ambient when done well captures a feeling and propels the listener where the artist wants he or she to go. This sounds like a collection of noises that I skip every time. Perhaps it will appeal to some and that's good. No big deal, I don't get opera either and people love that sh*t. Chapter II: The Journey (Across The Silver Sea Of Eternal Life) is the bridge between the opening track and the outright earthquake that is to come. Like the others it's dark ambient opening sets the tone before it glides into a mid-tempo march. Goa sounds and effects ricochet off the walls as it prepares you for the oncoming train. It's mellow yet entrancing in it's own right and then changes tempo and adds a tribal aspect to its arsenal. Not devastating like the next two, but it's not supposed to be. The journey and understanding...take time. Chapter III: The Gate (Facing The Keeper Below The Human-Form Mountain) is the precursor to the blistering final chapter, but is a stomper in its own right. It also allows the dark tension to build before bouncing into another old school feel. The bounce on this one is infectious instantly morphing the worst dancers into a rhythmic Shiva where colors flow from magical fingertips in an elaborate tapestry of mystical dance. The vocal tacet seals the deal and I've just punched my ticket to Nirvana. Excuse me whilst I get down. Chapter IV: The Sphere (Ascending Towards Star-Eaters To Become The One). This track is an acidic napalm blast peering through darkness at the outset. Growling 303's are readily apparent and it sends electrical shivers through the atmosphere. 23 minutes of hurtling through the cosmos, top down system up! A perfect blend of old school rawness with modern sound and production. I believe all the old masters who delivered subpar post goa releases (looking right at you MFG and Pleiadians) should listen to this and learn how beautiful and raw goa trance can be today. A third of the way through and I already think this is one of the greatest goa tracks ever produced. The intensity is maintained as is the atmosphere and I realize I am in the presence of greatness. The break is palpable, a thing alive. Perfect. Sublime. Ruthless. Mystical. You heard Homer. I'll be honest with you. I don't have the patience to figure out the riddle. I've got kids and I had to take one of them to the emergency room on Friday. So I'll leave the mystery solving to Scoob, Shags, and you guys. But whomever was responsible for the energy, the journey, take a bow. The final two tracks for me are the most potent one-two punch I've experienced in recent memory. Ivan you once again have guided the music to a world beyond, with awesome sound, breathtaking presentation, and reassurance that just when you think you've gone as far as you can go the horizon is within reach. Free at Ektoplazm Mdk
  9. RA - Visions Altar Records - ARDEP79 Ever since Earthcall came out eight long years ago, to quote from this new EP I have had a Burning Love Desire for RA to release more music, so to say I was excited when I found out about it would be an understatement! This is a downtempo release in a similar sort of style to the stunning album Unearthly (which has recently been remastered- not sure how they could improve on perfection!). Whilst I would have to say this one is not RA's most complex material, as always it's impeccably produced, highly pleasurable and soothing to listen to and a solid addition to their catalog. According to the credits, the Visions EP is a solo work by Lars W. Lind. I believe this is the first release from RA without Christer Borge-Lunde's involvement, so it is an interesting chance to hear Lars' influence on the project in isolation. 1. Enthralled 6:49 2. Mysterious Thing 6:51 3. Visions Of Touch 6:27 4. The Burning 7:18 1. Enthralled A seriously mellow and chilled out opening track. The synths wash over you and seem to melt together in a delicious slow ambience. 7/10 2. Mysterious Thing "The soul understands what the mind cannot conceive." a voice whispers enigmatically. This track turns the tension up just a notch with a more exotic flavor. 7/10 3. Visions of Touch The textures on this title track are delectable to my ears and brain, especially with that bass. That texture of the sound evokes thoughts of the synesthesia suggested in the track title. It's more upbeat, even funky, compared to the opening tracks. At the halfway point we get intense layers of euphoric synths in a mesmerizing chord progression. Now we're talking! 9/10 4. The Burning This has a trippier feeling than some of the earlier tracks with a pulsating ethereal voice and layers of gorgeous soundscape. It's simultaneously mellow, ambient, upbeat and psychedelic, which is a great achievement in itself, I think. We get a female voiceover with an American accent about Burning Love Desire. The theme of love, desire and romance is nice and I believe a change from the more purely spiritual or philosophical wisdoms we get in RA's previous tracks. I'll let you be the judge of how well it works here I think. 8/10 All in all, a great and extremely relaxing release and I hope with all my heart that we will be hearing plenty more from RA in the years to come. 8/10 https://ra-altar-records.bandcamp.com/album/visions
  10. THREAD MOVED HERE: You may know I am quite new to this so I would greatly appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. Thanks.
  11. Be Psychedelic unleash their next journey into Polska Scena vol.3 & vol.4, out now! Polska Scena vol.3 & vol.4 is a musical collage of 18 tracks that lead you into an ambience of chilled out groove before you are levitated to the sound of Goatrance, Full-on and into the darker zone of psytrance preparing your launch into the realm of hi-tek! With mastering by Rigel and cover artwork by Sati, Polska Scena vol.3 & vol.4 will give you a Be Psychedelic experience and is now available at Bandcamp as a limited edition double Compact Disc Digipack (Compact Disc + Digital Album) or Digital Album. Get Yours Here: Be Psychedelic | Bandcamp Credits: Compiled by: Be Psychedelic Mastered by: RIGEL Artwork by: Sati Design
  12. ॐ P.L.U.R’ is a tantalizing glimpse into the forthcoming EP by my psytrance project G.O.A Monks – ‘Universal Science.’ Set to release early this summer on Mushlight Records. LINK: MixCloud 🎬Youtube Video Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect (P.L.U.R) – the heartbeat of the psytrance community. This track is more than music; it’s a cosmic manifestation of these sacred principles, woven into every note and rhythm. In an era where global peace remains elusive, where divisions threaten our unity, ‘P.L.U.R’ stands to remind us that empathy and mutual understanding can override dissonance. Stay tuned, PsyTrance cosmic travelers. ℗mixed and mastered at Mushlight Studios © powered by Dj Django Music. ®original artwork by: Gemini Art Lab™
  13. Gamma Goblins (Hallucinogen in Classical) | Mo(Mus) Enjoy!
  14. "Sonar Storm" by Lunar Dawn is an electrifying new track that delves into the depths of both Goa and Psy Trance. With pulsating beats, hypnotic melodies, and intricate soundscapes, this song takes listeners on a cosmic journey through swirling synths and trippy rhythms. Lunar Dawn duo blends elements of trance and psytrance, creating an immersive and captivating sonic experience that will leave you craving for more. Release is scheduled on 11.02.2024. at our official Lunar Dawn Bandcamp Sonar Storm single release is beginning of wider story to be unveiled with next single which will follow soon after this one. This track is first part of double single release and following EP named "Abyss" which will round up with one extra track added to it. As the parts will be released, the story behind the tracks will be revealed. The story unfolds as it follows: As the sun dipped below the horizon, the waters off the coast of Bermuda turned dark and foreboding. The two seasoned divers, Sasha and Kris, had planned a routine sonar mapping mission to explore a mysterious trench in the ocean floor. Little did they know that their expedition would soon turn into a heart-pounding mystery and adventure. Equipped with state-of-the-art sonar instruments, Sasha and Kris descended into the depths. Their mission was going smoothly until they encountered a sudden disturbance in the sonar instrument. The display overloaded with an influx of data, causing a sonar storm that sent powerful waves of feedback reverberating through the water. The divers struggled to maintain their composure as the sonar's malfunction caused disorientation and confusion. As they attempted to recalibrate the sonar, they began to notice strange occurrences around them. Eerie sounds echoed through the water, and mysterious shapes seemed to move just beyond their field of vision. It was as if the ocean itself was alive with some mystic interference, guiding and obstructing their path at the same time. Determined to get to the bottom of the strange events, Sasha and Kris pressed on, even as the sonar storm intensified. They uncovered fragments of an ancient artifact that hinted at an unknown civilization lurking in the depths. In their pursuit of the truth, the divers found themselves entangled in a web of intrigue and danger, as forces beyond their understanding sought to draw them deeper into the abyss. As they delved deeper into the trench, the sea seemed to rebel against their presence, unleashing a tempest of otherworldly turbulence. The ocean itself seemed to rise against them, urging them to turn back. But the two divers were not easily deterred. They pressed forward, driven by the tantalizing allure of the mysteries hidden within the depths. Finally, at the heart of the trench, they discovered the source of the disturbances: a long-forgotten temple, built by a civilization lost to time. It emanated an aura of ancient power, and as they ventured inside, they were confronted by the truth behind the sonar storm and the mystic interference. The temple, teeming with enigmatic symbols and relics, held a secret that had lain dormant for millennia—a power capable of shaping the very fabric of the ocean itself, and awakening the forces that slumbered beneath the waves. It was this power that had disrupted their sonar, and now threatened to consume them in its wake. In a pulse-pounding climax, Sasha and Kris navigated the treacherous depths of the temple, narrowly avoiding the perils that lurked within. As they unearthed the truth behind the disturbances, they also unearthed an understanding of the ancient civilization and its connection to the underwater mystic interference. Emerging from the temple, the divers managed to restore harmony to the ocean, allowing the natural order to reign once more. Their expedition not only uncovered a lost chapter of history but also solidified their place as explorers of the unknown, forever changed by their encounter with the abyssal anomaly. With the mysteries of the deep unveiled, Sasha and Kris returned to the surface, eager to share their extraordinary sonic tale of adventure and discovery with the world. There is more to come. You can find single samples at our official Soundcloud page, links are below: ______________________________ Track 01: Sonar Storm ______________________________ Track written and produced by Lunar Dawn. Mastering done in Erotiks Studio, 44253 by Lunar Dawn. Visual art done by Lunar Dawn Cover Artwork done by Lunar Dawn Happy listening, Earthlings! Love´n´Light from Lunar Dawn Duo!
  15. Big thanks to Sati Design for the amazing cover art 😍 The name of my first downtempo album will be '' Tribal Rain Dance '' with 10 tracks 😋 There will be also a collaboration track with Proxeeus & a remix from Ephedra. You can already listen to the preview on my soundcloud on the first comment below : Stay tune for more informations.
  16. Artist: Lunar Dawn Title: The Purge Label: Neogoa Records Date: July 31, 2022 Tracklist:- 1. Being Into The Trance 2. Divisive 3. Loose Me 4. Self Aligned 5. Liquefactive Neurosis 6. My Faith 7. Volatile 8. Being In A Trance 9. Out Of This Place Well Well Well. That didn't take long and I'm not surprised. Of course Neogoa came back, they had Lunar Dawn to release. It's essential and necessary and sometimes that means that you put your life aside for a moment for a higher purpose. . . Filthy Goa Trance The musical styling of this release was a surprise. The cover gives it away but still, when I think Lunar Dawn I think tribal Eastern European melodies n rhythms'. Well not no more, this sounds like the creation of hanging Lunar Dawn in a cage with UX over the volcanic pit of our past and our future for 3 years. That changes a man. As always, if you want people to keep making this music for our sweet little minds then giving them money for their work is a pretty good incentive. https://neogoarecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-purge
  17. Artist: Veasna Title: Energy Label: Neogoa Date: July, 2016 1. Pulsar (143 BPM) 2. You Have Rights (144 BPM) 3. Rubix (145 BPM) 4. Hex (147 BPM) 5. Godspeed (145 BPM) 6. Showdown! (145 BPM) 7. Three (147 BPM) 8. Termination Shock (147 BPM) 9. Ultraviolet (142 BPM) 10. The Essence of Energy (90 BPM) Dis guy? Ohhhhh.....Patrick Dinklage. Got my GOT dander up for nothing. I'm reading the fourth book right now so don't f*ck anything up for me. The Neogoa team keeps the assembly line humming with their latest free release. C'mon pay up you cheap bastards it's worth it. Quantum Connundrum from the Celestial Transvibrations album was the only thing he's released I believe and that was a pretty damn good track so hopes are high. As I await my order to arrive, I make good use of the provided download that comes with purchase. This is an album of tunes that he's made over the past three years. And like has been said it has a massive sound right out of the gate with the magnificent Pulsar and the 303 wielding Hex and Three. While Galactic Aviator was more bombastic there is more variety in sound to be found here. He doesn't forget the dance parts either as Godspeed had me hopping a bit. Ultraviolet is a very intelligent track that has groove, layers, and bouncy melodies. He ends the show with a mellow come-down track. Overall a very solid album that I am glad I purchased. P.S. There are a lot of great comments about this album, but man...why not put it in the review thread where more people might see it? And the artist and label would most assuredly appreciate it. Neogoa Bandcamp
  18. I've been learning to use my DAW. Here's my very incomplete early attempt at a Goa Trance track, aiming for a slightly tribal feel and lowish tempo (143 bpm at the moment). I'd love any comments and suggestions, even to tell me it's dreadful. The drums need some work I think. The ones at the start are supposed to be 808 style tom toms, but I think the kick maybe interferes with them a bit and they get sort of clicky so I may change them. I like my melody but I'm not totally sure if it matches up that well with the percussion and bass in terms of the timing. If I don't end up abandoning the whole thing I'll probably make some acid lines next and maybe another layer or two, pads and other samples.
  19. What lures in the dark depths of the ocean? Or in the distant star systems of our vast universe? These four pieces find out the diversity of both potential and unimaginable life forms from unfound deep sea creatures to convergent extraterrestrials and highly evolved artificial intelligent species. The EP features four divergent songs. While based on melodic goa trance at a comfortable tempo of 142-145, they take some steps further in experimentation. Prepare for half an hour of epic synth mayhem. This EP was skillfully mastered by Ondřej Grzegorz, maintaining it's dynamic range and qualities of my mix. The Bandcamp download also includes several wallpapers in 2K resolution. Download and stream on Bandcamp: https://profetia.bandcamp.com/album/divergent-species Stream on YouTube:
  20. Hi dear friends, Big day today! Ship Commander is out now!!! Hope you'll enjoy. Bandcamp https://ankrosado.bandcamp.com/album/ship-commander Spotify
  21. Doof - Angelina (Denstrow remix)
  22. Hi friends. My self-realesed album has been launched at Bandcamp. This one is dark and with old-school vibes (imo) The "care instructions" theme from my previous realese on Goa Galaxy continues here : https://ollelofstrand.bandcamp.com/ Listen and/or support it. Tracklist: 1. Let's Meet 2. Acid Meadows 3. Bio Labs Audiolog 4. Static Labs Audiolog 5. Chem B 6. Blighted Area (2022 edit)
  23. Hello everyone, this post is to introduce our little new adventure, a sublabel that was born after many years working within the realms of unreleased music. We have received a lot of promos from artist from all the eras and have also actively searched and investigated a lot of projects that were otherwise forgotten. The idea came naturally as an extension to DAT Records and to create a digital sublabel was a necessity as there is a huge interest for the oldschool goa trance and psytrance music in all its forms. With this sub-label in fact, we are trying to promote not just the typical sound that we would promote within the main label but to open wide our horizons and include some styles and genres that we normally have not published. Will it be including modernly produced music? Not yet, as we do have a huge catalogue of releases almost ready to go and it is thanks to the work of the whole team of the Unreleased Goa blog that we have achieved this. But this is the adventure mostly of Vas Cosmogenesis, a precious collaborator who was through in his investigations and relentlessly contacted hundreds of artists in the years to prepare for this launch. I came up with the label name and we started moving early in this year. Now you can listen to the fruit of our hard work and we do hope to get some support and appreciation for all that has been done. We are very happy of the upcoming releases and you'll be surprised, I am sure! Enjoy http://www.datrecords.it/dat/unreleased-goa-records/ugr-announcement.html https://unreleasedgoarecords.bandcamp.com/
  24. Greetings, Goa Lovers! 🥰 Acid Destroyers are back with an EP to close out the year. Get ready to embark on a journey through emotional morning track, darker vibes, and our signature massive acid track. Special thanks to Sati Design for the beautiful artwork and Master-Dx for the clean and impressive mastering. Mark your calendars for the release date on 13.12.2023 on our Bandcamp. You can already catch a preview on our SoundCloud page. Stay tuned for further details!
  25. Artist: Morphic Resonance Title: The City Of Moons Label: Suntrip Records Release date: 13. May 2016 Total runtime: 76:27 Tracklist: 1: Psychedelic Hell 2: In The Mouth of Madness 3: The City of Moons 4: Bad Dreamer 5: Chronos 6: Procyon 7: Mindwarp 8: Sun Project - Space Dwarfs (Morphic Resonance Remix) I remember wishing for a crazy acid influenced goa trance release at the start of the year, and here it is in all its glory! The recipe is same through-out the album: fast, dark and acidic so I will just say how the tracks made me feel. 1: Psychedelic Hell: Christian leads us into the album with a dark track that pounds us from the start. A great opening track that let's us know that we have entered a cave riddled with exploding geysers of acid. No turning back now, not that you will want to. A 2: In the Mouth Of Madness: This track is perfect in every sence. If this doesnt make you get of your chair and hop around the room, nothing ever will. @6:45 had me flying. A 3: The City Of Moons: Here I was just hooked. I hadnt even listened to the whole album and I was on bandcamp, throwing my bloody 3 days worth launch money at this album as if it was Carmen Electra. It is a long track with amazing progression. A worthy title track. I pledge my allegiance to Morphic Resonance, first of his name, the moon-king and slayer of minds. A+ 4: Bad Dreamer: Ok, now Im starting to perspire profusely. If you haven't been working out, you may feel tightness in your chest by this point. Don't say I didnt warn you. A very strong track with schizophrenia inducing acid lines. A 5: Chronos: You dont need drugs to hallucinate, just listen to this one carefully. A very psychedelic and creative track IMO. A- 6: Procyon: This one feels like a wheel rolling out of itself in a rhythmic fashion. Not as in your face as previous ones, but very impressive! A- 7: Mindwarp: Not as good as previous ones, but still good. A bit too repetitive for my taste, B 8: Sun Project - Space Dwarfs (Morphic Resonance Remix): Everyone knows the original track. One of the best S.U.N. Project has made. But what if I told you that Christian's remix makes it even greater even though all the elements of the original track are still here. My vocabulary isn't worthy of describing this track to you! It is one of those extremely rare remixes that actually surpass the original. It's like climbing to the peak of Mount Everest, setting up a ladder and standing upon it just to show that you can go even higher! A+ with a cherry on top! Final grade: A Final words: This is up there with "The World Beyond" by Neogoa for me, which is huge. This album is the first one that I own in a physical form (a cd) and it represents everything I love in goa trance. Thank you Morphic Resonance, and thank you Suntrip Records for releasing such a huge album.
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