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We are happy to announce that our long-awaited "Black Rain" vinyl project is almost done, so we are able to start presales the evening of July 20th The A Side has a remastered version of Prana & Aminite Fx Black Rain by Maor aka Skizologic, who gave new energy to the original tune while preserving the vibrations of the old-school track with his technique. The B Side is Roy Sason's remix, which faithfully reworks the sounds of the 90's to bring a new life to the track, making a huge impact on audiences who love true old-school Goa music. This vinyl is limited to only 100 copies at the moment. It will ship together with a bonus Prana Tribute Mix CD by Roy Sason as gift CD. The shipping date will be after September 9, 2020. So please follow to our bandcamp for be sure to grab yours while you can - you won't want to miss it!! We hope that everyone will enjoy this project, full of passion for the old-school music. Preview 新月を迎えた7月21日の夜から、長い間温めてきたプロジェクトの一つ、Prana & Aminite FX - Black Rain の Maor Hasbani aka Skizologic によるRemasterと、Shidapu ことRoy Sason によるRemixを収録したレコードのプリセールをスタートしました。 A面には、オリジナルトラックを今のテクノロジーで新しい息吹を与えたリマスターバージョンを、B面には90年代の音色を研究し再現されたリミックスバージョンを収録しています。 初回盤は100枚限定、特典としてRoy Sason によるPrana へのオマージュを込めたTribute Mix のCDが一緒に届けられます。コレクションに加えたい、と思ってくださった皆様、どうぞMatsuriのBandcampをフォローしてプリセールの開始をお待ちください。
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psytrance Lucid Alias - I Am A Lion
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New Release from MATSURI DIGITAL Extra Meaning | Deep In Time Please check Full Track on Youtube▼ Download▼ Release Note▼ Matsuri Digital is delighted to present yet another brilliant Israeli project on a special one-track EP. The group Extra Meaning is comprised of the duo of Orrell Shapira and Albert Hadida, and their new track Deep In Time is an super-powerful stomper. Beginning with deep cosmic frequencies and ascending tones, the track blasts off with a resonant kick and growling riffs. With a combination of high-spectrum notes and powerful chords, alternating between spacious sweeps and climactic build-ups, Deep In Time is a track that will take you deeply into yourself as you open up on the dance floor. Another thrilling track on Matsuri Digital by some leading-edge Israeli musicians! Be sure!
“SPACEMEN▲UNDERGROUND”より1年半、JIKOOHAがニューシングルをMatsuri Digitalからリリース! Japanese Goa project Jikooha are back with a new single on Matsuri Digital! ///Release info/// Title:Growth Of Psychedelics Artist:Jikooha Label:Matsuri Digital Cat No.:MD021 Exclusive release date:2019/2/1 on Beatport Release date:2019/2/14 ///Japanese/// 2017年発表のフルアルバム“SPACEMEN▲UNDERGROUND”より1年半、JIKOOHAがニューシングルをMatsuri Digitalからリリース!JIKOOHAを特徴づけるヴィンテージ・アナログサウンドを軸に、新たな音響&リズムを導入し構築されたこの2曲は、オールドスクール且つ最先端という時間軸を超えた熱狂をダンスフロアにもたらすであろう! タイトル曲“Growth Of Psychedelics”は、シャーマニズムにおけるビジョンを宇宙へと拡大させる音のガイドとなり、カップリング曲”Dreamers’ Sad Ailen”は、エイリアンとの出会いを夢観るアウトサイダー達に捧げる新たな賛歌となる! ///English/// Japanese Goa project Jikooha are back with a new single on Matsuri Digital that delivers rich analog sounds, evocative harmonies, and deep beats. The title track Growth Of Psychedelics reflects the roots of early Goa music with energizing but hypnotic harmonies. Framed in a groovy vibe, long build-ups and acidic riffs create a cosmic atmosphere and trancey state. Dreamers' Sad Alien is a melodic but driving track with powerful 303 acid lines balanced by uplifting melodic loops and upper-frequency percussive patterns. These two tracks take us back to the deep and exciting energy of early Goa trance with their slower speed, analog sounds, acidic effects,and evocative atmosphere. ///Track List/// Track 1. Growth Of Psychedelics Track 2. Dreamers'Sad Alien ///Credits/// Track 1. Written & Produced by Jun Iwai and Masakazu Shimodi Track 2. Written & Produced by Jun Iwai and Masakazu Shimodi (Additional Prophet rev2 by Tomocomo) Track 1,2 Masterd by Samy Guediche @CPU Lab Artwork by Yana Istoshina (Art For Mind) ■Jikooha ■Matsuri Digital :
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♫♪ Kaleidoscapism 06:23 An imaginary musical kaleidoscope that rolls into a psychedelic party and rotates a pure escapist experience. The very long name is actually a combination of two words: "kaleidoscope" and "escapism". An inevitable combination if you think about it for a moment (or2:) Release date: 17 October 2017 Written, produced and mastered by Oren Atiram Artwork and video by Oren Atiram Design concept: Kaleidoscopic-inspired visual equalizer Download link ATIRAMO Social networks Facebook Soundcloud YouTube Instagram ATIRAMO Streaming and download Bandcamp iTunes Spotify Deezer TIDAL Shazam Amazon iHeart Radio Slacker Radio 7digital Napster
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We are opening a new chapter with "Goa Files" trilogy bringed to you by our label DJ Setidat. This brand new compilation presents some of the biggest heavyweights artists in the Goa Trance scene such as California Sunshine ( DJ Miko & Har-el Prusky) Ultimate Xperience, Goasia, M-Run, Miranda, OOOD, Celestial Intelligence, Omnivox and Joyfull NaTives. Bandcamp: Beatport: Spotify: Track List 01-Ultimate Xperience - The Night Creatures (III) 02-OOOD - Silence (2017 Reboot) 03-Goasia - Analog Steroids 04-M-Run - Alien Brain Train 2017 05-Celestial Intelligence - Phantom Dancer 06-Joyfull Natives - Gate Of Aliens 07-Miranda - Svarg 08-Omnivox - We Are Infinity 09-California Sunshine - Wonderland (2011 Edit)
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하이. 접니다. AZ NHJO HYENNRO(노흐즈오 현느로)입니다. Hello. peoples. My new tracks release at maybe 20170308. This release so important. My new plan is I want to study go to USA LA GIT Guitar school and Boston Berkley keyboard and Harvard etc. and recently I very hard exercise by guitat. and This new release is into my guitar technology. BPM 120 and 145 version and very GOA, PSYCHEDELIC Style lead include. Thanks and My new release at ITUNES, Juno, Beatport, Amazon, Google, Spotify etc. and We can live at W/Worldwide. Booking welcome. and Some label contact welcome for VA etc. 음반명: Shiva 1 (Radio Edit) 아티스트: AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 음반타입: 정규 장르: 댄스 발매일: 2017/03/06 서비스시간: 서비스영역: 서비스국가: 세계, 한국. 유통사: S2 entertainment 기획사: 노흐즈오 현느로 자료수급경로: FTP 기타요청사항: 앨범소개: NHCD0243 1. Shiva 1 (120 Radio Edit) NHTR0423 uci:i500-1000003124667.100025633591-1 2. Shiva 1 (145 Radio Edit) NHTR0424 uci:i500-1000003124667.100025633590-2 AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 댄스곡 Shiva 1 을 신나게 춤을추며 즐겨보자. SHIVA 1은 클래식스타일의 GOA, PSYCHEDELIC 적인 MELODY LEAD가 돋보이는곡이다. ARMIN VAN BUUREN, INFECTED MUSHROOM, ETNICA, MAN WITH NO NAME, HALLUCINOGEN, PLEIADIANS, TIESTO, HARDWELL, FERRY CORSTEN등스타일의 곡이다. 러시아, 독일, 영국, 네엘란드등 스타일의 트랜스댄스곡이다. 대형페스티벌의 트랜스 무대를 배경으로 만든곡이다. 신나는 트랜스 사운드를 춤을 추며 즐겨보자. 빠른템포의 고아, 싸이키델릭 트랜스곡이다. MELODY TRANCE적인 느낌을 즐겨보자. 어쿼스틱기타의 인도고아적인 아름다운멜로디를 즐겨보자. 지금까지와는 차원이 다른 댄스곡이다.강렬환 하우스리듬을 즐겨보자. 신나는 나이트클럽 멜로디와 비트이다. 파티, 페스티벌등 위주로 만들었다. WORLDWIDE부킹 환영. 2017년 겨율을 강타할 AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로)의 새로운 댄스, 일렉트로니카, 테크노, 고아, 싸이트랜스, 레이브, 테크토닉, 가요, 앨범 Shiva 1 (Radio Edit)"이 발매되었다. 빠르고 신나는 독일스타일의 테크노, 고아, 싸이트랜스, 레이브, 트러벌 하우스뮤직의 진수를 즐겨보자. W우주세계시장에 진출을 목표로 심혈을 기울여 만들었다. 앞부분 신나는 리드로 시작되어 곧 인도 서쪽해변가에 있는 고아(GOA)를 배경으로 한 음악 장르의 하나인 GOA/PSY TRANCE의 장점중에 하나인 반복적인 베이스가 댄스를 돋군다. 하이라이트에 패드와 함께 신나게 즐겨보자. 빠른 BPM 120을 즐기면서 신나게 춤을 추며 즐겨보자. 개인감상용, 클럽용, 나이트 클럽용, 드라이브용, 헬스용, 운동용, 공부용등이다. DESCRIPTION(English): 2016, Summer The AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로)'s new dance, electronica GOA, PSYCHEDELIC trance rave album Shiva 1 (Radio Edit) " released. Fast BPM 144, Awesome, Amazing, Incredible, Nice Goa/Psychedelic Trance Rave , Tribal House SambaTracks! Enjoy! NGO 010 9749 2747 nhjohyennro <katalk, skype etc NHJO HYENNRO 나한테약간도공격하지마
New Single Release Out Now At UP Records - [Australia] < PORAT - Impossible > Release Date: 11/03/2016 | [uPRDIG027] Link: [] Release Sample: [] Description: UP Records presents, Impossible !! The debut single release of Porat also known as 'Ron Porat' of Israel. Impossible is a ground breaking journey of melodic psychedelic leads combined with astounding atmospheres and a powerful tribal vibe. With Ron's EP; Shiva Vibe; in short sights of this release, we have brought you just a taste of what is to come from Porat !! Porat Links: SoundCloud: Facebook: (P) & © UP Records Australia 2016
Kundalini Records are delighted to announce their upcoming release…a journey into the mysterious mind of one of the world's foremost dub/electronica music producers... Internationally renowned & much respected dub supremo Gaudi has taken Stormfront to a different level & created an inspired new take on one of this year's peak time dance floor monsters... Gaudi’s dream music for the future, without boundaries or genres…no tag, no box…groundbreaking, futuristic, freedom of expression!!! This is deep, sexy & highly psychedelic! It's gonna hit you like a STORM (front). Plucked from the ether & magically manifested at his London studio, we are over the moon it came about…Gaudi's totally unique remix is already going down a storm in his recent live sets around the world… Available now from : Beatport : Itunes : Amazon : Listen to LIVE Gaudi Mix on the Sun Drenched Tribal Grooves Show - The Kundalini Experience on WARPStage Radio -
Download links on: This is the Organic Formula for Cosmic adventure and euphoria. This EP contains six tracks which all are inspired by the universal mind of trance, all from the far out space elements to deep core organic and psychedelic roots. The style is Goa and Psytrance with Trance and Progressive sub tones. Enjoy this Cosmic Rain release, and let the universe be your friend. 1. Organic Formula 2. Flux byte 3. Space avionics 4. Andromeda 5. Psyence 6. Utopia
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Future Phat (In Between Dancefloors) Future Phat - a new foray into beat related tunes. Gone are the purely ambient tones of the Gamma album. Replaced by driving rhythms, providing a base for the cosmic sounds FTR has become known for. It has been commented that track six, 'with half a Panda (Cosmic Cave)' is the standout track on the Album. The last track 'Bounce' hints at the potential of what FTR is about to create next. kind regards FTR _____________________________________ Be it FTP or VDU, sensor driven or midi triggered - ZIP me up baby, I'm ready to drive. _____________________________________
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2014 has marked 20 years of Goa Trance, and I wanted to create something special to mark the occasion. After nearly 5 months of work on this single track, it is ready to share Enjoy and have fun!
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Available now from No Qualms Records...Bush Matters Just like in a seventies porno, Bush Matters. In a world gone mad with lust for itself, this refreshing dose of herbal bush medicine reminds us to step back from our social wankery and technological fetish worship, and return to the sounds of the bush. The new album from the fractal hypermind of Jekyll features throbbing organic beats layered with a cosmic interplay between the synthetic screams of our constructed societies, and the analog sounds of the universes within. What matters? Bush Matters.
ALBUM: Frobenius Ring Infection ARTIST: Math Dealer GENRE: Experimental/Psytrance 01 Edge of Chaos 02 Pumping Lemma 03 Borromean Rings 04 Diophantus 05 Piezoelectric Crystals 06 Banach-Tarski Paradox 07 Blum Blum Shub 08 Lokavibhaga All tracks mixed, recorded and produced by Math Dealer. Mastered by Stewart Emery. Artwork and Design by Stewart Emery. A Climactic Records release. In association with Mathematician Records Art and Music Gallery. (2014) OUT NOW BEATPORT EXCLUSIVE!
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This time Goalogique Records presents a very strong Goa sound from Japan. Oriba Tiwa Project is the name of the album. Minomar shows to us one carnival of sound. There are a lot of different stories in Goa Trance ambience, he brings us inside of the Trance. Oriba Tiwa means abundant joy in the Brazilian native indian language. This musical project believes in the enjoyment as the primary creative force in the universe and Goa Trance sound as its musical expression. Available on Psyshop (with preview listening) Also on Beatspace (with preview listening) MINOMAR on SoundCloud
Uploaded with Artist: Spirited Album: Cosmic Ancestors Label: Ananda Tribe Records Format: Digital Style: Psychedelic, Progresssive Psy Trance, Dark Psy Date: 31 July 2013 THE EXPEDITION Travel to a far Far Away World (5:57) through the forest of the Tree Wolves (3:48) up into the mountains, to find the man with the Refrigerator full of Drugs (7:59) and fly over the enchanted City of Babylon (6:42) to go Dancing with the Dreamers (4:30) have a sip of Tantric Remedy (7:54) to cleanse the night spirit and take a ride on the Saraswathi Express to Cokabana (9:14) watch the Sunrise over Thaprobane (5:13) to visit Seetha's Psychedelic garden (6:41) and travel Through the Star Gate (8:07) deep into the cosmos with the Space Dolphins (6:17)back to the time of our Cosmic Ancestors (7:17). * all tracks are written, produced mix mastered by Misha (Sri Lanka) More info and links:
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Hello.New great psychedelic trance release from Norabo records Artist: Sounds From Another Race aka S.F.A.R Title:Skynet Label:Norabo records hyperlink: Genre: Psychedelic Style: Prog-house,psy-prog. tracklist 01 S.F.A.R - Emotions 02 S.F.A.R - Reasons 03 S.F.A.R - Club 04 S.F.A.R - Prototype 05 S.F.A.R - Acid 2009 06 S.F.A.R - Dimension 07 S.F.A.R - Secret object 08 S.F.A.R - Translation №1 09 S.F.A.R - Alien 10 S.F.A.R - Butterfly 11 S.F.A.R - Happy space people 12 S.F.A.R - Sacred power info New music for psy-trance listeners from wizard of sound from Ukraine Dmitriy Norabo.SkyNet - is new tracks with new good melodies and electronic sounds.Listen and enjoy new shamanic music which makes you feel ecstasy.Psychological music for best parties in the world. FREE mp3 160 kbit: BUY AT Artist: Sounds From Another Race aka S.F.A.R Title:Evolution of Music Label:Norabo records hyperlink: Genre: Chill out Style: Psy-Chill,Downtempo. tracklist 01 S.F.A.R - Searching for sacred space flowers 02 S.F.A.R - Forms 03 S.F.A.R - Volume 04 S.F.A.R - Dead people 05 S.F.A.R - Mermaid 06 S.F.A.R - Jungle 07 S.F.A.R - Ultimate survival 08 S.F.A.R - Electronic 09 S.F.A.R - One more time! 10 S.F.A.R - Intelligent sounds 11 S.F.A.R - Necrotic 12 S.F.A.R - Losted Life info The album "Evolution of music" are showing to listener the new side of slow shamanic music.It is new classical chill out electronic music with big musical ideas.This album consist of 12 tracks and some of tracks with guitar and heavy guitar.Great psychedelic music and deep psychological travel into the world of spacy and magic melodies. FREE mp3 160 kbit: BUY AT
Artist: CIMI Title: White World Bridger Label: Furthur Progressions Records Cat: FUP1CD002 Format: CD Release date: Out now! Buy on CD here: **Soon also out as digital download!** CIMI's debut album 'White World Bridger' is the result of two hard-working years trying to find the right balance between innovative and classic, deep, bouncy progressive trance. Behind the project is Marcello, also known as M-Theory (Alchemy Records). Up to today Marcello's two projects have contributed to the psytrance scene with more than 60 releases and 2 albums with some of the most recognized labels including Alchemy, Furthur Progressions, Neurobiotic, Plusquam, Free-Spirit, Digital Nature, Synergetic, Solar-Tech, Antu, Blacklite, Headstick and many more. The album title is a contribution by maestro Gaudi (Six Degrees Records). Marcello has had the honour to remix one of his tracks as M-Theory. It is during their studio sessions that Gaudi made the link between Marcello's new project name and its meaning. Cimi is a sign in the Mayan Calendar which is loosely translated in English as 'white world bridger'. Each track was crafted to reflect Marcello's taste for progressive trance, from less melodic to more layered sounds on a backdrop of psychedelic landscapes. A very versatile producer, the album doesn't fail to show Marcello's ability in covering a wide spectrum of genres from full-on psytrance to typical progressive. The quality of sound is at the forefront of his production, hence the choice of talented sound engineer Ido Ophir (aka Domestic) with regards to album mastering. The result is delightful to the ear and will take the listener through a multi-coloured journey of high quality tunes. Tracklist 1. Kind of Sirius 2. The Flying Scotsman feat. Dj Hamish 3. Drops & Triplets 4. Reanimation by Flegma & Zyce (CIMI remix) 5. The Surfer 6. Buddha Nature CIMI vs Liftshift 7. Alien Feelings 8. Underground Bouncers by Solar Spectrum (CIMI remix) 9. Sunset Bar 2012 Furthur Progressions Records Furthur Progressions Records is a UK-based electronic music label which evolved from events thrown in the UK since 2003. Inspired by the experiences and by the incredible artists they worked with, along with the passion of the team to support UK talent, Furthur Progressions was borne: a platform for the release of innovative, effective, high-quality music. CIMI Furthur Progressions Records
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Flying Spores Records is proud to present Elevator Freak Out ep by Colorshape. Serious music for psychedelic trance lovers with a unique flavor that will most definitely be played for a very long time. If You are looking for pumping tracks with funky bass grooves that scorch the ground under your feet, with grandiose melancholic synth lines, pulsating soundscapes and full of deep emotions, this EP is for You! All the tracks on the EP have been thoroughly tested on various dance floors in the recent months, and resulted in massive reactions by the crowds. Get yours now!! http://www.beatport....k-out-ep/925483
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V/A BrainZcrew 2 - Parvati Records - PRVCD24 Our new v/a Brainzcrew Part 2 compiled by Dj Ilse Hamburg will be released the 6th July. We will have a stall @ Freqs Of Nature Festival where the cd will be available. And for the people who is not coming at the Festival, it will be possible to purchase the cd as usual from our webpage. Actually it is open for PRE-ORDERS now !!! Tracklist: (Samples available on the website) 01. ECT & Peace Data - P-Funk P-Monk 02. Zoobivore - Dinosaur 03. Chicken - The Architect 04. REV - Kubis 05. Kerlivin & Baba Yaga - Psy Funk 06. Ectogasmics - Batch 07. Flipknot - Temple At the Edge Of Infinity 08. Farebi Jalebi - Bandit 09. Gidragasmics - Weird Bunch 10. Whrikk - Sunken Beta Psychedelically Yours Giuseppe
Artist: Dust Title: I Don't like Psychedelics Label: Looney Moon Records Catalog: LOMOCD005 Format: CD Released: 3 February 2012 Style: Psychedelic Trance Artwork By: Android Jones Mastered By: Wired Masters We are pleased to finally present the long awaited first album by Dust, an extremely eclectic, though, at the same time, controversial artist, who has released several tracks in the past years, with various labels, thus covering a large range of different rhythms, from high tech nightish ("dark") music, to full on underground psytrance, from full on morning to more slow bpms, like progressive trance, dub step and down tempo. His particularly sarcastic attitude towards life, art and relationships, in impeccable Florentine style, a caricature of Florence's (Italy) perfect citizen, along with his hyper productive vibe, led him to compose music for six different projects contemporarily, in the past few years, not forgetting the countless others with no name: COMADUST (with coma sector, parvati), ASSAULT JUNKIES (with peace-ka, mindfunk), MINDSHUFFLE (with Ilai, 24/7), DUST IN FACE (with Phase, Looney Moon), FOAM (with Assioma, Looney Moon), MOLEST (with Mole, Looney Moon) Despite being a debut album, this release is characterized by a top notch production, a hyper researched choice of crystal clear high sounds and leads, original and groovy and sharp melodies, happy and hypnotic atmospheres, twisted uplifting breaks, clever and funny samples, and extremely warm and fat bass lines. Beginning with a 142 track which may fulfill the spirit of full on morning lovers and rising to more twilight music, we expect this album to inspire a lot of stompers to actually set real dust free from the dance floors. Topped up with the astonishing cover from Andrew Jones (and a small 24x24 cm poster of the cover inside), this is a master piece for your home collection. Tracklist : 1 - New Speakers Dude! 2 - Psytrance Makes Me Sick 3 - Magnolia 4 - Go Nuts Please 5 - Space Is The Place 6 - Do Unhealthy Silly Things 7 - Koala's Revenge 8 - Blast Chance 9 - Costafreaka 10 - Lift Your Spirit Listen Samples and buy it here: -PSYSHOP -BEATSPACE -SAIKOSOUND Contact:
// Album Description Somewhere above the vibrational frequencies of rivers and streams, birds and people the Ozosphere exists as a fantasy; as a crystallized creation of ideas, which take you somewhere you’ve never been before. A fantasy world isn’t complete with a soundtrack, and this 13 track Album flows from one track to the next tuning up and up the scale. // Tracklist Psyentifica – Xion 80bpm Psyentifica – Hunter 146bpm Psyentifica – Hexagonal Alignment 143bpm Psyentifica – Under The Mesosphere 105bpm Psyentifica – Carbon 90bpm Psyentifica – The Sun Is Shining 110bpm Psyentifica – Anubis 148bpm Psyentifica – Passa 70bpm Psyentifica – Turn Of The Century 146bpm Psyentifica – Anticipation 99bpm Psyentifica – Entheogenic 99bpm Psyentifica – Mountainview electric 82bpm Psyentifica – Magnetic 135bpm These tracks were not written in order, or finished in sequence. It took me about a year and a half to have enough tracks to choose from in compiling this album- during this time I upgraded to live 8 and a new processor which helped slow down the process- not to mention a hardrive crash that had the entire collection of my music library in digital format completely erased… I hope you enjoy the sounds. // Downloads Rar archived album 16bit Wav Format : [click] 320kb MP3 Format : [click] // Artist information The Psyentifica project started to explore uplifting psychadelic sounds in 2008 has opened a new doorway into the psychadelic community which pushes the boundaries of electronically produced music to new levels of frequency stimulation. Since inception Psyentifica aka Catalin Faget, manager and producer for Infinity Loop Music has put out harmonic DJ sets which constantly get featured on top digital radio stations, original productions, and shows featuring some of Canada’s most prolific psychadelic artists. Currently recieving promos from top labels such as Dacru, BNE, Hommega, Bonzai, JOOF, and and a strong supporter of digitally distributed music; Psyentifica’s track collection is blossoming to be ready for any upcoming events where highest quality tailored sets are the base standard. Affiliations: Infinity Loop Music, GOMP, Techno Hippy Crew, StereoShift, Ektoplazm, Perception Inc. LINK // Booking // All tracks written and performed by Catalin Faget Mastered by Catalin Faget at Infinity Loop Music Studio CD Cover Artwork graciously donated by Benoit aka hyperben and modified by Catalin Faget, All rights reserved.