Subatomic Disco is the second full-length album by Radioactive.Cake (Robert Hundt), the founder of Glitchy.Tonic.Records. His style is a blend of day and night-time progressive vibes incorporating monster minimal grooves and richly layered psychedelic atmospheres, always with a touch of darkness and unconventional sound design. Let the music take control of your mind and body and it will ignite your imagination.
Download and samples here: http://www.ektoplazm...subatomic-disco
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Radioactive.Cake - Geist (Intro)
Radioactive.Cake - Hemispherical Conflict
Radioactive.Cake - Bending Rodriguez
Radioactive.Cake - Dawn
Radioactive.Cake - Harsh Softness
Radioactive.Cake - Pure Progression
Radioactive.Cake - Reality #26
Radioactive.Cake - The Dude Abides
Onionbrain - Desert Song (Radioactive.Cake Remix)
Artwork by Robert Hundt.
Mastering by Anti-Logic, Berlin.