Taking a cue from the North and South differences topic, I live in Brazil as you may know, and I feel that it's getting hotter and hotter. As a tropical country, Brazil has a summer that lasts 10 months, a one month Fall and a Winter that lasts one or two weeks. But it was not like this, my mother says that some 30 years ago, the cold weather would start in mid-April and last till September, with temperatures not rising above 30 Celsius in July, as we see now. I remember that time, for we had to use jackets to play outside in the backyard or in the streets.
2012 has been a specially hot year, so hot that my boyfriend bought us a air-conditioning. Something he never saw the need to have. And we officially are not in Summer yet. I wonder what is happening to our Earth, some may say that the climate changing by man is not happening. Easy said if you live in Europe or USA, where changes in cold weather are not felt by general population as it happens in the Southern hemisphere. All I may say is that in comparison to last year, every year is hotter. In Brazil, it's so hot, it is almost unbereable. I am a witness that climate changing is happening, we never felt so in need of an air conditioning. Our neighboors too, almost all of them are buying in this summer.