Hi Guys,
I was browsing Ektoplazm (BTW, what's going on with v.2, I was a contributor in the campaign) and they have an account at Redbubble.com where you can order t-shirts with their logos etc.
I thought it was a great idea since Redbubble is a huge/reliable business and although they have outsourced their business at various parts of the world (I know that because I often buy stuff from them) their quality is good and their prices for long-sleeve t-shirts is also very cheap IMO (long sleeve shirts is what I usually buy). It's good that you can also make bags, phone cases, leggings etc
The only problem that I have found is that not all t-shirts have exactly the same line/fit if bought with different orders, which I attribute to the fact that they have outsourced their business at different factories and there's no centralised supply of blank t-shirts. The quality and colours of the print again varies slightly, but overall they have a good quality for the money paid.
I think it would be very easy for psynews to do exactly the same thing as Ektoplazm and I would proudly wear Psynews.org clothing.
P.s Redbubble doesn't give me commission, I just like their idea and way of business.