Good Magical day. Produce a Psychedelic track from A to Z with Twisted Kala at Sonik Tec Academy Level 1 part 1 is now available here:!music-tips/cjg9 2 hours of teatching psychedelic Music included: included: Main structure of a track in Cubase. Create, open a new project. Choose BPM. Create Short cuts (key commands). Import samples. Organize structure of the track. Use quantize. Kick in audio. Bass in midi. Effects in inserts: Equalization of Bass. Closed Hat. Equlization closed hat. Open hat. Install V.S.T Use V.S.T Instruments: Synth 1 synthetizer: Sound design in midi: Create audio sample (Record midi). Differents types of filters. Record automation on Synth. Assign LFO. Equalization synth. Bounce (export) midi files in audio files. Create short cut (key commands). Use of synth 1 syntheziser (explaination of oscillator, FM, Frequencies, LFO, Pitch, sound design). Mixe of a track finished. Pitch envelop process. Construction of a break in a track. Enjoy the Twisted Magic!