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Would u buy a comp. of new artists???

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i know the initial response would be 'if they are good tracks, then yes', but it seems like a lot of the ppl here in this forum know what they like and dont want to look for new artists/styles to expand their horizons...


ive also seen, (in another forum) when the track listing for the next parvati comp. was announced, someone reply with:

' great, another 'no-name' compilation'


is this the general consensus here or what?

who here supports new, original and innovative artists?


boomz from oz



No. I'm always looking for new artists. I'm totally open minded on artists. However I do like a certian style. I like Goa (classix stuff), and old school psytrance (psysex, new mfg album) I also like newer style of psytrance (origins comp) and I also like hypnotic minimal (fast baselines - vibrasphere) And of course dark @!#$.. and well whatever. I'll not list all tiny sub genres.

Basicly I have to LIKE the music... And frankly the more underground the more proud I am to buy it! ;)

So to your question: "Would u buy a comp. of new artists???" Only if I could listen to it first, I don't buy on faith.

Usually i'll download the mp3 and listen to it for a few days. If I like it i'll go buy the CD. If I can't download it, i'll listen in the record shop.

If the recordshop doesn't allow that. I'll NEVER buy it! ;)

And your question about "innovative" I assume you mean diffrent. Well if it's diffent and sounds good then, yes.


So to simplfiy the answer: If I Like it.

Guest vasyachkin

we shouldn't buy records to find out about new bands. we should buy records to support artists we respect.


that said we should certainly check out new artists, but not necessarily by buying them.


if you like it - then buy it.

Guest bugbread

Ditto. I could care less who makes the music, but I WOULD buy a new Hallucinogen album without hearing it first, because I know roughly what I'm getting and I know that I have high odds of liking it. If it were a group I didn't know, I wouldn't have that guarantee, so I wouldn't just buy an album because it had a nice cover. However, if listening to the songs (I'd prefer MP3 to listening stations because it's hard to REALLY listen to music standing up in some music store worrying about how many minutes you're borrowing the headphones) allowed me to know that the album was good, of course I'd buy it!!

Guest bugbread

Sorry, my ditto was to mE 1. I wouldn't buy a CD to find out about a new band, but I WOULD buy a CD if it had music that I liked, regardless of whether that band is new or old. It's not a matter of respect for artists, it's a matter of "I like this music, I buy this CD."

Guest Slidingtrancer

I WOULD buy it if it was any good, if I'm really honest I'd have to say the cover should reallly interest me. I'm not gonna pick up something that has prolly 9 dark minimal boring stuff on it EVEN when its new.


Hmm, interesting. I would have to say that I have had so many horrible experience buying unknown artists that I would rather spend my mmney on what I know I am getting..that said if I listen to the cd or a sample first ad like it, then of corse I will try to buy it :-) Goa music out here in oZ iz so damn expensive that you have to be real careful with what you buy,, qualliyt,, not quantity,


at first........No ! :(

But if i listen a good extract or a mp3..maybe yes :-)

Guest Zero the Hero

Actually, I ONLY buy comps with new artists, the old ones are so booooooring IMO...

Reece, I agree with you 100% !


of course i'd buy it. but i want to listen to some samples before or at least read some reviews about in at psynews.org... :-)


wicked, thanks guys, keep the answers coming! (its market reseasrch;)


mike d, get in contact with Franny at Demon Tea Records, he does mail order distribution, best prices in oz!




Guest bugbread

And Demon Tea seems to be releasing the best music in Oz too (Pelinpala rocks my world)


so do many ppl use things like the real audio functions on psyshop, or mainly mp3's???



Guest Real Audio sucks

Real Audio is a waste of time, especially partial tracks. It sounds like you're listening to the music through a wall. Only mp3!

Guest bugbread

Yep, I only listen to RealAudio when there's absolutely no other way to listen. I could care less about the inability to save, but the sound quality in real audio is beyond bad (however, I have it on good authority that it's not a problem with real audio, but with the settings that people who publish to real audio use. That is, since they plan on having a lot of people listen, they use very lossy compression).


HOWEVER, since the goal is to sell records, I'd recommend something like Real Audio, which is hard to steal. It can be done, with stream rippers, but it isn't really worth the effort. Just make sure it's a very high quality stream (which, unfortunately, knocks out non high-bandwidth users).


By the way: Demon Tea? Sweet!

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