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DJ Scotty?? DJ Axel??

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Anyone out there seen Dj Scotty play? He seems to be one of the big name German dj's, but he's never made it out this way for some reason. For that matter neither has Axel (or even Antaro). I think Scotty played the final set at the Voov this year (but I could be wrong). Anyone catch that set or see him play elsewhere?

And what about Axel?? Anyone see this guy play before. Any info much appreciated.

Guest [tom jaimz]

I've seen Scotty play several times - he comes down to Australia most Summers, although I don't think he made it this last summer.


He plays German minimal progressive stuff. I've often seen him play back-to-back with DJ Morg [spiral Trax / Sweden]. Both of them are excellent at doing the morning meltdown sound, but I don't feel they have a high enough energy level to do night sets.


DJ Axel I don't know.


Scotty has always played crap music and extremely bad mixed too when I have seen him.

Dj Axel at least used to play very psychedelic stuff, basically unmixed.


thanx guys. another question for "tom jaimz" and "blargh": which dj's do you go for in a big way?


Joel Mull and Jeff Mills are superb DJs...

I like Matt BooM! and Anoebis too. :)

But I havent gone crazy to psytrance since, um, well, since last time I played Snake Things "Shango" in december at a party. Haha.

Guest [tom jaimz]

DJs I've seen that have blown me away: Spiralkinda duo, Anti, Lestat, Tristan, Hujaboy, Joti Sidhu, Steve Ronan, Mapusa Mapusa, Seb Kruger, Franny from Demon Tea, Olli Wisdom, Pied Piper Paul, and not to forget my own personal mentors, Agent 23, Raptor, Panayote and Eegor.

Guest [tom jaimz]

Oh, and I should point out I also like non-psytrance DJs like Marco Carola, Luke Slater, Julian Liberator, Derrick Carter, Norman Cooke and the Chemical Brothers. :-)

Guest green mouse

I've seen Axel at Voov, and he also played here in Bulgaria in December. He is good friends with a friend of mine, that is basically how he came over here to play...I personally don't like the music he plays, but other ppl really like him...so it is all a matter of personal taste...mine is more Tristan-Anti-James Monroe-oriented

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