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mystery of the yeti


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hey all-

I've been thoroughly enjoying mystery of the yeti pt. 2 for the last month or 2, ever since I lucked out and found it used in a cd store for like ~$8!!!


was wondering if any of you know where I can get hold of the first one.


I'd be willing to trade copies for it (I have a burner.) or mp3s or whatever.

I have a pretty decent selection of more of the older psy-trance; hallucinogen, pleiadians, green nuns, lotsa t.i.p. stuff, shakta, MWNN, montauk p, infected mushroom, etc.


I consider myself pretty net savvy and have yet to find a place that has mystery of the yeti pt. 1...

even gemm.com doesn't have it listed, which is quite discouraging...



thanks much,


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Guest ZaRAMaTU

I really hope TIP will reprint MOTY Part 1 sometime. Another CD I would like to see reprinted is Planet B.E.N.'s "Trippy Future Garden". At least I have the later on 256 kbps MP3's, which is not the case with MOTY Part 1. It's just not possible to get those CD's anymore. DAMN!

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I'm just digging the mp3s until i can track that one down - it's definitely on my list - a CLASSIC!


it was ahead of it's time as far as ambient is concerned.


-=- Matt/Strumpling -=-


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Guest Mescalinium

i was able to find all the tracks on audiogalaxy. did take me a while though :-)


and no, i am not a music pirate, this album is out of print, and i'd happily pay money for it if it wasn't.

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