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Sampe I.D. "After I'm Gone Your Thoughts.."

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Guest Vasilis

Ok, this one I've heard it too many times on different tracks..(Talamasca - Flow rmx, Multiplex - Twisted Tale, UX - Dominion and still on others I can't remember now, even on a rock song by Tiamat)

in the sample a man says "After I'm gone your thoughts will be with me (.......) in this miserable span (?) of existence...who is this guy and where is the sample from?


"your thoughts will be with me always" - UX,

Dominion (from the movie Fortress)

I don't think it's the same sample used by

Talamasca, though.

Guest Vasilis

Yes UX - Dominion hasn't got the same sample,that's cause I didn't check it, I was just trusting my memory.

Guest [tom jaimz]

Nah, the sample to me sounds more like "After I'm gone you're free to continue your existance as one of my satellites.. and that's how it's going to be!" It's appeared many times on different tracks.. and I don't know where it's from either! :-(

Guest phaeton

i always perceived it as


'after i'm gone the earth will be free to live out its miserable span of existence .. as one of my satellites .. and that's how it's going to be!'


featured in way too many tracks indeed, most of them seem to be french tunes .. ;)

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