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simpsons sample...

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hey all!


can someone please help me identify this track?

its hopefully pretty easy!

might be parasence/aerodance/digital seperatists, or maybe not...

the simpsons sample is the fat guy from the comic shop asking Homer about upgrading his internet connection, blah blah blah, then homer says, 'can i have some money now?'

towards the end of the track there are porn samples, girl moaning etc. over a really nice key change

track length is about 9 min. 40 sec.


thanx in advance!

Guest homegrowBRAZIL

Brother, I really dont know very well the track you need, but here are some tracks with simpsons samples. Goa head! hope I can help


Space Tribe - Who's Nutty


Fractal Glider - Chasing Ganesh


A track by GMS on the Growly Family.


Fluffy Puppy - How many beers


Mumbo Jumbo - Weird Sick Twisted


Battle of the future buddhas - (the one on "psychoactive scandsounds 2")



Squaremeat - Pro Purenta


nope, thanx anyway man!


am pretty sure this track is unreleased too...


wow, i thought heaps of ppl would know this one!



Guest pollywick

Krusty burger with cheese-Psyside ???????????????/


i hope i can help you ( i think ):


colours - crook be




lipe forbes - parrot jungel

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