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shroomy water samples / new info

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Some time ago I posted a query (scroll down a bit and you'll find it) about this weird track with sounds I couldn't describe better than shroomy distorded water drops falling on still water..

Well (surprisingly) that's didn't produce a correct hit (still many thanx for those who tried) but now I have new info..


Take your Cosmosis Synergy album from its golden shelf, skip to track 6, the excellent Turn On, Tune In..., and listen to the sounds starting to grow in the background at exactly 03'30 and stopping at 03'50..


Well this is VERY much the sound I was trying to lousily describe.. Now the track I am looking for has kind of the same sound but as the principal (only¿) melody at at least some point in the track. It could possibly have maybe been perhaps a bit slower (my memory is kind of fuzzy from that night) and deeper-kind-of...


Well, many thanx in advance!



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