Guest jsb Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 Hi there again! I'm trying to understand how minimal music can be categorized under the "psychedelic" techno appellation. Psychedelic music at base is music that contains several layers into them to make a certain "drug-like" effects (mushroom, lsd or others hallucinogenics). There's a lot of kind of psychedelic music, the old stuff like The Doors, Hendrix or even some old Yes albums (Close to the Edge). There's also the kind of psychedelic layered music like Ozric Tentacles or others. There's is also Psychedelic Trance, a kind of Trance music added from multi-layered psychedelic atmospheres and effects to makes feel you into an hallucinogenic and strange atmosphere. Now i'm trying will all my judgement to understand how can a kind of minimal music like Delta - Send in Send Back, or the new Etnica Chrome release can be categorized as "psychedelic" music, or psychedelic techno. There nothing psychedelic in that music, to textures, to layers, to psy effects, nothing. It's standard techno, cold and repetitive, with to surprises, no special atmospheres. It could be great to kick all cold, minimal, repetitive stuff that have nothing to see with this "psychedelic trance" website. A good exemple : All XV Kilist, Atmos, and finish minimal stuff. Quote
Naiman Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 =) !! Heheh.. Jsb you have some serious problems with full on it seems ! :-)) Quote
Guest etherdesign Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 Nice to see you haven't given up your crusade against minimal, jsb Good luck with that. Quote
Guest mijis Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 Thats what happen when you only listen to hallucinogen, you become an ignorant of psy trance believing you know a lot of psy, it seems the lsd , the shrooms etc closed your mind instead of opening it . Good vibes and peace mijis Quote
Guest psyfi Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 "i'm so excited, i just can't hide it! i'm about to loose control and i think i like it!" come on let's listen to some serious 80s @!#$. THAT is psychedelic!! Quote
Guest jsb Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 Syre is the greatest hole that the planet have known to these days Quote
Guest --==MileS==-- Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 Again, for what its worth, JSB has a point as psychedelic music has traditionally been associated with mind altering stuff that touches the visual side of things. Minimal is not about visuals but about patterns of rhytms that enable indeed a state of trance but quite different than 'the little fluffy clouds' normally appearing in psychedelica. Just wanna add that LSD, the pater familias of psychedelic drugs is rather useless when listening to minimal as the music does little to touch the visual least that is my experience... So, its Hallucinogentic versus Hypnotic... Can I sleep further now, mammy?... Quote
Guest [tom jaimz] Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 I've been listening to psychedelic trance for over seven years and the Delta's album Send In Send Back is one of the most full on, psychedelic musical experiences I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. If you don't understand how the finely tuned sounds of the Delta can be concived as psychedelic, then for christsake don't expose your obvious ignorance in a public forum. I admit when I too first heard the Delta it sounded like techno. This is because I listen to a lot of psychedelic trance and it takes a while for me to adjust to the more complex sounds of the Delta rather than the easily-accessable party music of the likes of TIP World and 3D Vision. But once you explore it completely, and understand exactly what these masterful sound engineers are actually doing, you'll find a whole new world of psychedelic journeies. JSB, you're a fuckup, and people like you, with your closed minds and your arrogance and your anti-this and anti-that attitudes are the worst part of the psychedelic trance scene. How can you people have come so far to find the sounds of goa trance and then suddenly just turn your minds off to all new music? Is this what psychedelic trance is about? Finding something then expecting more of the same? Psychedelic trance doesn't have a sound, you dumb fucks, it has a direction. We're all just passengers on a train with an unknown destination, and each time it leaves a station all the morons who forget their on a train say, 'Hey! I liked that last station! Let's go back there!' Quit pushing your negative opinions on a forum of otherwise illuminated peoples. We don't need your @!#$ and to be perfectly honest we're getting quite sick of it. How many people who like minimal do you see complaining about the lastest Turbo Trance release as 'more melodic @!#$', or the new Twisted compilation as 'yet more of the same Posford formula'. We don't, 'cause we're open minded. Then sometimes, people like you just make me feel sad, because you really don't know what you're missing out on, do you? Poor sorry little jsb... Quote
Guest eris Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 just want to say that anyone who only listens to 'psy-trance' or whatever you want to call it and no other types of music doesn't have any basis to discuss what is psychedelic music and what is not, at all. how can a certain 'closed' formula -4/4 beats and similar track structures-continue to be mind expanding? time to look at and listen to other sorts of music when trance doesn't 'do it' for you anymore-that time will come to most people here if they are to progress on their psychedelic 'quest'.it's inevitable to 'open up'- for your own evolution.[you can always keep a space in your heart for psytrance!!] Quote
Guest jsb Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 for me, passing from synergy to delta is not an evolution, but a regression. I've tried so much time to understand this popular movement, to follow to trend of minimalist, but after 10 minutes, i'm so bored by this never-ending repetition of simplisty sounds. Even wizzy noise that i loved first for their great track like dark city or brain machine, are now very boring a minimal. Sorry but there's really nothing to fall in love with this music!!!! Everybody, the trends are now to Happy Hardore, so we will listen and produce Happy Hardoce, yee=ha Quote
Guest MK Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 jsb - DONT FOLLOW - listen to what u enjoy. progressive/minimal/pro-tek/psy-house/deep-house (and probably a lot more) is not for you at the moment - things always change...maybe in the future. As far as psychedelics go - the way u r writing - it seems u need to stick to warm milk and asprins, also try getting a good nights sleep. but your posts always make for interesting juvenille play-ground bickering - Thank the lord for Simon P & Astral, or u would really be in the sh1t. Open yr mind, at least to the extent of accepting that not all people have the same tastes as yourself, and have some respect for those people.. Quote
Guest jsb Posted February 18, 2002 Posted February 18, 2002 You're all a bunch of bastards HAHAHAHA MK especially Quote
Guest MK Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 jsb , coming from you, I guess that's a compliment! Quote
Guest nomad Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 Funny @!#$ .. this is what psychedelic trance is all about.. arguing about what is best. Is that it JSB.. you knew the moment you posted that this would happen. Are you a glutten for punishment or just stupid ? My guess is probably both. The best piece of advice i can give is to go home smoke a fattie and listen to tripiatrik - circonflexe...and then again in a public place, apologise and put yourself to bed (aspirin or no aspirin) Quote
Guest lifeform Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 hmm... i think alot of you got it wrong.... which i think is kinda funny : D All i want to say in this post is that there is a certain degree of psychedelicacy (spelling ... i know.. shut up, hehe)... and though minimal can be psychedelic it doesn't touch the layers apon layers of more "fuller" types of trance. Honestly, i think that's what it's all about... Layers! and that's something minimal seems to lack. I've come to the conclusion that minimal is club oriented to dance to... cause it seems like people want to go out to clubs and dance... and maybe sell some more records... cause not everything wants to listen to a track that has literally been dipped in liquid acid (full on, crazy @!#$)... Where minimal focus on the groove/beat (dancy) Full on is just nutz and cool in every aspect (chilling / at home tripping music... something that can actually touch you inside, somewhere that minimal can not reach at all). I'm a full on fan... if you haven't noticed... but my days of dissing minimal has passed. I respect it's here and it's what's now... Just hope not forever! Good day/night all! remember... There is a reason why this minimal music doesn't have psychedelic in it's "tag", like PSY trance does. It's just Minimal... That's what it is. Quote
Guest nomad Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 minimal touches me ! and as far as tags go it's not minimal vs psychedelic melodic... and don't tell me that bitmonx isn't psychedelic trance trance is about rhythm first and foremost, as is minimal ..layers come second Quote
Guest MK Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 lifeform - forget about the tags and enjoy Quote
Guest bugbread Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 Well, now I get to disagree with EVERYONE. In my personal opinion (not necessarily "common parlance", but my personal opinion), Hallucinogen/Astral P are not psychedelic trance. Neither is Atmos or the Delta. That's because psychedelic ("imitating, suggestive of, or reproducing effects (as distorted or bizarre images or sounds) resembling those produced by psychedelic drugs") and trance ("a state of profound abstraction or absorption") are different. In my (once again, personal) opinon, Hallucinogen at al are psychedelic, but not trance. They don't put me (or the people around me) into a "trance-like" state. Yes, they are emotional, yes, they draw you in, yes they may even take you to another place, but it is not "trance" like. Atmos, Delta, etc. are trance, but not psychedelic. The repetition puts people into a state of profound abstraction. I look around at people in minimal psy parties, and they look and act like they are in a trance. However, while the music may be positively affected by psychedlic drugs, there is little inherent in the music that resembles the effects of said drugs. That is, if you play Hallucinogen or some other psy stuff to someone who doesn't know about techno, they'll say it sounds like a bunch of druggy sounds, but if you play Atmos or Delta they won't. They may say that it sounds like music people on drugs would listen to, but not that the music itself sounds like it's on drugs. But, unfortunately for me, common parlance is that both Simon P and Midimiliz are "psychedelic trance", so I live with it and move on : ) Just for reference, I find that Yamabikaya and some Ubar Tmar are both psychedelic AND trancelike, but for some reason that school of psy trance actually has the least fans : ) Quote
Guest Setsuko Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 progressive psytrance touches me full-on has never done ... it's hypnotic , very tribal and extremely dancefloor orientated. pfff , i get bored by those discussions over and over again ... this scene (forum) is becoming a fanatic girly scene ( like the N'Sync or Backstreetboys scene ) , i mean , starting up a Posford chatroom and worshipping other artists (gods) ... bla bla bla , yaddi yaddi ya ... THIS IS MY LAST MINIMAL vs. FULL-ON REPLY/POST !!!! i'll stop wasting my time with this sh!t , instead ... i'll listen (realy LISTEN - you guys know that) to some psytrance. greetings soldiers of the 'music war' ☻ Quote
Guest Alfaritmos Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 I as of lately got what Minimal is all about. With Minimal it is all about the relation of the hypnotic and very layered beats and the atmospherics. If a group can get that relationship done right then the beat will set a primative state of mind breaking done the constructs of modern society and the wonderful atmospherics can then take you away to a place that is much harder with your mind up in you current society. The Beat is (PRIMITIVE) The Atmospherics (ETHERIAL). Now dont get me wrong I have heard some Minimal that is all beat. That doesn't work. You have to have somewhere to go to when the mind is reduced to is most basic form. Some good examples of this I think are X-Dream(The Frog) X-Dream(Aspirin) Spirallianz(Ghost Brigade) Valhalla(Tribal Machine) Etnica(Robot Rebelian) just to name a few. The thing is it is harder to make good Minimal than it is to make good full-on because you have less to work with and if you aren't carefull it can get borinr but when it works your imagination can fly to very wierd places. Oh yes I can'e forget that one of the things important to the experience is the level of maturity of the listener if you have a short attention span than you won't get it. WELL THAT ALL I HAVE SAY (KEEP A BEGINNER'S STATE OF MIND) ALFA Quote
Guest ALFA Posted February 19, 2002 Posted February 19, 2002 O.K. I just had to write some more. Look people we are part of one of the most underground scenes in the world and it seems that we need unity. I personally was into alot of good (ELECTRONIC) music before I found Psy and was attracted to this music mostly for it's diversity. We have GOA, ISRAELI, MORNING, MINIMAL and lots of stuuf that just can't be put into any catagory. Lets not begin to hate each other and destroy this wonerfull scene. PEACE ALFA Quote
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