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Shpongle clones, where art thou?


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Guest --==MileS==--

As you might know visitors of this site overwhelmingly choose Shpongle's 'Tales...' as best album of 2001. Shpongle albums outsell every full-on/minimal album by a factor 10 (rough guess). In a scene where bandwagonjumping and being 'evolutionary' seems like popular activities (see the minimal explosion) I wonder: why has hardly any1 been taking the gauntlet and started doing experimental, world music (I would not describe it as chillout)?


Is this particular style too demanding or too complex?

Is the psyscene less copycat sensitive than supposed?

Is experimental world music not danceable enough?

Is there a lack of skill to play the flutes, sitars and acoustic guitars?


Any thoughts?

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I thought the violet vision CD was kinda in the same ilk as shpongle... but it didn't even come close in my opinion.

I think what you got with shpongle is a couple of technically good musicians, with tons of experience doing what they are doing, coupled with some nice trippy visionary stuff that drives the whole thing on.

And that sort of marriage of qualities is rare in all art forms, not just psy.

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Guest bugbread



1) Shpongle's sound is so unique right now that everyone is scared to do something too similar and be called a "rip off"

2) There's a fine line between beautiful and cheesy, and this is a genre where it's easy to get very close to that line.

3) Few people know that Simon P uses a lot of sample CDs, even for main melodies, so they're caught up thinking "I'd need to go record people doing tuvan throat singing/buddhist chanting/etc." instead of seeing what stuff is out there that they could use. Corollary: Many people think taking significant sections from sample CDs for use as song melodies is "cheating"

4) There may be some worries about danceability, but not to an overriding degree.

5) Man, sitars cost BIG money, and they're hard to play! : ) (but I seriously doubt this is a big reason)

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..........................completely geschtankenflapt

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