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Guest Lifeform

I just got this cd in the mail, and i must say that this is one of the best cds i've ever heard. And i haven't even heard the whole thing! Every track so far is great.. I'm on the logic bomb one right now. GMS and shpongle still to come. Anyone who does not have this cd should buy it now!!!!!!!!!!


The GMS vs Raja Ram song is great (and véry tribal) Also the Shpongle is fantastic


I will send a review of this CD to Children tomorrow... And I must say it had a 9/10 from me... Simply great!! ;-))


Bom Shankar


Guest StoNeY!

mmm, with a little luck my mate will have bought it for me this evening. Can't wait to listen to this...

Anoebis, I hope you didn't buy the last one at Tabboo, cause that will mean it was sold out and thus.. no crystall skulls for me tonight ;))

Guest Slidingtrancer

Haven't seen it around, but I'm desperate to get it....

Guest ~Jonezz~

so what´s the big deal about it anyway.. and what styles does that compilation includes, i had this idea that it would be chillout/downbeat.. am i completely wrong..?

Guest Flying Kundalini

calm down people its good but not that good... the shpongle track is pretty crap by their standards.. it reaches 148bpm at some points!

TipWorld have created an original comp here, but best album ever - no way!, best of the year probably not!

.... for those of you in northen europe desperate to get this I suggest visiting ChaosUnlimited - they should get it to you in 2-3 days!



Guest iNFiNiTi500

The Yeti crushes the 13 Skulls easily...


The Doof track is nice cause its Nick's return to old fame but the rest? Go for East of the River Gangs or Mana Medicine on the liquidsounddesign label for decent chill...


Alien Project, Absolum and Logic Bomb are simply too 'light'to deliver quality chill such as the Herb Garden. Why on earth would a label based in the UK which is known for having a marvellous chillout scene (Youths network of close friends, among others) give 4/4, no frills, no thrills psytrance artists the chance to record some mellow stuff. Of course, this can be refreshing but the results on the "MYTH' of the 13 crystal skulls are simply disappointing IMO. The cyberbabas, 1300 mics and Shpongle tracks are nice but expect no Salvia Divornum or Behind close eyelids killer stuff.


Hype of the year maybe?


duh ! its *not* chill-out.... its morning music, you know for the time inbetween dancing like a loon and falling over :o) and as such it rules... its beautiful music, granted its not exactly groundbreaking, but the production is superb and its not exactly as if this sort of thing is being released everywhere. Its a breath of fresh air, a homage to days when music was allowed to be uplifting blah blah blah ;o)

Guest lifeform

The track that sticks out the most to me is the Absolum track cause all the others follow a similar style which is kinda downtemop tribally morning tracks. Then Absolum comes in with some heavy minimal psytrance. The narrative speach in here works really well, which i think is by chicago? The doof tracks got some really cool samples, as well as the shpongle as usual. Otherwise, i've listen the the whole disk now and i'd still say my favorite release of this year.. along with psysex hardcore blastoff. goodluck to all finding this, it's a must have.

Guest space^madness

this compilation seriously kicks ass! all tracks are good, #1,#3,#5,#6,#7roooocks!:)

best i've heard so far this year, no doubt.


I think the fact that it's NOT MINIMAL is fucking fantastic. Makes it the best album ever. Although I've never heard it... heh. BTW I reallly like minimal allot. just very picky with whats good minimal. I mean if this is fresh goa relesed in 2001 then perhaps we can attain world peace after all!!! lol


1. The first Revelation Part One


2. The First Revelation Part Two


3. The Second Revelation


4. The Third Revelation


5. The Fourth Revelation

G.M.S. AND 1300 MICS

6. The Fifth Revelation


7. The Sixth Revelation



the track names don't say too much :)

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