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I am doing a mix to be released in March called Forever Psychadelic Vol.1 but done, hopefully, in Chinese Chararcters :-)

here is the trackliosting:


1. Nomad - Revolution

2. Space Tribe - Dance Like Nobody's Watching

3. Mr Peculiar - 1000 Tablets

4. Infected Mushroom - Psycho

5. Talamasca - Insanity

6. Nomad - Gladiator

7. Talamasca - The Old School

8. Wizzy Noise - Oversexed Succubus

9. Mr Peculiar - Bouncing Brain

10. Infected Mushroom - Never Ever Land

11. Space Tribe - Dimention Shift

12. Nomad - On The Planet Earth

13. Ticon - Mona Bona

14. Space Cat + Elysium - Funky


I take it you know that there is a Matsuri album of the same name? Not that you can't use it too ... just to save confusion about postings....


your tracklist sounds very solid though .... it'd be a mix I'd like to hear




That is why mine will be printed in Madarin charaters, not english, and therefor willbe different :-) It will nor be a direcxt translation of course, but my girlfroends father, he is chinese d-uh :-), will help me do it :-)

Guest Navigator

Nice tracklist, allthough a little more diversity would be nice! 3times nomad and 2 talamasca in 1 mix??

Guest [tom jaimz]

Sorry Mike, but that mix doesn't look so good. You have no direction for it. It's just a bunch of full-on tracks. Doesn't go anywhere.


And what do you mean 'released in March'? Is this going to be another one of those cheap Asian bootleg CDs that gets sold for one dollar on the streets of Hong Kong?


On the other hand, if you can do a mix that sounds good and fits 14 tracks on one CD, then you'll have my respect! :-)


why the @!#$ its called Forever Psychadelic it sounds like these fucking teen crap boybands psychedelic sounds better

Guest Elysium Project

Just one question Mike... have you cleared the release with all the artists and the labels that have the copyright of these tracks? If no you should do so very fast.... Also you properly have to pay quite a big amount of advances for to the labels and artists. Just wanted you to know! .... it's not that easy and cheap to make a compilation!


Just wanted to say that I'm not same Shpongled as above...


this is why I should change my nick to something more original............. any suggestions?




No I haven't cleared no it is not an official release, and no, acutally it is not for market sale or bootleg sale it is something perosnal and that is it. I own these cd's, I make a mix and put it on cd for my listening pleasure which is not a breach of copyright law, the cd is for me! Also Forever Psychadelic is because the scene is pshcedlic, and if you do not like the name, then get on with your life! It is not a british boyband and if you you don't like, go buy something you do like! Stop being a wanker and taking these things so personally! The scene is and has expanded outside your petty little "undergorund" acid junkie raves and it is a good thing! Try to be open minded for once pople! Also, this may not be a journey for you Tom Jaimz so ignore it! It is a journey for me, and seeing as I am the one who is listening to it, that is what maters. If you cannot say anything nice or productive, then for fucks sake shutup! Elyisum, I thought you'd know me a bit better, than to think I would outrightly release a compilatin without checking the law, so this is personal, I have payed my hard earned cash for ecery track and the mixing software I use, it is personal, and therfore it is not illegal! You, Elysium, are on such a bad trip about money and law you don;t even see that people aren't interested in your musci anymore, do you realise how many snide remarks I here people make of you? From this very forum? I am sick of saying you are not that bad, if you love your music and want to make money, sign to a big label and release a top 100 track! But do not blame pople in this scene, most who are students or barely earn enuff to eat a meal each day, for getting your music the only way they can! It is not a sin! Wake up and realise at least people listen to your music, your attitude effects sales as well! leave the breach of copyright to the record lable lawyers, or else do what Metallica did and @!#$ over everyone including yourself!

My two cents, grow up!

Guest Elysium Project

Here's my response Mike......You really do surprise me BIG TIME here....is it me or are more and more people bad tripping in this forum?


The reason why I though you were making a "release" was because you called it a release in your post!


Here's what you wrote:


"I am doing a mix to be released in March called Forever Psychadelic Vol.1"


Is it me that's stupid here and have missunderstood it or is your post missinformative? In my wrld a release = well a release!


Anyway I was actually not concerned about me making money or not but concerned about you and the trouble you could end up in if you released the music without clearing from the artists or labels! That was all......

Thank you for your very kind words in your post above....!!!!! By the way....don't bother to email me again...I certantly won't bother using time on you anymore.....


Ok Elysium, that is fine. I wont; email you thn or anything! but depsite the fact that I have personally been isnulted on this forum, had massive fights yet still keep intouch with people shows a little maturity?? Just like when my girlfriend and I have a massive blowup we forgive each other, hence we are still very muich in love four years inot our relationship! Um, also, just the other day I defended you against three pother people from this forum that I will not name, who sadi you had a bad attitude, that they hated your music now because of your view on mp3;s and you think you are so good, I actually argued on your behalf with these 3 total strangers for half an hour before I logged off in disgust. But maybe I am mistaken to then? Well, if friends cannot forgive each other or take s_hit from each other tehn it isn;t really a friendship is it? Becaue I will tell you that my 2 mates who I have known since I was 5 years old and my girlfriend whom I have know since I was 17 years old have been thru some much worse @!#$ that internet slagging. For instantce fuckign up on drugs, getting arrested, stealing from each other, and uch more, yet we are still friends, if anything, we help each other learn from our mistakes and congratulate each other when we make a positive progress in life, thatois what life is! Learning! An education that never ends unless you make it end! Oh well then, no doubt you will again take offence at this, and getting very angry and red in the face, well, should expect it after beeing shut indoors for all of winter over there :-( WSell, I'll go talk to pople on the internet who don't take offence at every little thing, who except me for who I am am, then go to work where they are 'normal' and then maybe hang out iwht my mates at the pub and give each other heaps of sahit just for the helll of it! I enjoy life, I do not take offence very easily, and I laugh it off when it is something bad, even if I do blow my top, hence my apology in off topic! Fairwell then, my email is always open for you, but yours is closed nio? I do not hold anything gainst, you ok?


Guest Elysium Project

Well Mike first of all I never asked you to defend me.....and if people think I am wrong and do not agree with my wiews and hate my music...well let them...it does not make me concerned. I just feel sad that they bother to use that much time on me as a subject!

Second just because I have been corrosponding with you a few times does not make you my friend. I have some close friends and many that I do not consider close frinds but merely people that I like for one or another reason... and yes I did like you as far as I knew you after corrosponding this short time...but the way you blow up (not only in this post) indicate to me that you too could use a bit of growing up.... I never insulted you in my post (I was trying to give you a friendly advice) and the fact that you in you latest above post turn it all around making it look like I am the one to blaim for this stupid "argument" is in my eyes very immature...sorry for the harsh words...but that's what I feel.


And third I think I have been kind to you from the first minute we spoke so I really still do not know why you reacted the way you did.... all I know is that I would never had insulted you the way you insulted me!


Mike D... why do you say --> "I am doing a mix to be released... " if it's just for personal use ? ? ?


What's going on here? I've never seen EP say anything so absolutely revolting that he deserves this kind of flaming. So maybe he talks a lot about mp3's and music piracy and feels strongly about it. Big deal? I can say that I have some mp3's on my computer, and EP can dislike it and nag on me about it, but I would never join some kind of personal campaign against him and his music over it, and I'm surprised that anyone would. That seems unfair to me.

Guest spacemonkey - 604

MIKE D, please relax a bit or your heart will explode with anger!


You are so full of energy everytime something bad happens you explode for no reason!

Guest Mike D

Actually to all of you, it will be released as I contacted all record labels concerned and they sadi that as long as it is not for profit, I can distribute it to 50 people and use and tracks. The label supporting Ticon and Son Kite actually thanked me for wanting to use their tracks, if you want I can show you the email. SO much for it being very hard to use songs, also, u still referring my anger at the retard thing? hehe, well, I told the head of of the National Disability Association here about it, we are good frineds, and she said it wa, in her words, "F*cking Disgraceful, What Have We benn doing for the last 15 odd years to deserve this BullS*T?" well, I agree with her and tak eback my apology, you are al either young and immature or just VERY close minded or uneducated not to understand me getting so aggressive, go spend a day with a disabled retared person, see what it is like to be afraid to go for a coffe in case you accidentally @!#$ yourself, or to have to live on liquid foor coz some smartass dick hit you going 90 km/h in 50km/h zone huh! well, enjoy living in ignorance, I have found maybe 3-4 people on this forum that take the time to understand things, not to join like a sheep and refuse to see outside their little bubble. I even offered to educate you for free! But how many people wanted it? 1!! 1 goddman person, thatmakes me sick, well, enjoy your sorry arsed lives and god hoping you O.D and end up disabled coz in my mind it is all you deserve!


Educate us for free? What a bargain! Where can I sign up for "Psychotic Mentalities 101"? Also i was really hoping to get a master's in "Severe Personality Disorders", and I am sure you could give me a few pointers. Before I read this thread, I was also looking for some insight into "Flaming Assholes" and for some advanced technices on "How to Act like a Childish Dick", but your words above are the final thoughts on that subject. How you could possibly teach us any more?


Mike, it still seems like you haven't read a SH!T of ANYTHING that has been written here..


Before we even open our mouth we are:

Stupid, immature, drug addicts, ignorant ect ect..




and also, where can I sign up for those educations Russ?? They sure sound amazing!

Guest Mike D

why the @!#$ its called Forever Psychadelic it sounds like these fucking teen crap boybands psychedelic sounds better


this is from above, ok, so I am not to get annoyed about this? it's sounds so mature!! Hmm, maybe it is called forever psycahdelic becozthe music si a mix of psychadelic tunes from 1998-2002?? well anway, I have found a forum for Australians that is very nice, the people are frined, none racist, they actually care to listen to my opinion on things and also, all the labels I plan to use in my mix have been great saying that seeing as it is not for profit, I can do as I please with their music, Elysium! Yes everyone of them said as long as it is non comercial I can release it, and so it will be released and the people who have shown intertes, like Matt Strumpling who is desinging the cover, are very nice to have show a bit of though and given constructive veiws, even their negative ones, they at least try to help!!

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