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Darkness or Light ??

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Are we the Dark side of the Trance ??? Like pop >> rock >> metal, and ours is techno >> trance >> Goa ???


Or are we hippies of supporting peace and this commercial "plur" ????


Do you see darkness in future or light ???


Or nothing ??? (like me, i believe in nihilism),but i like darkness much.


As i see many goa-psy web pages uses dark colors black-purple-blue , and i hear many ppl say "Goa, No that music scares me!" , or they say "Thats gay music".?

Which one is true ?


So what do you think ?? Jump into this Vortex.


Thank you.

Guest Setsuko

.... goa is gay music !



well , not realy actually but the scene is very friendly imo , here in Belgium we have a little scene but that's very good imo , you see the same persons over and over again .... you have that feeling your part of a big family , we give kisses when we meet , and you get to know people better .


for me , psytrance is a style which doesn't realy fit (way of thinking) in the society ... lots of people are 'scared' (think it's to weird) of the darkness in the music ....


BUT I'M ADDICTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even more than i discovered it


Guest [tom jaimz]

It's both light and dark.


That's the whole idea.


i think psytrance is light, plur, fluoro..and so on..

Guest Avneesh

agree with tom jaimz..and who calls it gay music? they're gay...faggots


It's DEFINITEY both light and dark! It's the whole.


A psy trance festival, for me, is an event where you unload all bad things, vibes and energies when you are dancing to the dark tracks and then you purify and feed your soul with good things when you listen to the Light tracks.


I prefer the Light, because I'm pretty much NOT stressed out in my life so I don't need to "unload bad vibes" that frequently, so I just love to sleep at night and wake up at 5:00 AM or so just to get the morning sets, specially here in Brazil, with our awesome sunrises and beautiful beaches! Yea yeah, I'm Bragging about my country... lol...


Light to all of you!




Bruno Lopes


Yeah it's both, but I prefer the light most of the times, although I've learned a lot from the dark too. Anyway, I've never had the impression that goatrance people dress in dark colours. Many goa people dress in bright colorful colors IMO. Of course, the good thing about the scene is the diversity, so you'll find some people that used to be goths or metalheads that still like dressing in dark colours. Nothing wrong with that. It would be boring if everyone looked the same.


that s right that before i have heard some track from koyote record who scares me

but .....

the psy is deep musik !!


it is not light it is not dark

it is another color!! nobody can say what color it is coz this color dont exist on material



it is a fairy color who open the heart only the heart can see the color :)

Guest Slidingtrancer

I think it can be gay music ( watch the other meaning of the word)


Oa, that is a direction that I'm completely against though.


Because I'm a patchoulismelling treehuggin hippie...he he.

But seriously, I just think there are other music genres out there that explore evil. Deathmetal for instance. I would not feel comfortable in parties if they turned dark and evil. To me goa have always been about light and....plur. I turned to psytrance partly because I was sick and tired of the aggression and dark atmosphear in the music culture I was involved in at that time. I don't worry much though, because I can't see that happening yet. I hope.




maybe we can have our own dark parties then - hheh


but i feel hardcore deathpsy coming on - itll happen -


Hey Vortex, what's commercial about plur for crying out loud? What, where do they sell love and respect, on the street corner next to McDonald's?? Wait, I'll go get some.


Plurrring and proud...

Guest Setsuko

at least somebody mentioned it , he he slidingtrancer ☻


btw , i prefer indeed the light but most parties (indoor) there isn't even light at all ???????????

so i guess it's the darkness ........ it's both !


let's get freaky , no time for that ... is it realy that late , i should be asleep by now .

well , goodnight everybody


Guest lÿsërgïç

deffinatley dark & light


just compare - xenomorph to mfg (first album)


huge difference.


and thats very good

Guest Mentalfloss

Forget about darness and light for a second...at least we do when we throw a party...Focus on emotions for a quick sec - I spin some "darker stuff" which means I''m driving a dancefloor based on aggression, fear, sometimes even hate or anxiety, depending on how I combine the music. In contrast, another in our troupe goes for the lighter stuff, still agressive, but the motivation relies on some more "happy mental states" (did I just say that?) such as happiness, good times, and oblivion to anything stressing them out...kindof an escape. Others let you just "chill" with some down tempo styles that I've seen range from tranquility, fear, to even love (don't ask, and I swear I was sober).

Point is, music sets a mood...even plays on your emotions. For those who disagree...watch someone spin who can, and this is the hard part, who can succesfully inflict violent mood swings in a crowd. Same dancers, same DJ, same BPM, but the dancing actually changes with the mood...amazing to watch the changes...even more fun when the DJ plays god and makes a goal of playing with their emotions.

So in my opinion the genere is kindof like your standard kid...a composition of seemingly conflicting moods and emotions that combine together to make a whole. Then again, I've been proven to be full of S*** on more than one occasion.


As for the coming of deathpsy,.,,bring it on...sounds amusing.

Guest Baphomet

Hehe... i think it's all about Satanism and the Dark Side, the force is strong within us... haha


Guest Maïa

Jeez. Maybe here on the Internet, but hopefully not in real life. That is absolutely insane. I'm surprised you people ended up in this scene, what drew you to this music? Didn't you know that it was started by hippies ? And that plur was the concept behind it all, the opposite of what you believe in? Or did you end up in the scene around 98 when groups like Sun Project started mixing metal guitars into their music? I'm just curious.


Well, even if it would make me sad to see this scene turn into something that depressingly dark, it doesn't matter. If the light leaves this scene completely, I will follow it somewhere else.

Guest Avneesh

seems like maia is taking this light vs. dark thing quite seriously eh?

Guest psywarrior

I don't think maia is taking it any more serious than anyone else. Besides I think his question is very valid: why did you guys who love death, hate, satanism and all this stuff ever find interest in this scene at all. It seems you would be better off with death metal or black metal or something like that. This music I would agree encompasses the whole spectrum of human thought and experience, and that is one of the reasons it speaks to us so perfectly. But the darkness is always balanced by the light. I can't think of one psytrance artist whose music is just dark all the way through. Not one. When I go to parties, the overall vibe is positive and magical. I don't know what you guys are even doing here. If you want to start some new style of death-trance then you are free to try to make the music yourself. But even if you succeed I doubt that many of us would really even be interested. Most people like to feel good most of the time. To explore the full spectrum of emotion is natural, but wanting to stay in the dark is indicative of an unbalanced and damaged mind.

Guest sam i am

Etnica said: "There is no Light Without Darkness"


I'd be inclined to agree.

Drive everyone to the edge of insanity with Schlabberdurst-rekkords-style dark, pounding intensity. Build their brains back together with amazing morning melodies. They'll appreciate the beauty all the more as a result of being pushed deeper into themselves & being forced to confront their insecurities. It's not necessarily about aggression, it's about dealing with your issues instead of burying them in a black box.

Who's happy 100% of the time?


Don't get me wrong... I love really nice morning music just as much, if not more than the 'dark psyde'.. but I love it even more if I've had a really full on night!


Just my opinion of course :)


plur ;)


Guest Mentalfloss

Amen to the last guy...I seriously doubt I'd have a night of fun at a all "death trance" party (even though I spin it)...but the amount of contrast between light and dark sets make for some extreme entertainment...besides, you have to follow the dark stuff with some lighter mood build-em-back-up sets, or those poor people on drugs will lose their minds for good!

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