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Groups I never understood the coolness of... Until Now.

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Guest lifeform

I've been listening to alot of cds that i kinda pushed aside cause my first impressions where not that great... I guess. But i found some amazingly awesome groups, i'm sure there are alot of fans of them on this site, well i know there are but i never "got" it until now. First of all... Pleiadians - I.F.O. This cd is a peice of art that i well never push aside again. Some of the coolest, most intelligent melodies/leads i've ever heard... Track 1 around 7 minutes... When that lead comes in... Oh my god... That's just the @!#$. Second of all. Greens Nuns - Rock Bitch Mafia. It sounds so old school but trucks along very well. Track 2 on that album, half way though. That's also very cool. I guess that's all for right now, that i can think of off the top of my head. Just wanted to pay my respects to these brilliant artists. Good day.


Two of my favourites ....




I feel in love with Rock Bitch Mafia the very first time I heard it, but I didn't understand a album like Koxbox - Dragon Tales... that was too far out for me, at that time. Now, I love that album... and well, you just have to give music some time, and discover how great it is.

Guest lÿsërgïç

Pleiadians - IFO is still growing on me aswell.


I never disliked it, but sometimes it just feels like im not hearing it properly, cos it seems a bit too full on for the sake of being full on. i know its very complex, and a couple of the tracks i love already, im just waiting to find the magic in the others :)

Guest Kakoolalajwal

The very bests tracks are often not the ones U liked after the first hearing.....

The passion comes slowly.... U have to tame them... and then.. they're part of your life...


I like this so much..

Jimy Hendrix said "music is the fifth element".... This "knocking-out" sentence (told to a journalist who was boring him while an interview...) sums up everything....


according to me ! :)

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