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hux flux tonite


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Guest Phaedrus

I really wanna go for it .. but have no one to go with :(

bummer ... but I`ll probably end up going anyway .. give me a shout if u`r planning on going ..



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Does any one know whether Hux Flux will be doing the rounds in Australia. I'm hopeful seeing that Anti will be in Oz sometime in mid March.. Please come!!!

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Guest helium

How was the party? Man I can't wait for the new HF album!!!


The Logic Bomb/Shakta on 3/9/02 which be next weekend I'll hope to be there!

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man i shoulda gone to this. i went to synth-sad last week. it wasnt very good. medecine drum was god awful. oforia was merel ok and i dont think slinky wixard played at all. unless it was slinky and not oforia...or maybe they all played. it looked like it was yhon-e then medicine deum then someone..and whoever that someone was played til the end.....unless i just couldnt tell it was someoone different. i dunno.


oh well.


how was hux flux?

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Guest Mescalinium

hux flux was great.


they went on at 3:30 and played for an hour and a half... they kept up the intensity the entire time. I'm not too well-versed in their repetoire, but I recognized Idiot and Lex Rex Perplex as songs that they played. They closed their set with Errorhead, which was nice. Plus, their new stuff sounded great.


Anti put in a solid performance as well. He went on right after Hux Flux, and started his set out with some crazy, scandostyled weirdness, then progressed to a calmer equilibrium as the morning hours advanced. His mixing, for the most part, was very good (as to be expected). I couldn't tell what medium he was using; he very well could have been mixing both cd's and records... The only song I remember recognizing was Morphem's Return To... I felt his track selection was good, but I was expecting some softer material come 7:30, which was when my friends and I left.


Overall, great party, glad I went. You just can't go wrong with Spiral Trax! =o)

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