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Fast, Dark, Hard, eViL !!


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Fast Hard and DARK PSY !!


CD suggestions please !!


I have Hallucinogen - Deranger and Demeted (Twisted) and I think that's not Hard and Dark ENOUGH !! (to give you an idea ...)

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I don't know what dark means anymore...


I've heard people call many things dark that are not dark at all to me...


X-dream - panic in paradise


Minimal stuff...

Source unknown

The Delta


People call everything dark...


I call that xdream track psytrance.. not 'dark' at all.. psytrance...

MFG has never made a dark track in history...

minimal can't be dark. void does not = dark

Source unknown i'd accept as dark. but more accuratly: Pissed

The Delta YES this is dark (thing)

oh yeah the latest: Orion : Metamorpheous

and thats just atmospheric/deep... (takes you on a journey immediatly :) )


dark = the delta - thing and stuff sounding apocolyptic like that... (evil, demonic)

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?WW?ahaatat? MFG the message has not a drop of darkness in it. It's just psytrance.... i don't get it... Dunno what you people mean by dark. cuz you obviously don't mean venomous and evil...

the only other meaning i could accept from dark is quiet... gentle MFG has never been this way... minimal is this way sometimes.

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Guest beuh-air

i agree with you mE 1

4 carry nuts is dark

so is delta , psychaos , noma, and many differents artists


but mfg... where is the darkness in mfg????

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Guest beuh-air

i agree with you mE 1

4 carry nuts is dark

so is delta , psychaos , noma, and many differents artists


but mfg... where is the darkness in mfg????

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Actually, I wouldn't call The Delta, nor Psychaos really dark. They are pretty deep, but the few tracks I've heard from 4 Carry Nuts are more insane. MFG, in my point of view, is neither dark nor carries a dark message. X-Dream is just trippy and hypnotic. Definately try Dark Soho, and Source Unkown has a few pretty crazy ones. I think what you'll find as "dark" really depends on your state of mind at the moment. A combination of psilo and the Bonky and Fol album was a pretty intense experience I had , but most people wouldn't find that dark. It depends a lot on the individual.... If you really want to trip yourself out, try some acid at a goth party.... hehe.... you'll definately get your fix of dark

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Hey mE 1 i agree with you - as far as bands on this site go - if someone is dark it would be delta. I dont really think dark soho and espescially source unknown is dark. Maybe heavier - but not dark.

The delta - with the crying babies and such - dark , relative to the stuff on this site.

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Guest Mescalinium

c'mon guys, obviously dark is an _extremely_ relative term, i.e. what is dark for one may not be dark for another...


that in mind, some groups which I consider to be "dark" or "evil" - sounding:


the delta (no need to explain)


a lot of x dream stuff like psychomachine, aspirin, irritant


the whole COP album (imo)


Noma - goons, dooda, no more, etc.


I think of Iboga stuff as being very dark, check out the original version of Beat Bizarre's Brain Drain to see what I mean, very dark and atmospheric (and very different from the album remix!), also Zerotonine - Acid Theatre, Dark Entries, Reefer Decree - Pulse Train, Phoney Orphants - Chocolate Icetea, etc.


Tim Schuldt is very "evil" sounding to me, esp. Evil Playground (hell, it is a remix of an industrial song after all!!!)


MOS is pretty dark, very heavy on the atmospherics


and the new Shaman EP on digital structures is fairly dark, but more importantly, extremely good!

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Guest Spectral Collapse

Hmmm.... Xenomorph FOR SURE.... they are pretty minimal though. Then there is The Delta, yes they are dark as well. But it seems no one here even mentioned Wizzy Noise which is very dark and evil. I mean, on the second track of their cd they use a monologue from American Psycho About how he wants his pain to be inflicted upon Others. Now that's dark! Can't think of anymore right now but i'll let you know if i do. Later.

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Guest snusnu

Ka-SoL!!! It doesn't get any darker than that!!


Also try out Schlabbaduerst Rekkords 1 compilation... That's my definition of dark...



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Guest sam i am

Yep - schlabberdurst rekkords = hard, dark, fast & evil 4 sure!!!


Comp 3 is dark as...


Marchaos, Buddhas, KaSol all rule the night time

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Guest AtomikElf

u want something dark and hard and fast and evil.............hmmm

:::::::one song::::::::

phlat phaze: pearly gate crasher


my god that song is fucking to the limit, and fucks you over beyond the limit - it's one of the farthest out there song i've ever heard!!!!!! be warned, if u're on something strong and this sets in, you may not make it out intact ;)


and KaSol - yes!!! i love kasol full on balls thru the wall apocalypse vibes!!!


"full on balls thru the wall apocalypse vibes"


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Never Expected so many replies and I must thank you all for your input !!


I agree with the most people who say "What's dark and evil for one is not so much for the other" ... that's true of all genre's of music ... well at least from my background of music interest.


Thanks again, all you wonderfull people ! :))

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fast hard dark and evil:


skinny puppy - tin omen

ministry - stigmata

kmfdm - a drug against war

nitzer ebb - murderous

numb - headcrash

babyland - mask

einsturzened neubauten - headcleaner <-- some of the hardest sh*t youll ever hear.



oops you said psy.....oh well






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